Masumi Usui/Literary Impasse

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With the Power of Love

Backstage Stories
CitronToday’s breakfast is a big bowl of natto!
KumonAre you having strawberry jam, Chikage-san? That’s a rare sight!
MukuWow, it’s a lovely colour.
ChikageWould you two like to have a taste?
TsuzuruUh, guys, that is definitely not strawberry jam…
ItaruIf you value your life, then I’mma get you to stop right there.
KumonEhh, what’s that supposed to mean!?
ChikageYou’ll understand once you’ve tried it.
MukuI-I think I’ll pass after all…
YukiI’m wondering what kind of glasses would look good on you.
BanriIs this for the upcoming costumes?
YukiYeah. I’m considering having Masumi wear glasses in the next performance. How does that sound?
TsuzuruThat fits Kunishige’s image, so doesn’t that sound fine?
SakuyaI’m sure Masumi-kun would look great with glasses too!
YukiI’ll ask you just in case, but do you have any design or image preferences?
Masumi…Anything’s fine.
YukiI knew you’d say that. Alright, I’m choosing whatever I want then.
MadokaAh, Masumi.
MadokaIt’s been a little while since we’ve bumped into each other on campus.
Spring troupe’s performance is coming up, right?
MasumiYeah. We have our fittings next week.
MadokaI see. I can’t wait to see what kind of story it’ll be.
???Oh, long time no see, Masumi-kun~!
MadokaIs that a friend of yours?
Masumi…I don’t know them.
???It’s me, Inabe from the Economics Faculty.
InabeEHH!? Hey now! I asked you to help with that billiards job a while back![1]
InabeDo you recall!?
Masumi…I don’t remember your face though.
InabeAh, well, I wasn’t wearing glasses back then!
You see, my girlfriend picked these glasses out for me~.
Masumi…Your girlfriend?
InabeThey look great on me, don’t they? I guess that’s the power of love~.
Yep, my girlfriend sure knows what suits me the best~.
MasumiThe power of love…
*ring, ring*
Masumi…Hello, Chikage?
There’s something I want to ask you.
*walks off*
InabeAh, hold on!
MadokaI don’t really know what happened…
But I’m going to head to my first class too.
MasumiI’m home.
IzumiAh, Masumi-kun. Welcome back.
MasumiHey… do you have some time this weekend?
IzumiYeah, that should be fine.
MasumiGreat. I want you to choose the glasses I’ll wear in the upcoming play.
IzumiMe? But…
MasumiI feel like I’ll be able to work even harder if you’re the one who picks them for me.
Izumi…I understand.
I don’t have confidence in my taste, but I’ll do my best to choose them.
MasumiThanks. I’ve already decided on the store.
Alright, I’ll be looking forward to our date.
IzumiIt’s not a date, got it?
Woah, it’s full of stylish glasses.
YukiI was worried about the prices since you said Chikage recommended this store. But I’m relieved it looks like there’s a huge range.
Masumi…By the way, why are you here?
Masumi Literary Impasse 2-1.jpg
YukiDon’t blame me because Director asked me to come, alright?
IzumiI thought it’d be better if Yuki-kun came along since this pertains to the costume you’ll be wearing in the show.
Masumi…I thought it’d just be the two of us though.
IzumiI’ll do my best to pick out glasses that’ll look great on you, Masumi-kun!
YukiHe’s as simple as always.
I’ll be taking a glance around the shop, so let me know when you’ve decided on something.
MasumiWill do.
IzumiMaybe this one… but this one is also…
Which one do you prefer, Masumi-kun?
MasumiI like them both. Since they were chosen by you.
IzumiYou’ve been saying that to all of them…
MasumiI’ll leave it to the power of your love.
IzumiT-the power of love…
(Well, I mean, as their Director, I am confident that my love for the troupe members won’t lose to anyone else!)
…Try these on, Masumi-kun.
How do I look?
Masumi Literary Impasse 2-2.jpg
IzumiNice! They really suit you!
I feel like they fit Kunishige’s image too.
MasumiIf you say so, then I’ll go with these.
YukiHave you two decided~?
IzumiYep. What do you think?
YukiOh, not bad at all.
But, how much are those?
YukiThey do look good though.
Izumi(I totally forgot about our budget…!)
M-Masumi-kun… how much do those cost?
Izumi50K!? D-did you get the digits wrong?
Masumi…I think it is though.
IzumiThere’s 1, 2, 3, 4 zeros…
(It really is 50,000…)
MasumiHa? I disagree.
You can just shell out 50K—.
YukiWould you like to appear naked on stage?
Izumi…Should I choose another pair?



  1. References Masumi’s SSR Ultimate Break Shot card.