Backstage Story

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Backstage Stories are character-centric stories unlocked by raising a card's affection. This page displays all of the Backstage Stories, organised by troupe and then by character. Click the tabs to navigate.

Cross Backstages are also located here.

Rarity Icon Card Name Card Name (JP)
N (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png A Bud Waiting for Spring 春待つつぼみ
N (Hanasaki Private Academy) Sakuya Sakuma Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Hanasaki Private Academy) Sakuya Sakuma Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Hanasaki Private Academy 私立花咲学園
N (Boy Alice in Wonderland) Sakuya Sakuma Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (Boy Alice in Wonderland) Sakuya Sakuma Action N Icon Bloomed.png Boy Alice in Wonderland 不思議の国の青年アリス
N (The Clockwork Heartbeat) Sakuya Sakuma Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Clockwork Heartbeat) Sakuya Sakuma Action N Icon Bloomed.png The Clockwork Heartbeat ぜんまい仕掛けのココロ
N (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz エメラルドのペテン師
N (Harugaoka Quartet) Sakuya Sakuma Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (Harugaoka Quartet) Sakuya Sakuma Action N Icon Bloomed.png Harugaoka Quartet 春ケ丘Quartet
N (SSR Family) Sakuya Sakuma Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (SSR Family) Sakuya Sakuma Serious N Icon Bloomed.png SSR Family SSRファミリー
N (Literary Impasse) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Literary Impasse) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Literary Impasse 文学隘路
R (Rehearsal) Sakuya Sakuma Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Rehearsal) Sakuya Sakuma Action R Icon Bloomed.png Rehearsal 立ち稽古
R (Romeo & Julius) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Romeo & Julius) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Romeo & Julius ロミオとジュリアス
R (Catch of the Day) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Catch of the Day) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Catch of the Day 本日の釣果
R (Memory Mileage) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Memory Mileage) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Memory Mileage 思い出マイレージ
R (Browned Heart Tart) Sakuya Sakuma Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Browned Heart Tart) Sakuya Sakuma Action R Icon Bloomed.png Browned Heart Tart こんがりハートタルト
R (Knights of Round IV) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Knights of Round IV) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Knights of Round IV Knights of Round IV
R (The Luminous Circus) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (The Luminous Circus) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png The Luminous Circus ザ・ルミナス・サーカス
R (Blossom Aloha) Sakuya Sakuma Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Blossom Aloha) Sakuya Sakuma Action R Icon Bloomed.png Blossom Aloha ブロッサムアロハ
R (Pure Snow Fairy) Sakuya Sakuma Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Pure Snow Fairy) Sakuya Sakuma Action R Icon Bloomed.png Pure Snow Fairy 無垢なスノーウェアリー
R (Sword of Bonds) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Sword of Bonds) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Sword of Bonds 絆の剣
R (Magicians' Pure Love) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Magicians' Pure Love) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Magicians' Pure Love 奇術師たちの純愛
R (Lighting the Guiding Lantern) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Lighting the Guiding Lantern) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Lighting the Guiding Lantern ランタン灯してご案内
R (Senribana Monogatari) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Senribana Monogatari) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Senribana Monogatari 千里花物語
R (Last Planet) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Planet) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Last Planet Last Planet
R (The Sun That Brings Good Fortune) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (The Sun That Brings Good Fortune) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png The Sun That Brings Good Fortune 幸運を運ぶ太陽
R (Gentle Onis Weapon) Sakuya Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Gentle Onis Weapon) Sakuya Action R Icon Bloomed.png Gentle Oni's Weapon 優しい鬼の武器
R (Sweet noblewoman) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Sweet noblewoman) Sakuya Sakuma Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Sweet noblewoman 可憐な貴婦人
R (Borrowed Textbook) Sakuya Sakuma R Comedy Icon Unbloomed.png (Borrowed Textbook) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Borrowed Textbook 借りた教科書
R (Moon Traveler) Sakuya Sakuma R Action Icon Unbloomed.png (Moon Traveler) Sakuya Sakuma Action R Icon Bloomed.png Moon Traveler ムーン・トラベラー
R++ (Actor's Cafe OPEN) Sakuya Sakuma Action R++ Icon Bloomed.png Actor's Cafe OPEN アクターズカフェOPEN
R++ (MANKAI☆New Year) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy R++ Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI☆New Year 満開☆新年
SR (Premonition of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Premonition of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感
SR (Mischievous Cat) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Mischievous Cat) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Mischievous Cat いたずらキャット
SR (Tin Memories) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Tin Memories) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Tin Memories 思い出はブリキ製
SR (Preparing for the New Year Together!) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Preparing for the New Year Together!) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Preparing for the New Year Together! 一緒に迎春準備!
SR (Trajectory of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Trajectory of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Trajectory of Blooming 開花の軌跡
SR (Labourious Stroke) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Labourious Stroke) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Labourious Stroke 懸命ストローク
SR (Devil-in-Training) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Devil-in-Training) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Devil-in-Training 見習いデビル
SR (Glittering Snow Globe) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Glittering Snow Globe) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Glittering Snow Globe ぴかぴかスノードーム
SR (Journey of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Journey of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Journey of Blooming 開花の旅路
SR (Stately Four Strings) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Stately Four Strings) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Stately Four Strings 大らかな四弦
SR (MANKAI Playback) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Playback) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Playback 満開Playback
SR (A Scoop of Joy) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Scoop of Joy) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png A Scoop of Joy 幸せのひと掬い
SR (Just Like Magic) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Just Like Magic) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Just Like Magic まるで魔法のように
SR (Banquet of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Banquet of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Banquet of Blooming 開花の祝宴
SR (Innocence of the Royal Palace) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Innocence of the Royal Palace) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Innocence of the Royal Palace 王宮の純朴
SR (Packing Crimson Tomatoes) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Packing Crimson Tomatoes) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Packing Crimson Tomatoes 真っ赤なトマトを包んで
SR (Leader of the Procession) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Leader of the Procession) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Leader of the Procession 行列の先導者
SR (Promise of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Promise of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Promise of Blooming 開花の約束
SR (Morning of a Model Student) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Morning of a Model Student) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Morning of a Model Student 模範生の朝
SR (A Youth Who Takes Pride in His Skills) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Youth Who Takes Pride in His Skills) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png A Youth Who Takes Pride in His Skills 腕自慢の若者
SR (Twins White) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Twins White) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Twins: White ツインズ・ホワイト
SR (Brilliance of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Brilliance of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Brilliance of Blooming 開花の光彩
SR (Spotlight) Sakuya Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Spotlight) Sakuya Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Spotlight Spotlight
SR (A Gentle Spring Story) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Gentle Spring Story) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png A Gentle Spring Story 優しい春の物語
SR (Balloon BOMB Challenge) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Balloon BOMB Challenge) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Balloon BOMB Challenge 風船 BOMBチャレンジ
SR (Miniature Garden Music Box) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Miniature Garden Music Box) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Miniature Garden Music Box 箱庭のオルゴール
SR (Festival of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Festival of Blooming) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Festival of Blooming 開花の祝祭
SR++ (First SPRING) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR++ Icon Bloomed.png First SPRING First SPRING
SR++ (VIVID SPRING) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SR++ Icon Bloomed.png VIVID SPRING VIVID SPRING
SR++ (SUNNY SPRING) Sakuya Sakuma Action SR++ Icon Bloomed.png SUNNY SPRING SUNNY SPRING
SSR (Secret Special Training on the Riverside) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Secret Special Training on the Riverside) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Secret Special Training on the Riverside 河原の秘密特訓
SSR (You Are the Flower of My Dreams) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (You Are the Flower of My Dreams) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png You Are the Flower of My Dreams キミは夢見草
SSR (Gentle Light) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Gentle Light) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Gentle Light 優しいともしび
SSR (Phoenix★Stage) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Phoenix★Stage) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Phoenix★Stage 不死鳥★Stage
SSR (A Book that Holds the Rainbow) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Book that Holds the Rainbow) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png A Book that Holds the Rainbow 虹を閉じ込めた本
SSR (MANKAI Birthday) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Birthday) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Birthday 満開Birthday
SSR (Blue Sea Bottleship) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Blue Sea Bottleship) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Blue Sea Bottleship 碧海ボトルシップ
SSR (Yosakoi Dance on a Moonlit Night) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Yosakoi Dance on a Moonlit Night) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Yosakoi Dance on a Moonlit Night 朧月夜のよさこい乱舞
SSR (Swimming Clownfish) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Swimming Clownfish) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Swimming Clownfish 遊泳アネモネフィッシュ
SSR (Exciting Move-in Day) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Exciting Move-in Day) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Exciting Move-in Day どきどき入寮日
SSR (MANKAI Encore) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Encore) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Encore 満開Encore
SSR (Odairi-sama on a Sunny Day) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Odairi-sama on a Sunny Day) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Odairi-sama on a Sunny Day 晴れの日のお内裏さま
SSR (Beast's Beloved Child) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Beast's Beloved Child) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Beast's Beloved Child 獣の愛し子
SSR (Two Hands Full of Blessings!) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Two Hands Full of Blessings!) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Two Hands Full of Blessings! 両手いっぱいに福!
