Masumi Usui/MANKAI Glitter

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To ARIES: Masumi

Backstage Stories
TV“A popular romance novel, now adapted for the big screen!”
“I'm in love with you! I’m younger than you, and I might not be reliable… But I love you!"
MukuAh! It’s the commercial for “I Will Deliver This Love”, right?
MasumiThey’re the same ages as Director and I…
MukuWahh, that’s wonderful that the two protagonists are the same ages as you two!
Haaah, what if the same thing in the movie actually happens…!?
(…It might become reference for my future with Director.)
CitronMasumi, we’re coming in!
MasumiWhat do you want at this hour?
TsuzuruI called everyone over.
TsuzuruYou sure don’t sound interested!
It has something to do with you, you know?
TsuzuruIt’ll be your birthday soon, right?
That’s why I called everyone over to choose the place we should go together.
SakuyaDo you have somewhere you’d like to go, Masumi-kun?
MasumiI don’t really have anywhere I want to go with you guys.
If I’m going, then going with Director is fine.
ItaruThat's Masumi as usual.
ChikageHe doesn’t waver, huh?
CitronWe want to celebrate for Masumi too!
ItaruIn that case, we’ll invite Director-san too.
MasumiI’ll go if Director comes.
TsuzuruOk, then all of us, including Director, will go somewhere.
ChikageDo you have anything in mind—like shopping for clothes for example?
SakuyaAnything is fine!
CitronDo you have an idea?
MasumiI've been wanting to go watch a movie.
ChikageThen let’s go with that.
TsuzuruBut it doesn’t feel like a celebration if we only watch a movie.
CitronYour cow is wrong[1] with eating while discussing our impressions with each other after the movie!
ItaruYou can’t go wrong.
SakuyaThat’s true, let’s go out to eat afterwards!
Masumi-kun, do you have anything you want to eat?
MasumiI wanna eat fresh spring rolls.
ChikageWell, there is a Vietnamese restaurant close to the movie theatre.
How about I make a reservation there?
ItaruAlright, we’ll leave the restaurant to you.
I’ll buy the movie tickets.
Masumi, which movie did you wanna watch?
Masumi“I Will Deliver This Love”.
SakuyaThat’s the romance movie you see in the TV commercials these days, right?
CitronSounds interesting!
ItaruHuh? But that movie’s about…
ItaruUh nevermind, it’s nothing.
TsuzuruBut it’s kinda unusual for Masumi to say that he wants to watch a romance flick.
SakuyaThat’s true.
MasumiI’ll use it as future reference for Director and I.
ChikageSo that’s why, huh?
CitronHe never changes!
ItaruI see. ...I hope it'll be helpful though.
IzumiI never thought that I’d be invited to the movie too.
MasumiIt’s because I didn’t want to go without you.
ItaruThat’s what he said, so we also got Director-san to come along.
TsuzuruIt’s a request from today’s main lead.
IzumiAh, I see.
CHOICE 1: I’m happy that you invited me. [+]
CHOICE 2: I’m not bothering you guys, am I? [+]
IzumiThere’s still a bit of time until the screening starts.
SakuyaItaru-san, our seats are…
ItaruThey’re numbers 12~18 for the premium box seats.
These seats are the best since they’re wide, and they’re right in the middle of the theatre.
IzumiWe’re sitting in premium box seats—that’s amazing!
TsuzuruThis might be the first time for me.
CitronItaru splurged!
ItaruWell, it’s a birthday celebration, right?
MasumiI’ll sit in the seat next to Director.
ItaruSure, sure. Masumi’s beside Director-san.
Here's your ticket.
ChikageIt looks like our seats are here.
MasumiThis spot is amazing; it’s easy to see, and Director is right beside me.
TsuzuruI’m beside you too, you know?
IzumiYou're right that it’s really easy to see from here.
SakuyaThe chair is cushy too!
CitronThat’s the premium box for you!
ItaruIf you guys are that happy, then I’m glad I secured the reservation on the premium box seats.
ChikageI think the cinema ads are about to start.
Masumi(This movie will show me Director and I's future together…)
I can’t wait to see what kind of story it’ll be.
IzumiFufu, same.
IzumiAre you ok, Masumi-kun…?
MasumiWhy did it end like that…
ItaruAs I thought, it had a tragic love ending.
SakuyaYou knew, Itaru-san?
ItaruWell, it’s because I'm familiar with the original work.
MasumiWhy didn’t you tell me?
ItaruI didn’t want to dampen your spirit since you said you wanted to watch it, and sometimes the ending gets changed when a work gets adapted into a movie, right?
Also, more importantly, that would’ve been a spoiler.
SakuyaIt’s true that the love was tragic, but the story was great, right?
IzumiYeah, I was moved.
TsuzuruIt was really educational for me as well, as a scriptwriter.
CitronAt the end, the screen was soaked with tears~!
MasumiI'm not gonna use that as reference.
I’ll never forgive you for not telling me it was a tragic love story.
ItaruI was just avoiding spoilers though.
TsuzuruAhh, it’s nothing.
ChikageNow, now. Let’s pull ourselves together and go eat fresh spring rolls?
SakuyaYeah, I’m starving!
CitronLet’s go!
IzumiCome on, aren’t you coming, Masumi-kun?
MasumiI’m going. I’ll go anywhere if it’s with you.
IzumiThat tasted great—!
CitronBoth the fresh spring rolls, and tom yam-chan were the best!
TsuzuruWho’s tom yam-chan!
It’s tom yam kung.[2]
SakuyaThat reminds me, you have to make a wish to the Hello Celestial Sphere when we get home!
