Masumi Usui/The Friendly Chat of Deads

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Masumi's Life Plan

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KazunariI’ll draw flowers over here~, and like this, I’ll make the circumference dazzling!
MukuWahh, it’s so pretty!
KazunariAh, Massu!
Does Massu wanna make one too?
Masumi…Make what?
KazunariPeep this!
Tah da—h! A colourful skull~!
That’s unsavory…
I mean, what’s with that?
KazunariA skull ornament that’ll be displayed at this time’s Festival of the Dead!
Actually, you see, the other day—.
*flashback starts*
TenmaThe upcoming Festival of the Dead is based on an event held overseas, right?
KazunariYep, yep! I’m doing a bit of research on my smartphone too~…
Here! It seems you decorate the colourful & cute skulls like this!
MukuWahh, if they’re this colourful then skulls aren’t scary either, right?
CitronOhh! It’s so unique!
I want to try making it too!
TaichiGreat idea! I wanna try makin’ one too!
AzamiBut where the heck would you get the skulls to make ‘em…
KazunariAh! If it’s skulls to use as motifs, there might be some at the university that are old and they plan to throw away!
BanriOh—, they are dumpin’ those from time to time, eh?
TaichiFor real!?
KazunariYep! I’ll try asking at school tomorrow!
*flashback ends*
And so, we’re about to paint the skulls that I brought back from uni~!
BanriFor the festival, painted skulls are placed all over town, and overseas, it seems they’re used to decorate the graves as well.
MukuIf there’s such colourful and fun skulls, then I’m sure people won’t be lonely even in their graves, right?
KazunariRight on! You also add decorations that resemble the things that person likes.
It’s fun and exciting to be together with the things you like after all, ain’t that right!
MasumiWon’t be lonely…
Together with the person you like…
Kazunari, do you have two of those skulls?
KazunariHeh? I think I probs still have some but… what’s up, what’s up~?
Don’t tell me, Massu’s gotten into the spirit too?
MasumiI’ll make skulls for both me and Director…
So I can be together with her forever.
CitronOhh, that’s Masumi for you!
MukuHow romantic…!
TenmaIs that what it comes down to?
Banri‘Sides, ain’t that interpretation way too convenient?
AzamiHis motivation’s too impure.
TaichiMasumi-kun’s unshakable…!
Over here, I’ll paint it red to make it flashy~.
Then I’ll draw a star mark around here and… There!
CitronTaichi’s skull is really cute!
TaichiHehe, thanks! I tried to make it pop!
Masumi…I’m done.
AzamiHeh, pink and purple skulls, huh?
MukuWahh, they’re lovely!
KazunariUwah, aren’t they legit so pretty!
Massu sure is skilled~!
MasumiWhile referencing the designs of the skulls from overseas, I made a pattern that’s cute like her.
With this, even in death we’ll be together…
BanriUh dude, it’s true the skull’s design ain’t bad, but his psycho-ness is accelerating.[1]
TenmaIt's pretty unsettling just hearing it...
Tsuzuru*Yawn*… Well now, I guess I should head to sleep…
…uh, UWAH!?
Ahh, I was wondering what you placed by your pillow; they’re the skulls you made during the day, huh…
TsuzuruThey’re dry already, right?
You’re not giving it to Director yet?
MasumiI’ll give it to her during the festival.
With this, I won’t have to leave her alone even after death…
I won’t make her feel lonely…
TsuzuruAh—sure, sure. Then I’m turning the lights off.
Good night.
*light flicks off*
Where is this…
The Friendly Chat of Deads 2-1.png
IzumiWahh!? Ow, ow…
Masumi!? Director…!
Are you ok? Are you hurt?
Hold onto my shoulder.
IzumiThank you.
I just kind of slipped and fell, but I’m fine.
Masumi…It’s dangerous here.
Take my hand.
I’ll protect you.
I won’t let you get hurt anymore.
IzumiMasumi-kun… Thank you.
Just where in the world is this place?
MasumiI’m not sure…
But for the time being, let’s get out of here.
Izumi…Yeah, you're right.
We can’t find the exit, huh…
Director, aren’t you tired?
Let’s take a short rest. Sit here.
MasumiDirector, wait here for a little bit.
I’ll see if I can find any clues.
IzumiEh? But…
MasumiIt’ll be fine since I'll come back quickly.
IzumiI understand, be careful, ok?
Masumi!? Director!?
???So you were in this kinda place, huh? We searched all over for ya.
The Friendly Chat of Deads 2-2.png
MasumiTenma? Banri…?
Tenma?Tenma? Banri? I don’t know those names.
Grim Reaper AWe’re the grim reapers[2] here.
Grim Reaper BWelcome to the underworld.
Grim Reaper AWe’ve been waiting for you this entire time.
MasumiStop! Don’t touch her!
Grim Reaper AWhoops…!
Haha, that’s a request I can’t fulfil.