SSR (MANKAI Glitter) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Glitter) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Glitter 満開Glitter
SSR (Secret Special Training for Countless Times More) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Secret Special Training for Countless Times More) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Secret Special Training for Countless Times More 秘密特訓は何度でも
SSR (A Hymn That Echoes Through the Night Sky) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Hymn That Echoes Through the Night Sky) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png A Hymn That Echoes Through the Night Sky 夜空に響く聖歌
SSR (MANKAI Memory) Sakuya Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Memory) Sakuya Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Memory 満開Memory
SSR (Another Cup of Tea With You Today) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Another Cup of Tea With You Today) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Another Cup of Tea With You Today 今日も貴方とお茶を一杯
SSR (Happiness Flying Down) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Happiness Flying Down) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Happiness Flying Down 舞い降りる幸せ
SSR (Mankai Crepe) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Mankai Crepe) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Mankai Crepe 満開のクレープ
SSR (MANKAI Party) Sakuya Sakuma SSR Action Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Party) Sakuya Sakuma Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Party 満開Party
SSR (Flower of Love, Dreams and Joy) Sakuya Sakuma SSR Serious Icon Unbloomed.png (Flower of Love, Dreams and Joy) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Flower of Love, Dreams and Joy 愛と夢と喜びの花
SSR++ (MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR++ Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen MANKAI☆開花宣言
SSR++ (Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu ☆ Blooming!) Sakuya Sakuma Comedy SSR++ Icon Bloomed.png Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu ☆ Blooming! 春夏秋冬☆Blooming!
SSR++ (The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons) Sakuya Sakuma Serious SSR++ Icon Bloomed.png The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons 四季を閉じ込めた庭
Rarity Icon Card Name Card Name (JP)
N (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Bloomed.png A Bud Waiting for Spring 春待つつぼみ
N (Hanasaki Private Academy) Masumi Usui Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Hanasaki Private Academy) Masumi Usui Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Hanasaki Private Academy 私立花咲学園
N (Boy Alice in Wonderland) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Boy Alice in Wonderland) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Boy Alice in Wonderland 不思議の国の青年アリス
N (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Masumi Usui Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Masumi Usui Action N Icon Bloomed.png The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz エメラルドのペテン師
N (Knights of Round IV) Masumi Usui Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Knights of Round IV) Masumi Usui Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Knights of Round IV Knights of Round IV
N (Harugaoka Quartet) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Harugaoka Quartet) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Harugaoka Quartet 春ケ丘Quartet
N (IMMORTAL CROW) Masumi Usui Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (IMMORTAL CROW) Masumi Usui Action N Icon Bloomed.png IMMORTAL CROW 新説・クロウ伝
N (Magicians' Pure Love) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Magicians' Pure Love) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Magicians' Pure Love 奇術師たちの純愛
N (SSR Family) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (SSR Family) Masumi Usui Serious N Icon Bloomed.png SSR Family SSRファミリー
N (Moon Traveler) Masumi Usui N Action Icon Unbloomed.png (Moon Traveler) Masumi Usui Action N Icon Bloomed.png Moon Traveler ムーン・トラベラー
R (Rehearsal) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Rehearsal) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Rehearsal 立ち稽古
R (Romeo & Julius) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Romeo & Julius) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Bloomed.png Romeo & Julius ロミオとジュリアス
R (Love is a Storm of Flowers) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Love is a Storm of Flowers) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Love is a Storm of Flowers 恋は花嵐
R (Actor's Cafe OPEN) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Actor's Cafe OPEN) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Actor's Cafe OPEN アクターズカフェOPEN
R (The Clockwork Heartbeat) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (The Clockwork Heartbeat) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Bloomed.png The Clockwork Heartbeat ぜんまい仕掛けのココロ
R (The Song I Want You to Hear) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (The Song I Want You to Hear) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png The Song I Want You to Hear キミに聞かせたい曲
R (Self-Play MAXIMUM) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Self-Play MAXIMUM) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Bloomed.png Self-Play MAXIMUM 俺プレMAXIMUM
R (Genius Composer in Love) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Genius Composer in Love) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Genius Composer in Love 恋する天才作曲家
R (Heated Gaze Chocolate) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Heated Gaze Chocolate) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Heated Gaze Chocolate 熱視線ビスケット
R (Last Runway) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Runway) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Last Runway ラスト・ランウェイ
R (Sinking in the Abyss of Longing) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Sinking in the Abyss of Longing) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Bloomed.png Sinking in the Abyss of Longing 墓情の淵に沈む
R (Sword of Friendship) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Sword of Friendship) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Bloomed.png Sword of Friendship 友情の剣
R (Busybody Ventriloquism) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Busybody Ventriloquism) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Busybody Ventriloquism 世話焼き腹話術
R (Amethyst Palette) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Amethyst Palette) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Amethyst Palette アメジストパレット
R (Promising Young Employee) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Promising Young Employee) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Bloomed.png Promising Young Employee 期待の若手社員
R (Last Planet) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Planet) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Last Planet Last Planet
R (Garrison Captain's Determination) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Garrison Captain's Determination) Masumi Usui Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Garrison Captain's Determination 守備隊長の決意
R (1-Day Apprentice Mechanic) Masumi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (1-Day Apprentice Mechanic) Masumi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png 1-Day Apprentice Mechanic 見習い整備士の1日
R (Beside You) Masumi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Beside You) Masumi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Beside You 傍にいるのは
R (Literary Impasse) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Literary Impasse) Masumi Usui Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Literary Impasse 文学隘路
R (Kiss and Change Color) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Kiss and Change Color) Masumi Usui Action R Icon Bloomed.png Kiss and Change Color 口づけて色づいて
SR (Premonition of Blooming) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Premonition of Blooming) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感
SR (Asleep or Awake, I Want to See You) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Asleep or Awake, I Want to See You) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Asleep or Awake, I Want to See You 寝ても目覚めても逢いたくて
SR (I Want to Ripen for You) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (I Want to Ripen for You) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png I Want to Ripen for You アンタのために熟したい
SR (Obsessive★Stage) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Obsessive★Stage) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Obsessive★Stage 執着★Stage
SR (Trajectory of Blooming) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Trajectory of Blooming) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Trajectory of Blooming 開花の軌跡
SR (Pure Love Illusion) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Pure Love Illusion) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Pure Love Illusion 純愛イリュージョン
SR (With Love From the Kitchen) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (With Love From the Kitchen) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png With Love From the Kitchen 厨房より愛を込めて
SR (Reverent Salute) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Reverent Salute) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Reverent Salute 敬愛サルート
SR (Journey of Blooming) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Journey of Blooming) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Journey of Blooming 開花の旅路
SR (MANKAI Playback) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Playback) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Playback 満開Playback
SR (Mad Love Torso) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Mad Love Torso) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Mad Love Torso 狂愛トルソー