Masumi…Right, there was something like that too.
TsuzuruThe Hello Celestial Sphere is an item where if you make a wish to it during your own birthday month, it’ll make that “what-if world” come true for just one day.
ChikageThat's what they say.
IzumiHave you decided on a wish, Masumi-kun?
MasumiI’ve chosen, more or less.
ItaruI mean, I can pretty much guess what Masumi's wish will be.
Masumi…I definitely don’t want to end up in a tragic love story with her.
IzumiWe’re home.
CitronWe are back~!
IzumiAre you preparing dinner, Omi-kun?
OmiYeah, I’m just making it now.
IzumiThen I’ll lend a hand too.
OmiThat helps.
SakuyaAlright, I’ll bring the Hello Celestial Sphere over so please wait here, everyone!
ItaruRoger that.
SakuyaI’ve brought the Hello Celestial Sphere.
Make a wish, Masumi-kun.
Masumi…I got it.
Hello, Oh, Stars of Aries… I want to become Director’s significant other.
And also, I want to experience a dramatic, unforgettable love...
IzumiOk, let’s start rehearsal.
Masumi(Director hasn’t changed from her usual self…
I knew it, there’s no way that kind of tool would grant my wish.)
IzumiWe watched a romance film yesterday, so how about we try doing some romance-themed etudes today?
SakuyaGreat idea!
CitronSounds interesting!
ChikageWe rarely do romantic etudes so that sounds fine, doesn’t it?
ItaruI agree.
TsuzuruI wanna try it too.
Masumi(…I feel like their reactions are different from usual.
Something's off…)
IzumiMasumi-kun will play my boyfriend!
I’m playing your boyfriend…?
MasumiIt's not the real thing, but I’m happy to be chosen by you.
IzumiAlright, then let’s get started right away.
I was really looking forward to our date at the park today~.
MasumiI’m happy I get to go on a date with you too. Love you.
IzumiMe too.
ItaruHold on!
Izumi!? Itaru-san…?
ItaruI lost you, but then I realized how precious you are to me!
Let’s start over one more time, Izumi!
MasumiWhat are you saying? She’s mine.
Izumi…Sorry, Masumi-kun.
The truth is, I couldn't forget about Itaru-san, even now!
I don’t like this conclusion. Start over.
IzumiOk, let’s try it one more time from the top.
Masumi(…Itaru appeared when we went to the park. I’ll choose a different location next.)
I’ll buy you the clothes that you like.
IzumiReally? I’m so happy!
MasumiI think this would look nice on you.
ChikageYou sure have no taste. This here would suit her more.
IzumiOh, true. I think I like this one better too!
ChikageI’ll choose the outfit for you that suits you best. Come here.
Masumi(Dumped again…)
Let’s redo it one more time.
(An outside setting is no good…)
For the next scenario, I’ve called Director over to my house.
IzumiSure, I got it.
This is the first time I’ve been to your home, right, Masumi-kun?
MasumiCome in.
IzumiThanks, sorry for the intrusion.
SakuyaWelcome home, Masumi nii-chan!
Is that person nii-chan’s girlfriend? Can I play with you too?
Masumi(…If he’s my little brother, then I don’t need to worry about him taking Director away, right?)
Yeah, sure.
SakuyaReally!? Thank you!
Onee-chan, are you going home already? I wanted to play more though.
I fell in love with you, Izumi onee-chan.
IzumiHe's so cute…! Sorry, Masumi-kun.
I can’t say no to Sakuya-kun’s confession!
MasumiAnother heartbreak…
One more time, from the top.
This time, Director and I are taking a stroll for our date.
IzumiNice weather today, huh?
MasumiYeah, it’s a beautiful day for a walk.
IzumiEH!? What are you doing here…
CitronWho is that man?
How dare you cheat even though you have me!
MasumiWhat does he mean? I'm not your first choice?
IzumiMasumi-kun… I’m so sorry!
MasumiWhy me…
…One more time.
Where should we go today?
IzumiI’ll go where you want to go!
TsuzuruSo you were here, Izumi?
I’ve been looking for you.
I kept quiet about it, but… I’ll be heading abroad next month.
That why I wanted to confess to you before then…
I’ve been pretending that we’re just childhood friends this whole time, but I’m actually in love with you.
I want you to come overseas with me…!
Masumi(This flow… will probably lead to another tragic end.)
…You can choose who you like.
MasumiI love you so much, Izumi, so I don’t want you to go.
But… You should choose the person who you truly want to be with.
…You’re the only one I love, Masumi-kun.
I want to stay by your side forever.
(I know it’s just an act, but I want to hug Director right now.
But I can’t do something like that…)
(No, well, it’s an etude so maybe it’s ok if I hug her just a little…)
TsuzuruOi, Masumi! Are you half-asleep!?
Too close, get away from me.
TsuzuruYou get away! Don’t hold on to me!
Masumi*Sigh*, worst morning ever.
TsuzuruYou… Even though I was worried and came over to check on you since you were tossing in your sleep...
Masumi…Was that a dream just now?
TsuzuruDid something happen?
MasumiIt’s nothing.
(Even though it was a dream, I learned a lot from it, both in a good sense and bad sense.
I’ll use that as reference for my future with Director.)



  1. Citron originally says "テッチャン" (tecchan: beef large intestine), which Itaru corrects as "テッパン" (teppan: ~a sure/guaranteed thing)
  2. The joke works better in Japanese as "tom yam kung" is written as ""トムヤムクン" (tom yam kun)