「耳を揃えて今すぐ返せ。そうでなきゃ劇場はぶっ潰す」 "You must return the money in full immediately. If you don't, I will tear down this theatre."
The elite yakuza who was going to shut down the indebted MANKAI Company's theater. Somehow, he knows more about it's history and structure than the manager. He eventually joins the company and begins revamping MANKAI, by way of being in charge of accounting. Although you can rely on his intelligence, he sometimes acts like a little bit of an old man.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「ひとときの夢だったが、 お前にもう1度会えてよかった」It was a brief dream, but I'm glad I got to see you again.
「意見をくれないか、監督さん」Could I have your opinion, Director?
「おい、使わない電気はマメに消せ!」Oi, make sure you turn off the power when you're not using it!
「小物は使いまわせるから丁寧に使え」We can reuse the small props so take care when you use them.
「脚本は悪くねぇ、あとは役者の芝居だな」The script's not bad. Now it's up to the actors.
「このセリフ、アドリブはさめそうだな」We could ad-lib this line, huh.
「劇団に昔の活気が戻ってきたな…」The theatre's become lively again.
「時間の無駄は金の無駄だ」A waste of time is a waste of money.
「現実を見ないあまっちょろい奴ばかりで困るが…まあ悪くない」It's a bit worrying that it's all naive guys who can't see reality here, but...well, it's not bad.
「摂津にはリーダーとしての自覚をもっと持ってもらわねぇとな」Settsu needs to have more awareness of himself as a leader.
「兵頭にはつい厳しくしちまうが…それも愛情ってやつだ」I tend to be harsh on Hyodo, but... that's tough love.
「七尾はモテてーモテてーって…それしか言えねぇのか」Nanao's always going 'I wanna be popular, I wanna be popular'...Is that the only thing he can say?
「伏見は気を遣いすぎだ。それで助かってるのは事実だがな」Fushimi's too considerate. Though it's true he's helpful.
「ふぅ、反省点だらけだな…」*sigh* There's a lot to reflect on...
「だらだらすんな、しゃきっとしろ。あと5分以内に起きなければ殺す」Stop lazing around and wake up. If you don't wake up within 5 minutes I'll kill you.
「迫田の野郎…毎日毎日よく飽きずにここまで来るもんだ」Sakoda that bastard... doesn't he get tired of coming here day after day?
「随分お疲れだな。仕方ねぇ、労ってやるよ…今日も一日頑張ったな」You look pretty tired. It can't be helped, I'll tend to you... Today too you did your best.
「お前、疲れてるんじゃなかったのか?ったく…それで?俺にどうしてほしいんだ?」You, aren't you tired? Geez... and? What do you want me to do?
「『質素・倹約・節制』だ!…復唱してみろ」Simplicity, Frugality, Moderation! Try repeating that.
「おいてめぇ…誰にメンチ切ってんだ?」Oi, you... Who are you looking at?
「お前のそれは無意識か?いや…だとしても余計にタチが悪ぃな」Are you doing this unconsciously? No... even so it's still problematic.
「この眼鏡に一瞬でも触れて指紋をつけてみろ瞬時に殺す」Try touching my glasses and leaving your fingerprints over them just for a moment. I'll kill you in instant.
「やる気のねぇやつは帰れ。俺は芝居をしにきたんだ」People without motivation go home. I came here to act.
「黙って大人しくしてれば好き勝手しやがって…覚悟はできてんだろうな?」If I just stay quiet and say nothing you're doing whatever you want... You are prepared for the worst, right?
「次はどうするんだ?監督さん」What will you do next? Director.
「泣きボクロか。別に触っても楽しくねぇだろ」My mole, huh. Touching it isn't really fun, is it.
「人をヤクザヤクザって…ガタガタうるせぇな」People keep saying yakuza this yakuza that... They're so noisy.