SR (Hot Chocolate with Love) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Hot Chocolate with Love) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Hot Chocolate with Love ラブ入りホットココア
SR (Banquet of Blooming) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Banquet of Blooming) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Banquet of Blooming 開花の祝宴
SR (select me) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (select me) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png select me select me
SR (Hiyoku's Younger Brother) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Hiyoku's Younger Brother) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Hiyoku's Younger Brother 比翼の弟
SR (Promise of Blooming) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Promise of Blooming) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Promise of Blooming 開花の約束
SR (Cool×Rocker) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Cool×Rocker) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Cool×Rocker クール×ロッカー
SR (Feelings That Can Melt Ice Cream) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Feelings That Can Melt Ice Cream) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Feelings That Can Melt Ice Cream アイスも溶ける想い
SR (Twins Black) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Twins Black) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Twins: Black ツインズ・ブラック
SR (Brilliance of Blooming) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Brilliance of Blooming) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Brilliance of Blooming 開花の光彩
SR (Spotlight) Masumi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Spotlight) Masumi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Spotlight Spotlight
SR (Cool Boy, Cool Bear) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Cool Boy, Cool Bear) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Cool Boy, Cool Bear クールボーイ・クールベア
SR (Rumored Lady) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Rumored Lady) Masumi Usui Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Rumored Lady 噂の貴婦人
SR (Festival of Blooming) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Festival of Blooming) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Festival of Blooming 開花の祝祭
SR (Thinking on the Rooftop) Masumi Usui SR Action Icon Unbloomed.png (Thinking on the Rooftop) Masumi Usui Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Thinking on the Rooftop 屋上で想うのは
SR (Zero Gravity Linguist) Masumi Usui SR Serious Icon Unbloomed.png (Zero Gravity Linguist) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Zero Gravity Linguist 無重力リンギスト
SR (going my way) Masumi Usui SR Serious Icon Unbloomed.png (going my way) Masumi Usui Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png going my way going my way
SR++ (First SPRING) Masumi Usui Comedy SR++ Icon Bloomed.png First SPRING First SPRING
SR++ (BRIGHT SPRING) Masumi Usui Serious SR++ Icon Bloomed.png BRIGHT SPRING BRIGHT SPRING
SR++ (SUNNY SPRING) Masumi Usui Comedy SR++ Icon Bloomed.png SUNNY SPRING SUNNY SPRING
SR++ (MANKAI☆New Year) Masumi Usui Action SR++ Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI☆New Year 満開☆新年
SSR (Now Playing...) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Now Playing...) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Now Playing... Now Playing…
SSR (Boy Alice in a Dream) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Boy Alice in a Dream) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Boy Alice in a Dream 青年アリスは夢の中
SSR (Kneeling Vow of Love) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Kneeling Vow of Love) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Kneeling Vow of Love 跪いて誓う愛
SSR (The Lord Has Come) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (The Lord Has Come) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png The Lord Has Come 主は来ませり
SSR (MANKAI Birthday) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Birthday) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Birthday 満開Birthday
SSR (First Love Horse Riding Club) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (First Love Horse Riding Club) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png First Love Horse Riding Club はつこい乗馬倶楽部
SSR (Handsome Casse-Noisette) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Handsome Casse-Noisette) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Handsome Casse-Noisette 端麗なカスノワゼット
SSR (Dedicated to a Dearly Beloved Person) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Dedicated to a Dearly Beloved Person) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Dedicated to a Dearly Beloved Person 親愛なる人に捧ぐ
SSR (The Friendly Chat of Deads) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (The Friendly Chat of Deads) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png The Friendly Chat of Deads 死者たちの談笑
SSR (MANKAI Encore) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Encore) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Encore 満開Encore
SSR (Today, Your 17-year-old Self Will...) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Today, Your 17-year-old Self Will...) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Today, Your 17-year-old Self Will... 今日、十七のキミは
SSR (Magician of Lovesickness) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Magician of Lovesickness) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Magician of Lovesickness 恋煩いの奇術師
SSR (Ultimate Break Shot) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Ultimate Break Shot) Masumi Usui Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Ultimate Break Shot 究極のブレイクショット
SSR (MANKAI Glitter) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Glitter) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Glitter 満開Glitter
SSR (my favorite songs) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (my favorite songs) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png my favorite songs my favorite songs
SSR (Beyond One’s Gaze) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Beyond One’s Gaze) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Beyond One’s Gaze 視線の先は
SSR (MANKAI Memory) Masumi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Memory) Masumi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Memory 満開Memory
SSR (Devilish Smile LIVE!) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Devilish Smile LIVE!) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Devilish Smile LIVE! 魔性のスマイルLIVE!
SSR (Sweet Ripe ☆ Spring Fruit) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Sweet Ripe ☆ Spring Fruit) Masumi Usui Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Sweet Ripe ☆ Spring Fruit 甘熟☆スプリングフルーツ
SSR (MANKAI Party) Masumi Usui SSR Comedy Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Party) Masumi Usui Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Party 満開Party
SSR++ (Running Through Kyo no Machi) Masumi Usui Serious SSR++ Icon Bloomed.png Running Through Kyo no Machi 京の街を駆け抜けて
Rarity Icon Card Name Card Name (JP)
N (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png A Bud Waiting for Spring 春待つつぼみ
N (Dressing Formally) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Dressing Formally) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Dressing Formally フォーマルにキメて
N (The Clockwork Heartbeat) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Clockwork Heartbeat) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious N Icon Bloomed.png The Clockwork Heartbeat ぜんまい仕掛けのココロ
N (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Tsuzuru Minagi Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Tsuzuru Minagi Action N Icon Bloomed.png The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz エメラルドのペテン師
N (Harugaoka Quartet) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Harugaoka Quartet) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Harugaoka Quartet 春ケ丘Quartet
N (IMMORTAL CROW) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (IMMORTAL CROW) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious N Icon Bloomed.png IMMORTAL CROW 新説・クロウ伝
N (Magicians' Pure Love) Tsuzuru Minagi Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (Magicians' Pure Love) Tsuzuru Minagi Action N Icon Bloomed.png Magicians' Pure Love 奇術師たちの純愛
N (Literary Impasse) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Literary Impasse) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Literary Impasse 文学隘路
N (Moon Traveler) Tsuzuru Minagi N Comedy Icon Unbloomed.png (Moon Traveler) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Moon Traveler ムーン・トラベラー
R (Rehearsal) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Rehearsal) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Rehearsal 立ち稽古
R (Romeo & Julius) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Romeo & Julius) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Romeo & Julius ロミオとジュリアス
R (Boy Alice in Wonderland) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Boy Alice in Wonderland) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Boy Alice in Wonderland 不思議の国の青年アリス
R (Honest Jiangshi) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Honest Jiangshi) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Honest Jiangshi 実直キョンシー
R (Chomp Chomp Cupcake) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Chomp Chomp Cupcake) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Chomp Chomp Cupcake ぱくぱくカップケイク
R (Knights of Round IV) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Knights of Round IV) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Knights of Round IV Knights of Round IV
R (Clumsy-Tongued Hermes) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Clumsy-Tongued Hermes) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Clumsy-Tongued Hermes 口説き下手なヘルメス
R (Nervous LIVE!) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Nervous LIVE!) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Nervous LIVE! ド緊張LIVE!
