Sakyo Furuichi/Stranger

From A3! Wiki

The Self-Trapped Man

Backstage Stories
YukiHow do your shoulders and sleeves feel?
SakyoThey seem fine.
IzumiSo Nine’s outfit is going to restrict his arm movements in some of the scenes.
SakyoNot being able to move my arms will really limit my movements.
It’ll take some time to get used to this.
YukiYeah, that sort of thing pretty much never happens in real life.
Sakyo...Hm, that’s an idea…
Didn’t think I’d have to rely on those again.
SakyoSakoda! Bring them here.
SakodaYessir, Aniki!
IzumiAre those… the handcuffs that you used to chain Banri-kun and Juza-kun together during our last performance?
SakyoI don’t want my role to come off as unnatural because I’m not used to keeping my arms bound.
I’ll try keeping these on all day tomorrow. Experience is the best teacher.
YukiWhat? Are you serious?
SakyoOf course. I won’t hold back when it comes to theater.
Izumi(Sakyo-san’s eyes look really serious…)
IzumiSakyo-san, good morning.
TaichiGood morning, Sakyo-nii—!?!?
TsuzuruF-Furuichi-san!? Wh-what’s with those handcuffs….!?
SakyoDon’t mind me. I’m just preparing for my role.
HomareWell this is fascinating! Hm, I’m inspired!
AzumaHuh… Sakyo-kun, those are nice.
TsuzuruNo, what do you mean, nice!? And why are you all inspired, Arisugawa-san!?
IzumiThe outfit for his next role limits his arm movements, so he didn’t want to act unnatural on stage…
So he’s going to spend the whole day in handcuffs to get used to having his arms confined.
AzumaI see. Sakyo-kun really is that serious and passionate about theater.
TsuzuruTh-that’s amazing, but would you normally go that far….
SakyoIf it’s for theater.
TaichiWhich means… now’s my chance to tickle Sakyo-nii all I want!?
Hehehe, watch out, Sakyo-nii~~~!!!
HomareOh, a fantastic evasion--followed by a smooth trip-up.
TsuzuruT-Taichi, are you okay? You fell flat on your face.
TaichiI-it hurts….
SakyoNanao, you’ve got some guts. You’d better watch out when the day’s over.
Izumi(I’m already sensing trouble… Will we be okay…?)
SakyoOi, are you seriously going to follow me around all day like that?
IzumiI-I’m sorry, but I really can’t help it….
SakyoI’m not some brat….
SakodaBut Aniki, you don’t look unhappy!
SakyoSakoda, if you keep yapping, I’m gonna give you more work.
SakodaS-sorry sir!!
But don’t worry, Director-neesan! I’ll be Aniki’s right arm--and his left arm, too!
Ah, Aniki, I’ll open the door right now.
SakyoNo need.
*Door opens*
Izumi(Sakyo-san sure is skilfull. Even with his arms chained together, he uses his foot to open the door, and he can carry objects without losing his balance.)
(I followed him because I was worried, but at this rate, he might not need me or Sakoda-san to do anything.)
*Phone buzzes*
SakodaAh, that’s my phone. Excuse me for a sec.
SakyoIs it from the group?
SakodaYes! H~m….? Uh, they want me to go shopping…
Sorry, I gotta head back to the office… Neesan! I’ll leave Aniki to you!
SakyoYou don’t need to ask anyone to take care of me. Just go.
SakodaAniki, please be careful!! See you later—!!
SakyoGeez, when will he stop being so loud.
Izumi(Hmm, Sakyo-san seems fine on his own, but… I should still keep an eye on him.)
IzumiHere you go, Sakyo-san. Your dinner.
SakyoYeah. Sorry for making you prepare dinner this late.
I know I was the one who started it, but I didn’t want them to watch me eat dinner handcuffed.
IzumiAhaha, I understand.
Izumi(He’s really skilfull. He’s using his chopsticks while handcuffed…)
Sakyo...Oi. Don’t stare. It’s hard to eat.
IzumiI-I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it…
SakyoI’ve gotten pretty used to this after today—.
IzumiAh, the tofu!
It fell on your clothes, right!? Wait, I’ll get a napkin right now—.
SakyoOi, it’s fine, I’ll clean it up myself!
IzumiNo, it’s faster for me to do it! It’s going to stain if you don’t wipe it quickly!
SakyoStop! It’s fine, really! Director-san… woah!
*Falling noises*
Sakyo...Oi, move.
IzumiHuh? Woah, s-sorry!
(I fell on top of Sakyo-san…!)
I’ll move right now!
*Door opens*
TaichiWhat happened? I thought I heard someone fall—.
S-Sakyo-nii and Director-sensei are—!!!
SakyoTch, why does Nanao have a knack for bad timing….
AzumaWhat’s wrong? ...Oh my.
HomareOh, is this what they call a scandal?
TaichiI can’t believe Sakyo-nii was born under the star of lucky accidents...!
AzumaFufu, you should think about time and place, you know?
SakyoYou lot… I’m gonna get every single one of you later…