MasumiDirector! DIRECTOR…!!
*Pant, pant*…!
Grim Reaper BWhat the. You followed us all the way here?
Don’t tell me… she’s fainted?
…I won't forgive you.
What did you do to her?
Grim Reaper AWhat, you ask—I’m picking her up.
Grim Reaper BIt’s a grim reaper’s job to invite the souls destined to die to the underworld, you know?
MasumiDon’t just kill her!
There are things that I… That we still have to do.
Grim Reaper AHmmm… From what I’ve been hearing, it seems you’re considerably attached to this woman, huh?
Grim Reaper BWhy do you need her in your life?
MasumiIt’s obvious. If she’s not here, then I won’t be able to live.
There are lots of things that we’re going to do together.
Grim Reaper BThings to do?
MasumiRight now, I’m still immature but… After a few years I’ll propose to her properly, and we’ll get married.
Of course, we’ll properly greet each other’s families too, and hold a wedding ceremony that will make her happy.
And then, we’ll definitely build a happy family.
Grim Reaper AHa?
MasumiThe two of us will combine our strength and cooperate to raise our children.
Of course, we won’t miss out on going on dates by ourselves as a married couple from time to time too.
When our children grow up and become independent from us, we’ll spend the rest of our lives leisurely in a place far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
And then, the two of us will enter our grave together. A perfect life.
Grim Reaper B
MasumiDo you get it? I definitely need that person in my life, so I can’t go on without that person’s life.
That’s why there’s no way I can let her die yet.
Grim Reapers
Grim Reaper AAh—… I kinda lost interest now.
Grim Reaper BHaa... I get it, so if you're gonna say that much just take her home already...
IzumiMmm… *yaaawn*
It’s morning already, huh…
I guess I should get u—.
MasumiGood morning, Director.
IzumiWahh!? Y-you surprised me…!
Good morning, Masumi-kun.
Is something wrong this morning?
MasumiHey, are you ok? When you woke up, nothing happened?
There were no weird guys standing by your bedside…
N-No. I’m fine.
MasumiThank god…
Izumi(Masumi-kun, what in the world is wrong? I have no clue why he’s so worried about me…)
MasumiBreakfast is ready. Let’s go.
But um, Masumi-kun… Your hand is?
Masumi…If we don’t hold hands, you might get taken away somewhere again.
Izumi(…Masumi-kun’s making a worried face.
I wonder if something happened…)
(He’s sticking really close even when we’re walking, and he’s holding my hand tightly…)
Izumi(Uh… As expected, it’s a bit hard to wash my face when I’m being watched like this…)
IzumiUm… Masumi-kun.
Somehow today, haven’t you been close the entire time…?
MasumiYou might die today so…
I don’t want to waste one minute or one second of my time with you.
Could it be that he had a bad dream…)
(But if he’s making that kind of face, then I really can’t shake him off, huh?)
Alright, shall we eat breakfast?
CHOICE 1: I wonder what I should put in my salad. [+]
IzumiI wonder what I should put in my salad.
Masumi-kun, what are you going to do?
Masumi…Then I’ll use caesar dressing.
IzumiOh nice, I guess I’ll go with the same thing.
...As I thought, I’m really happy eating meals together with you.
One day, together with our children too, we’ll—…
MasumiIt’s nothing. I’ll tell you again some other day.
CHOICE 2: I’m the one on breakfast duty tomorrow [+]
IzumiAh. I’m the one on breakfast duty tomorrow.
What should I do about the menu.. I guess I’ll make some soup.
MasumiThen I’ll also help make it.
IzumiIs that ok? Masumi-kun, you’re not very good at getting up early…
MasumiIf it’s for you, then it’s totally fine.
I’ll get up at 4 in the morning.
IzumiOk, that’s way too early…!
But thank you. Then let’s make the soup that Masumi-kun likes.
MasumiReally? I’m so happy…
Banri*Yawn*~… Mornin’.
TenmaGood morning.
IzumiGood morning, Banri-kun, Tenma-kun.
BanriOh, today’s breakfast is sandwiches, huh?
Don’t they look tasty?
MasumiDon’t touch that. That’s Director’s.
Banri’s is over there. Tenma’s too.
Also your seats are way over there.
And also don’t look at Director. Don’t touch her. Don’t talk to her.
BanriHm? My bad.
…Hold up, what’re you so angry about?
TenmaOr like, wasn’t he angry at me too…
MasumiIt’s because I don’t know what you guys will do to her.
…I’ll never let you take Director…!
BanriHaa? What’s he talkin’ about?



  1. A bit confusing but this is my best interpretation.
  2. They are actually 死神 (shinigami: lit. death gods), but after looking around at how others translated the term, "grim reaper" seems to be a generally accepted English substitute.