R (Run around the field.) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Run around the field.) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Run around the field. 駆け巡る
R (Supreme Bliss Bath) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Supreme Bliss Bath) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Surpreme Bliss Bath 至福の打たせ湯
R (Serene Mankai Green) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Serene Mankai Green) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Serene Mankai Green 安らぎマンカイグリーン
R (Cheers Boots) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Cheers Boots) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Cheers Boots 乾杯ブーツ
R (Oriental Note) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Oriental Note) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Oriental Note オリエンタルノート
R (Last Planet) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Planet) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Last Planet Last Planet
R (SSR Family) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (SSR Family) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png SSR Family SSRファミリー
R (Multiple Choice Quiz King) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Multiple Choice Quiz King) Tsuzuru Minagi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Multiple Choice Quiz King 三択クイズ王
SR (Premonition of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Premonition of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感
SR (Sprinkling Rain of Rice) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Sprinkling Rain of Rice) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Sprinkling Rain of Rice パラパラ米吹雪
SR (I Want to Walk in an Unknown Town) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (I Want to Walk in an Unknown Town) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png I Want to Walk in an Unknown Town 知らない街を歩きたい
SR (Straighten Up and Have a Happy New Year) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Straighten Up and Have a Happy New Year) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Straighten Up and Have a Happy New Year 背筋のばして新春万福
SR (Trajectory of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Trajectory of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Trajectory of Blooming 開花の軌跡
SR (Close-Call Illusion) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Close-Call Illusion) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Close-Call Illusion 危機一髪イリュージョン
SR (Worldly Rabbit) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Worldly Rabbit) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Worldly Rabbit 苦労人うさぎ
SR (Journey of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Journey of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Journey of Blooming 開花の旅路
SR (Hidden Four Strings) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Hidden Four Strings) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Hidden Four Strings 縁の下の四弦
SR (MANKAI Playback) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Playback) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Playback 満開Playback
SR (Purifying Water Ladle) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Purifying Water Ladle) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Purifying Water Ladle お清め水柄杓
SR (Huggy Bear) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Huggy Bear) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Huggy Bear 抱きしめベア
SR (Big Surprise!) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Big Surprise!) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Big Surprise! ビッグサプライズ!
SR (Banquet of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Banquet of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Banquet of Blooming 開花の祝宴
SR (Today's Pink Serving) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Today's Pink Serving) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Today's Pink Serving 本曰のピンク盛り
SR (Input in Progress) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Input in Progress) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Input in Progress 只今インプット中
SR (Heroic Tale of the Pure Detective) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Heroic Tale of the Pure Detective) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Heroic Tale of the Pure Detective 純情派デカ浪漫
SR (Promise of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Promise of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Promise of Blooming 開花の約束
SR (A Hymn with Feelings) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Hymn with Feelings) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png A Hymn with Feelings 想いを乗せた聖歌
SR (Brilliance of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Brilliance of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Brilliance of Blooming 開花の光彩
SR (Spotlight) Tsuzuru Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Spotlight) Tsuzuru Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Spotlight Spotlight
SR (Rising Dragon Carrying Prayers) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Rising Dragon Carrying Prayers) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Rising Dragon Carrying Prayers 祈りを運ぶ昇龍
SR (Festival of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Festival of Blooming) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Festival of Blooming 開花の祝祭
SR (Beyond Full Bloom) Tsuzuru Minagi SR Comedy Icon Unbloomed.png (Beyond Full Bloom) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Beyond Full Bloom 満開のその先に
SR++ (Bloom SPRING) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR++ Icon Bloomed.png Bloom SPRING Bloom SPRING
SR++ (BRIGHT SPRING) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SR++ Icon Bloomed.png BRIGHT SPRING BRIGHT SPRING
SR++ (SUNNY SPRING) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SR++ Icon Bloomed.png SUNNY SPRING SUNNY SPRING
SSR (Minagi Family Raid) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Minagi Family Raid) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Minagi Family Raid 皆木家襲来
SSR (Naughty Poodle) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Naughty Poodle) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Naughty Poodle やんちゃプードル
SSR (Greetings, Dear Sir) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Greetings, Dear Sir) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Greetings, Dear Sir 拝啓、親愛なる君へ
SSR (Handmade Happy Halloween) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Handmade Happy Halloween) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Handmade Happy Halloween 手作りハッピーハロウィン
SSR (MANKAI Birthday) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Birthday) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Birthday 満開Birthday
SSR (Many Happy Returns) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Many Happy Returns) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Many Happy Returns 今日の佳き日に
SSR (Joke Training Steadily) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Joke Training Steadily) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Joke Training Steadily ネタ練習はコツコツと
SSR (Memories of Scarlet Days) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Memories of Scarlet Days) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Memories of Scarlet Days 茜さす過日の記憶
SSR (Absolute Hit Hawkeye) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Absolute Hit Hawkeye) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Absolute Hit Hawkeye 絶対命中ホークアイ
SSR (MANKAI Encore) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Encore) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Encore 満開Encore
SSR (Benkei of the Dawn) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Benkei of the Dawn) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Benkei of the Dawn 黎明のベンケイ
SSR (Invitation to the House of Wisdom) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Invitation to the House of Wisdom) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Invitation to the House of Wisdom 知恵の館へご招待
SSR (MANKAI Glitter) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Glitter) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Glitter 満開Glitter
SSR (At the End of the World) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (At the End of the World) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png At the End of the World 終末世界にて
SSR (Holding up a Hollyhock) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Holding up a Hollyhock) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Holding up a Hollyhock ホリホックを掲げる
SSR (Everyone from the Minagi Family) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Everyone from the Minagi Family) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Everyone from the Minagi Family 皆木家の皆さん
SSR (Captive Fairy) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Captive Fairy) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Captive Fairy 囚われの妖精
SSR (First-Class Brawl! Violent Oni) Tsuzuru Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (First-Class Brawl! Violent Oni) Tsuzuru Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png First-Class Brawl! Violent Oni 喧嘩上等!暴れ鬼
SSR (MANKAI Memory) Tsuzuru Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Memory) Tsuzuru Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Memory 満開Memory
SSR (Engawa in the Sunlight) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Engawa in the Sunlight) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Engawa in the Sunlight 陽の当たる縁側で
SSR (Drenched Big Brother) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Drenched Big Brother) Tsuzuru Minagi Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Drenched Big Brother びしょ濡れお兄ちゃん
SSR (Innocent Moon) Tsuzuru Minagi SSR Action Icon Unbloomed.png (Innocent Moon) Tsuzuru Minagi Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Innocent Moon Innocent Moon
SSR (MANKAI Party) Tsuzuru Minagi SSR Comedy Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Party) Tsuzuru Minagi Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Party 満開Party
Rarity Icon Card Name Card Name (JP)
