「はぁ・・・好き。 命令して、俺に」 "Haa... I like you. Give me an order."
The second member to join the MANKAI Company after seeing the Director around town and falling in love at first sight. Although he is an amateur, his line sense and memorisation skills stand out. His entire motivation is to be praised by the Director, and he is a troublemaker whose attitude towards other troupe members can be rude. Because his parents travel abroad often, he tends to be carefree and lives as he wants to.
Masumi is a handsome young man who couldn't care less about anyone else in the troupe (or just anyone else in general) except the Director, (Izumi Tachibana), who he fell in love with at first sight. Masumi has black hair with tan/black bangs with dark purple eyes. He joined the troupe in order to get closer to her, and does everything he can to get her to notice how talented he is.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「相手役、アンタがやって」Be my acting partner.
「発声練習って何言ってもいいの?」I kinda feel like I've got the hang of it!
「アンタの恋人役、やりたい」I want to play the role of your lover.
「セリフなら全部覚えてるけど」I've memorized all the lines.
「アドリブって必要なの?」Are ad-libs necessary?
「最近、一成からよくLIMEがくる。アンタからは全然こないのに」Recently, I've been getting a lot of LIME messages from Kazunari. None from you, though.
「学校なんて、つまらない、アンタがいないから」School's boring— because you're not there.
「アンタが好きそうなカレー屋、見つけた。褒めて」I found a curry shop I think you'll like. Praise me.
「咲也も実は綴並にお節介」Honestly, Sakuya's as much of a busybody as Tsuzuru.
「綴はうるさい。うざい、いつも文句ばっかり」Tsuzuru never shuts up. He's such a pain. He doesn't do anything but complain.
「至みたいな大人にはなりたくない色々面倒くさそう」I don't want to become an adult like Itaru-san. It seems like a pain in a whole host of ways.
「シトロン…変なやつ、言ってること意味不明すぎ」Citron... He's a weird guy. I don't understand a thing he says.
「もう終わり…?もっとアンタといたい」We're done already...? I want to be with you more.
「おはよ・・・監督、今日もかわいい・・・」Morning... Director, you look cute today too...
「手作り弁当?アンタの作ったものならなんでも食べる」A homemade bento? I'll eat anything that you make.
「…今日は一回も褒めてもらえてないんだけど」...You haven't praised me even once today.
「アンタと寝たい。・・・ダメ?」I want to sleep with you. ...I can't?
「このほくろ、気になる?」Are you curious about my beauty mark?
「そこじゃない、もっと右。そう、そこ・・・気持ちい」Not there, a little more to the right. Yes, there.. it feels good.
「ねえ、もっと構って」Hey, notice me more.
「はぁ・・・好き」Haa... I like you.
「アンタがそばにいてくれると、安心する・・・」When you're next to me, I feel more at ease...
「アンタになら、触られてもいい」If it's you, I'll let you touch me.
「アンタは俺のものじゃないかもしれないけど俺はアンタのものだか・・・覚えてて」You don't belong to me but I belong to you... Remember that.
「命令して、俺に」Give me an order.