N (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Itaru Chigasaki Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Itaru Chigasaki Serious N Icon Bloomed.png A Bud Waiting for Spring 春待つつぼみ
N (Dressing Formally) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Dressing Formally) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Dressing Formally フォーマルにキメて
N (Boy Alice in Wonderland) Itaru Chigasaki Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (Boy Alice in Wonderland) Itaru Chigasaki Action N Icon Bloomed.png Boy Alice in Wonderland 不思議の国の青年アリス
N (The Clockwork Heartbeat) Itaru Chigasaki Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Clockwork Heartbeat) Itaru Chigasaki Serious N Icon Bloomed.png The Clockwork Heartbeat ぜんまい仕掛けのココロ
N (Knights of Round IV) Itaru Chigasaki Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Knights of Round IV) Itaru Chigasaki Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Knights of Round IV Knights of Round IV
N (Magicians' Pure Love) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Magicians' Pure Love) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Magicians' Pure Love 奇術師たちの純愛
N (Senribana Monogatari) Itaru Chigasaki Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Senribana Monogatari) Itaru Chigasaki Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Senribana Monogatari 千里花物語
N (SSR Family) Itaru Chigasaki Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (SSR Family) Itaru Chigasaki Action N Icon Bloomed.png SSR Family SSRファミリー
N (Moon Traveler) Itaru Chigasaki N Comedy Icon Unbloomed.png (Moon Traveler) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Moon Traveler ムーン・トラベラー
R (Rehearsal) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Rehearsal) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Bloomed.png Rehearsal 立ち稽古
R (Romeo & Julius) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Romeo & Julius) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Bloomed.png Romeo & Julius ロミオとジュリアス
R (Descend! Devil Salaryman) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Descend! Devil Salaryman) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Descend! Devil Salaryman 降臨!悪魔リーマン
R (Ruthless Clean-Up Hour) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Ruthless Clean-Up Hour) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Bloomed.png Ruthless Clean-Up Hour 無情な断捨離タイム
R (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz エメラルドのペテン師
R (Sorrowful Triple Bogey) Itaru Chigasaki Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Sorrowful Triple Bogey) Itaru Chigasaki Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Sorrowful Triple Bogey 哀愁のトリプルボギー
R (I Come with the Night.) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (I Come with the Night.) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Bloomed.png I Come with the Night. ウラオモテTEACHER
R (taruchi Channel) Itaru Chigasaki Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (taruchi Channel) Itaru Chigasaki Serious R Icon Bloomed.png taruchi Channel たるちChannel
R (Harugaoka Quartet) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Harugaoka Quartet) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Harugaoka Quartet 春ケ丘Quartet
R (Sound of Rain on the Way Back) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Sound of Rain on the Way Back) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Sound of Rain on the Way Back 雨声聞こえる帰り道
R (Thankful Pink Rose) Itaru Chigasaki Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Thankful Pink Rose) Itaru Chigasaki Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Thankful Pink Rose 感謝のピンクローズ
R (Night's Farewell) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Night's Farewell) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Bloomed.png Night's Farewell 夜の見送り
R (Last Planet) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Planet) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Last Planet Last Planet
R (A Watchful Hymn) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (A Watchful Hymn) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png A Watchful Hymn 見守る聖歌
R (Literary Impasse) Itaru Chigasaki Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Literary Impasse) Itaru Chigasaki Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Literary Impasse 文学隘路
R (And Your Order Is?) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (And Your Order Is?) Itaru Chigasaki Action R Icon Bloomed.png And Your Order Is? オーダーはいかが?
SR (Premonition of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Premonition of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感
SR (Mood Out of Range) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Mood Out of Range) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Mood Out of Range ゴキゲン圏外
SR (Beware of Jinx) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Beware of Jinx) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Beware of Jinx ジンクスにご用心
SR (A Childish Heart is also an Adult's Charm) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Childish Heart is also an Adult's Charm) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png A Childish Heart is also an Adult's Charm 童心もオトナの魅力
SR (Trajectory of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Trajectory of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Trajectory of Blooming 開花の軌跡
SR (Colorful Macaron Treat) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Colorful Macaron Treat) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Colorful Macaron Treat ごほうびカラフルマカロン
SR (Wishing for His Heart's Desire) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Wishing for His Heart's Desire) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Wishing for His Heart's Desire 大願成就の願いを込めて
SR (Journey of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Journey of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Journey of Blooming 開花の旅路
SR (MANKAI Playback) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Playback) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Playback 満開Playback
SR (Get Carter's Knowledge) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Get Carter's Knowledge) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Get Carter's Knowledge 狙撃者の心得
SR (Banquet of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Banquet of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Banquet of Blooming 開花の祝宴
SR (Relying on Adoration) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Relying on Adoration) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Relying on Adoration 憧れに背を預けて
SR (Marionette's Destination) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Marionette's Destination) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Marionette's Destination 操り糸の行く先
SR (Promise of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Promise of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Promise of Blooming 開花の約束
SR (Handsome Man Who Carried a Bangasa) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Handsome Man Who Carried a Bangasa) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Handsome Man Who Carried a Bangasa 番傘担いだ男前
SR (Q.E.D) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Q.E.D) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Q.E.D Q.E.D
SR (Brilliance of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Brilliance of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Brilliance of Blooming 開花の光彩
SR (Rabbit Hatter) Itaru Serious SR Icon unbloomed.png (Rabbit Hatter) Itaru Serious SR Icon bloomed.png Rabbit Hatter ラビットハッタ―
SR (Spotlight) Itaru Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Spotlight) Itaru Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Spotlight Spotlight
SR (Puppet of Uro) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Puppet of Uro) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Puppet of Uro うろの傀儡
SR (Festival of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Festival of Blooming) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Festival of Blooming 開花の祝祭
SR (Zero Gravity Doctor) Itaru Chigasaki SR Serious Icon Unbloomed.png (Zero Gravity Doctor) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Zero Gravity Doctor 無重力ドクター
SR++ (Bloom SPRING) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR++ Icon Bloomed.png Bloom SPRING Bloom SPRING
SR++ (VIVID SPRING) Itaru Chigasaki Action SR++ Icon Bloomed.png VIVID SPRING VIVID SPRING
SR++ (SUNNY SPRING) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SR++ Icon Bloomed.png SUNNY SPRING SUNNY SPRING
SSR (Fulfilled Net Gamer) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Fulfilled Net Gamer) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Fulfilled Net Gamer ネトゲ充。
SSR (The Entrance to Wonderland) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (The Entrance to Wonderland) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png The Entrance to Wonderland 不思議の国の入り口
SSR (Once the Suit is Off) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Once the Suit is Off) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Once the Suit is Off スーツを脱いだ後は
SSR (Salaryman Santa's Visit) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Salaryman Santa's Visit) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Salaryman Santa's Visit リーマンサンタの襲来
SSR (MANKAI Birthday) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Birthday) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Birthday 満開Birthday
SSR (Memories are in the Game) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Memories are in the Game) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Memories are in the Game 思い出はゲームの中に
SSR (Schoolhouse at Dusk) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Schoolhouse at Dusk) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Schoolhouse at Dusk 夕暮れの学び舎
SSR (A Desire That Still Can't Be Shaken) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Desire That Still Can't Be Shaken) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png A Desire That Still Can't Be Shaken 今もなお払いきれぬ煩悩
SSR (Fully Enjoying Nostalgia Park) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Fully Enjoying Nostalgia Park) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Fully Enjoying Nostalgia Park 満喫ノスタルジアパーク
SSR (Beautiful Princess) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Beautiful Princess) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Beautiful Princess 仙姿玉質の姫
SSR (MANKAI Encore) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Encore) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Encore 満開Encore
SSR (Ruler of the Maze) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Ruler of the Maze) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Ruler of the Maze メイズの支配者
SSR (Märchen Syndrome) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Märchen Syndrome) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Märchen Syndrome メルヒェンシンドローム
SSR (Melty Eau de Toilette) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Melty Eau de Toilette) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Melty Eau de Toilette メルティオードトワレ
SSR (MANKAI Glitter) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Glitter) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Glitter 満開Glitter
SSR (Bubble Shower of Blessings) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Bubble Shower of Blessings) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Bubble Shower of Blessings 祝福のバブルシャワー
SSR (KniRoun Fulfillment.) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (KniRoun Fulfillment.) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png KniRoun Fulfillment. ナイラン充。
SSR (Richly-coloured Digital World) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Richly-coloured Digital World) Itaru Chigasaki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Richly-coloured Digital World 極彩色デジタルワールド
SSR (An Adult’s Way of Charming) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (An Adult’s Way of Charming) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png An Adult’s Way of Charming 大人の魅せ方
SSR (MANKAI Memory) Itaru Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Memory) Itaru Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Memory 満開Memory
SSR (Delinquent Upperclassman Behind the School) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Delinquent Upperclassman Behind the School) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Delinquent Upperclassman Behind the School 校舎裏の不良先輩
SSR (Magical☆Earl Grey) Itaru Chigasaki SSR Action Icon Unbloomed.png (Magical☆Earl Grey) Itaru Chigasaki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Magical☆Earl Grey マジカル☆アールグレイ
SSR (MANKAI Party) Itaru Chigasaki SSR Serious Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Party) Itaru Chigasaki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Party 満開Party
Rarity Icon Card Name Card Name (JP)
N (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Citron Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Citron Action N Icon Bloomed.png A Bud Waiting for Spring 春待つつぼみ
N (Dressing Formally) Citron Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Dressing Formally) Citron Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Dressing Formally フォーマルにキメて
N (Boy Alice in Wonderland) Citron Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Boy Alice in Wonderland) Citron Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Boy Alice in Wonderland 不思議の国の青年アリス
N (The Clockwork Heartbeat) Citron Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Clockwork Heartbeat) Citron Action N Icon Bloomed.png The Clockwork Heartbeat ぜんまい仕掛けのココロ
N (Knights of Round IV) Citron Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (Knights of Round IV) Citron Action N Icon Bloomed.png Knights of Round IV Knights of Round IV
N (Harugaoka Quartet) Citron Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Harugaoka Quartet) Citron Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Harugaoka Quartet 春ケ丘Quartet
N (Senribana Monogatari) Citron Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (Senribana Monogatari) Citron Action N Icon Bloomed.png Senribana Monogatari 千里花物語
N (SSR Family) Citron Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (SSR Family) Citron Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png SSR Family SSRファミリー
N (Literary Impasse) Citron Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (Literary Impasse) Citron Action N Icon Bloomed.png Literary Impasse 文学隘路
R (Rehearsal) Citron Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Rehearsal) Citron Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Rehearsal 立ち稽古
R (Romeo & Julius) Citron Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Romeo & Julius) Citron Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Romeo & Julius ロミオとジュリアス
R (Heart of Writing) Citron Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Heart of Writing) Citron Action R Icon Bloomed.png Heart of Writing 書の心
R (Cheery Watermelon Splitting) Citron Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Cheery Watermelon Splitting) Citron Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Cheery Watermelon Splitting ワキワキスイカ割り
R (Searching for Legendary Weapons) Citron Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Searching for Legendary Weapons) Citron Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Searching for Legendary Weapons 伝説の武器を求めて
R (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Citron Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Citron Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz エメラルドのペテン師
R (Excited Macaron) Citron Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Excited Macaron) Citron Action R Icon Bloomed.png Excited Macaron わきわきマカロン
R (Warm and Cozy Ski Wear) Citron Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Warm and Cozy Ski Wear) Citron Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Warm and Cozy Ski Wear ぬくぬくスキーウェア
R (Yin Yang Midnight) Citron Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Yin Yang Midnight) Citron Action R Icon Bloomed.png Yin Yang Midnight 陰陽の宵
R (Indigene's Teachings) Citron Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Indigene's Teachings) Citron Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Indigene's Teachings 先住民たちの教え
R (Love Comes to Those Who Smile) Citron Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Love Comes to Those Who Smile) Citron Action R Icon Bloomed.png Love Comes to Those Who Smile 笑う門にはラブ来たる
R (Royal Style) Citron Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Royal Style) Citron Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Royal Style 王族の風格
R (Magicians' Pure Love) Citron Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Magicians' Pure Love) Citron Action R Icon Bloomed.png Magicians' Pure Love 奇術師たちの純愛
R (Spirited Arrow) Citron Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Spirited Arrow) Citron Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Spirited Arrow 気合の一矢
R (Last Planet) Citron Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Planet) Citron Action R Icon Bloomed.png Last Planet Last Planet
R (A Celeb's Style) Citron Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (A Celeb's Style) Citron Action R Icon Bloomed.png A Celeb's Style セレブの風格
R (High Spirited LIVE!) Citron Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (High Spirited LIVE!) Citron Serious R Icon Bloomed.png High Spirited LIVE! ノリノリLIVE!
R (Fun Preparations) Citron Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Fun Preparations) Citron Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Fun Preparations 楽しい前準備
R (Dancing Fool) Citron R Serious Icon Unbloomed.png (Dancing Fool) Citron Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Dancing Fool ダンシング・フール
R (Moon Traveler) Citron R Comedy Icon Unbloomed.png (Moon Traveler) Citron Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Moon Traveler ムーン・トラベラー
SR (Premonition of Blooming) Citron Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Premonition of Blooming) Citron Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感
SR (It's Kneel Down Before Me) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (It's Kneel Down Before Me) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png It's Kneel Down Before Me ひざまずけダヨ!
SR (Me Present) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Me Present) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Me Present ワタシプレゼント
SR (Trajectory of Blooming) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Trajectory of Blooming) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Trajectory of Blooming 開花の軌跡
SR (Glory Crown) Citron Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Glory Crown) Citron Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Glory Crown グローリークラウン
SR (Boldly Smiling Satan) Citron Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Boldly Smiling Satan) Citron Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Boldly Smiling Satan 不敵な笑みのサタン
SR (Journey of Blooming) Citron Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Journey of Blooming) Citron Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Journey of Blooming 開花の旅路
SR (MANKAI Playback) Citron Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Playback) Citron Action SR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Playback 満開Playback
SR (Cuddly Filefish) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Cuddly Filefish) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Cuddly Filefish 抱擁ファイルフィッシュ
SR (Extraordinary Practitioner) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Extraordinary Practitioner) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Extraordinary Practitioner 不世出の術者
SR (Banquet of Blooming) Citron Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Banquet of Blooming) Citron Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Banquet of Blooming 開花の祝宴
SR (EGGciting Beaten Drum) Citron Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (EGGciting Beaten Drum) Citron Action SR Icon Bloomed.png EGGciting Beaten Drum ワキワキ叩いて大鼓
SR (Passionate Marshal) Citron Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Passionate Marshal) Citron Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Passionate Marshal 熱情マーシャル
SR (Here's the House's Recommendation!) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Here's the House's Recommendation!) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Here's the House's Recommendation! オススメ、へいお待ち!
SR (Promise of Blooming) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Promise of Blooming) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Promise of Blooming 開花の約束
SR (Accessorized with Flowering Dogwood) Citron Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Accessorized with Flowering Dogwood) Citron Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Accessorized with Flowering Dogwood ハナミズキを添えて
SR (Brilliance of Blooming) Citron Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Brilliance of Blooming) Citron Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Brilliance of Blooming 開花の光彩
SR (Spotlight) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Spotlight) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Spotlight Spotlight
SR (Imitation Literary Master) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Imitation Literary Master) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Imitation Literary Master 真似っ子文豪
SR (Waiting is Perfect) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Waiting is Perfect) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Waiting is Perfect 待ちはバッチリ
SR (Top Choice Take-Out) Citron Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Top Choice Take-Out) Citron Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Top Choice Take-Out オススメテイクアウト
SR (Festival of Blooming) Citron Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Festival of Blooming) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Festival of Blooming 開花の祝祭
SR (Beyond Full Bloom) Citron SR Serious Icon Unbloomed.png (Beyond Full Bloom) Citron Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Beyond Full Bloom 満開のその先に
SR++ (Bloom SPRING) Citron Comedy SR++ Icon Bloomed.png Bloom SPRING Bloom SPRING
SR++ (SUNNY SPRING) Citron Serious SR++ Icon Bloomed.png SUNNY SPRING SUNNY SPRING
SSR (Style) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Style) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Style 風格
SSR (Test of Courage Panic!) Citron Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Test of Courage Panic!) Citron Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Test of Courage Panic! 肝試しパニック!
SSR (From the Nostalgic Car Window) Citron Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (From the Nostalgic Car Window) Citron Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png From the Nostalgic Car Window 望郷の車窓から
SSR (MANKAI Birthday) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Birthday) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Birthday 満開Birthday
SSR (Star of the Petting Zoo) Citron Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Star of the Petting Zoo) Citron Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Star of the Petting Zoo ふれあい広場の人気者
SSR (A Person Who Loves Spring) Citron Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Person Who Loves Spring) Citron Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png A Person Who Loves Spring 春を愛する人は
SSR (Beastkeeper Big Brother) Citron Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Beastkeeper Big Brother) Citron Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Beastkeeper Big Brother 猛獣係のお兄さん
SSR (Twinkling Jewel) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Twinkling Jewel) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Twinkling Jewel 瞬きジュエル
SSR (MANKAI Encore) Citron Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Encore) Citron Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Encore 満開Encore
SSR (Handmade Welcome Puppets) Citron Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Handmade Welcome Puppets) Citron Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Handmade Welcome Puppets お手製ウェルカムパペット
SSR (Charming Parasol Dance) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Charming Parasol Dance) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Charming Parasol Dance 艶やかな傘回し
SSR (Flowers That Dance like Snowfall) Citron Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Flowers That Dance like Snowfall) Citron Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Flowers That Dance like Snowfall 雪の如く花の舞う
SSR (MANKAI Glitter) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Glitter) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Glitter 満開Glitter
SSR (Affection and Respect) Citron Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Affection and Respect) Citron Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Affection and Respect 親愛と尊重
SSR (Technicolor Virtual Lobby) Citron Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Technicolor Virtual Lobby) Citron Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Technicolor Virtual Lobby 天然色バーチャルロビー
SSR (Midnight Shootout) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Midnight Shootout) Citron Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Midnight Shootout 真夜中の銃撃戦
SSR (MANKAI Memory) Citron Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Memory) Citron Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Memory 満開Memory
SSR (Curtain Among Cherry Blossoms) Citron Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Curtain Among Cherry Blossoms) Citron Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Curtain Among Cherry Blossoms 桜に幕
SSR (Childhood Friend's Caretaker) Citron SSR Serious Icon Unbloomed.png (Childhood Friend's Caretaker) Citron Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Childhood Friend's Caretaker 幼馴染の世話係
Rarity Icon Card Name Card Name (JP)
N (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Chikage Utsuki Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz) Chikage Utsuki Serious N Icon Bloomed.png The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz エメラルドのペテン師
N (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Chikage Utsuki Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (A Bud Waiting for Spring) Chikage Utsuki Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png A Bud Waiting for Spring 春待つつぼみ
N (Dressing Formally) Chikage Utsuki Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (Dressing Formally) Chikage Utsuki Action N Icon Bloomed.png Dressing Formally フォーマルにキメて
N (Knights of Round IV) Chikage Utsuki Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Knights of Round IV) Chikage Utsuki Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Knights of Round IV Knights of Round IV
N (Magicians' Pure Love) Chikage Utsuki Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Magicians' Pure Love) Chikage Utsuki Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Magicians' Pure Love 奇術師たちの純愛
N (Literary Impasse) Chikage Utsuki Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (Literary Impasse) Chikage Utsuki Serious N Icon Bloomed.png Literary Impasse 文学隘路
N (Moon Traveler) Chikage Utsuki N Action Icon Unbloomed.png (Moon Traveler) Chikage Utsuki Action N Icon Bloomed.png Moon Traveler ムーン・トラベラー
R (Rehearsal) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Rehearsal) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Rehearsal 立ち稽古
R (The Charlatan Mocks Himself) Chikage Utsuki Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (The Charlatan Mocks Himself) Chikage Utsuki Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png The Charlatan Mocks Himself ペテン師は自嘲する
R (Send-off Deck Hand) Chikage Utsuki Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Send-off Deck Hand) Chikage Utsuki Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Send-off Deck Hand お見送り甲板員
R (Harugaoka Quartet) Chikage Utsuki Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Harugaoka Quartet) Chikage Utsuki Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Harugaoka Quartet 春ケ丘Quartet
R (Brace Yourself and Despise) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Brace Yourself and Despise) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Brace Yourself and Despise 構えて嫉視反目
R (Scoffing Yaksha) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Scoffing Yaksha) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Bloomed.png Scoffing Yaksha 嘲る夜叉
R (Scarlet Mirror) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Scarlet Mirror) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Bloomed.png Scarlet Mirror Scarlet Mirror
R (Thoughts Pouring From the Choushi) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Thoughts Pouring From the Choushi) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Thoughts Pouring From the Choushi 銚子から注ぐ想い
R (Bunny Baptism) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Bunny Baptism) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Bunny Baptism うさぎの洗礼
R (IMMORTAL CROW) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (IMMORTAL CROW) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Bloomed.png IMMORTAL CROW 新説・クロウ伝
R (Mischievous Surprise) Chikage Utsuki Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Mischievous Surprise) Chikage Utsuki Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Mischievous Surprise いたずらサプライズ
R (Emerald Palette) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Emerald Palette) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Bloomed.png Emerald Palette エメラルドパレット
R (Last Planet) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Planet) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Bloomed.png Last Planet Last Planet
R (SSR Family) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (SSR Family) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Bloomed.png SSR Family SSRファミリー
R (Hit the Target! Perfect) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Hit the Target! Perfect) Chikage Utsuki Action R Icon Bloomed.png Hit the Target! Perfect 必中!パーフェクト
R (Deer Among Maple) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Deer Among Maple) Chikage Utsuki Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Deer Among Maple 紅葉に鹿
SR (Trajectory of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Trajectory of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Trajectory of Blooming 開花の軌跡
SR (Premonition of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Premonition of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感
SR (Reminiscent Gingerbread) Chikage Utsuki Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Reminiscent Gingerbread) Chikage Utsuki Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Reminiscent Gingerbread 追懐ジンジャーブレッド
SR (Journey of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Journey of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Journey of Blooming 開花の旅路
SR (MANKAI Playback) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Playback) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Playback 満開Playback
SR (Lying Grimoire) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Lying Grimoire) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Lying Grimoire 嘘つきグリモワール
SR (Banquet of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Banquet of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Banquet of Blooming 開花の祝宴
SR (Discovering the Unknown) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Discovering the Unknown) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Discovering the Unknown 未知の発見
SR (Promise of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Promise of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Promise of Blooming 開花の約束
SR (Necessary Sacrifice) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Necessary Sacrifice) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Necessary Sacrifice 必要な犠牲
SR (Raven in the Dead of Night) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Raven in the Dead of Night) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Raven in the Dead of Night 夜陰の烏
SR (Invitation On Board a Ship) Chikage Utsuki Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Invitation On Board a Ship) Chikage Utsuki Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Invitation On Board a Ship 船上のお誘い
SR (Brilliance of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Brilliance of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Brilliance of Blooming 開花の光彩
SR (Spotlight) Chikage Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Spotlight) Chikage Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Spotlight Spotlight
SR (A Capable Man’s Morning Preparations) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (A Capable Man’s Morning Preparations) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png A Capable Man’s Morning Preparations 出来る男の朝支度
SR (You can You know) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (You can You know) Chikage Utsuki Action SR Icon Bloomed.png You can You know 有能 You know
SR (Festival of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Festival of Blooming) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png Festival of Blooming 開花の祝祭
SR (Beyond Full Bloom) Chikage Utsuki SR Serious Icon Unbloomed.png (Beyond Full Bloom) Chikage Utsuki Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Beyond Full Bloom 満開のその先に
SR++ (VIVID SPRING) Chikage Utsuki Serious SR++ Icon Bloomed.png VIVID SPRING VIVID SPRING
SR++ (SUNNY SPRING) Chikage Utsuki Action SR++ Icon Bloomed.png SUNNY SPRING SUNNY SPRING
SSR (His Impenetrable Domain) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (His Impenetrable Domain) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png His Impenetrable Domain 彼の不可侵領域
SSR (MANKAI Birthday) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Birthday) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Birthday 満開Birthday
SSR (Quiet While Lurking) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Quiet While Lurking) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Quiet While Lurking 潜伏中はご静粛に
SSR (Bitter Addiction) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Bitter Addiction) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Bitter Addiction ビターアディクション
SSR (Apathetic Bridal) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Apathetic Bridal) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Apathetic Bridal 無関心ブライダル
SSR (Napoleon of the Crime World) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Napoleon of the Crime World) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Napoleon of the Crime World 犯罪界のナポレオン
SSR (Compensation in Knowing the Truth) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Compensation in Knowing the Truth) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Compensation in Knowing the Truth 真実を求める代償
SSR (MANKAI Encore) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Encore) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Encore 満開Encore
SSR (Magician of Mirages) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Magician of Mirages) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Magician of Mirages 蜃気楼の奇術師
SSR (Moonlit Rose Castle) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Moonlit Rose Castle) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Moonlit Rose Castle 月下の薔薇城
SSR (Tailor-made) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Tailor-made) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Tailor-made テーラーメイド
SSR (MANKAI Glitter) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Glitter) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Glitter 満開Glitter
SSR (From the Neon Shadows) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (From the Neon Shadows) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png From the Neon Shadows ネオンの闇から
SSR (His Welcoming Territory) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (His Welcoming Territory) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png His Welcoming Territory 彼の開放領域
SSR (MANKAI Memory) Chikage Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Memory) Chikage Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Memory 満開Memory
SSR (Blessed Paani) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Blessed Paani) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png Blessed Paani 恵みのパーニー
SSR (Smile Against the Evening Sun) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png (Smile Against the Evening Sun) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png Smile Against the Evening Sun 夕陽ヲ背二微笑ム
SSR (Dear My Moon) Chikage Utsuki SSR Serious Icon Unbloomed.png (Dear My Moon) Chikage Utsuki Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png Dear My Moon Dear My Moon
SSR (MANKAI Party) Chikage Utsuki SSR Action Icon Unbloomed.png (MANKAI Party) Chikage Utsuki Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI Party 満開Party
SSR++ (GOLDEN ENCORE!) Chikage Utsuki Comedy SSR++ Icon Bloomed.png GOLDEN ENCORE! GOLDEN ENCORE!
Rarity Icon Card Name Card Name (JP)
N (The Door to Summer) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Door to Summer) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png The Door to Summer 夏への扉
N (Ouka Public High School) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (Ouka Public High School) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Bloomed.png Ouka Public High School 公立欧華高校
N (The Adventure for Sardines) Tenma Sumeragi Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (The Adventure for Sardines) Tenma Sumeragi Serious N Icon Bloomed.png The Adventure for Sardines にぼしを巡る冒険
N (Captain Sky Pirates) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Captain Sky Pirates) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Captain Sky Pirates 抜錨!スカイ海賊団
N (First Crush Baseball) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (First Crush Baseball) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Bloomed.png First Crush Baseball 初恋甲子園
N (SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring) Tenma Sumeragi Serious N Icon Unbloomed.png (SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring) Tenma Sumeragi Serious N Icon Bloomed.png SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring SHI★NO★BI珍道中
N (IMMORTAL CROW) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (IMMORTAL CROW) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png IMMORTAL CROW 新説・クロウ伝
N (WONDER RUSH) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Unbloomed.png (WONDER RUSH) Tenma Sumeragi Action N Icon Bloomed.png WONDER RUSH WONDER RUSH
N (Sky Gallery) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png (Sky Gallery) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png Sky Gallery スカイギャラリー
R (Rehearsal) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Rehearsal) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Rehearsal 立ち稽古
R (Water me!) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Water me!) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Water me! Water me!
R (Handsome Rider) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Handsome Rider) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Handsome Rider イケメン☆ライダー
R (Mix Mix Chocolate) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (Mix Mix Chocolate) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png Mix Mix Chocolate ぐるぐるチョコレート
R (Fishing Skill Test) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Fishing Skill Test) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Fishing Skill Test 腕試しフィッシング
R (The Floral Prince) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (The Floral Prince) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png The Floral Prince 花の王子さま
R (Last Runway) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Runway) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Last Runway ラスト・ランウェイ
R (Ultra Confident Goshawk) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Ultra Confident Goshawk) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Ultra Confident Goshawk 自信満々ゴスホーク
R (The 1001st Adventure Record) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (The 1001st Adventure Record) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png The 1001st Adventure Record 千一話目の冒険記
R (A Capable Man's Escort) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (A Capable Man's Escort) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png A Capable Man's Escort 出来る男のエスコート
R (+3Ghosts!) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (+3Ghosts!) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png +3Ghosts! +3Ghosts!
R (Last Planet) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Last Planet) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Last Planet Last Planet
R (Youkai's Bath Temperature) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Youkai's Bath Temperature) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Youkai's Bath Temperature 妖の湯加減
R (A Confident Hymn) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png (A Confident Hymn) Tenma Sumeragi Serious R Icon Bloomed.png A Confident Hymn 自信あふれる聖歌
R (Fasten the Ribbon) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Unbloomed.png (Fasten the Ribbon) Tenma Sumeragi Action R Icon Bloomed.png Fasten the Ribbon リボンを締めて
R (Laundry Incident!) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Unbloomed.png (Laundry Incident!) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R Icon Bloomed.png Laundry Incident! お洗濯ハプニング!
R++ (Actor's Cafe OPEN) Tenma Sumeragi Comedy R++ Icon Bloomed.png Actor's Cafe OPEN アクターズカフェOPEN
R++ (MANKAI☆New Year) Tenma Sumeragi Action R++ Icon Bloomed.png MANKAI☆New Year 満開☆新年
SR (Premonition of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Premonition of Blooming) Tenma Sumeragi Action SR Icon Bloomed.png Premonition of Blooming 開花の予感
SR (Touching No Thanks) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Unbloomed.png (Touching No Thanks) Tenma Sumeragi Serious SR Icon Bloomed.png Touching No Thanks ふれあいノーサンクス