Sakyo Furuichi/Feelings of the Gathered Dead

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To the Park with Silvergrass Field

Backstage Stories
IzumiWah, this sake is so delicious.
SakyoYeah, it's fragrant.
AzumaI got this from an acquaintance. I'm glad you liked it.
That reminds me, I heard from that person,
There's a park famous for their silvergrass field nearby.
The silvergrass field is a more spectacular scene this year than it usually is.
SakyoSo there's a park like that too.
IzumiIf it's more spectacular this year, what is the silvergrass field like?
AzumaIt's more radiant than usual.
IzumiOh, really? I want to see it.
Sakyo..... Do you want to go?
SakyoYou want to see the silvergrass field, don't you?
I'll give you a ride.
IzumiIs it alright?
SakyoYeah, it's nearby after all.
IzumiThank you.
I'd love to go!
TaichiWhere are you going!?
TsumugiWhat were you talking about?
AzumaWe were just talking about going to a park with a silvergrass field.
It's more beautiful than usual this year.
TsumugiHeh, that sounds nice.
TaichiI want to go too!
IzumiThen, should we bring a packed lunch when we go?
SakyoWe'll have to ask Takato to drive the wagon if we're planning to go with more people.
AzumaLet's ask Tasuku.
So the members are; the 5 of us here, Tasuku and....
TsumugiIf we go in two cars, we can bring more people.
IzumiAh! Then how about we go with everyone in the Autumn Troupe and Winter Troupe?
It's definitely more fun to go together with everyone!
SakyoEveryone's schedule won't match up.
TaichiIf we tell them director-san's the one who planned it, I'm sure everyone will come!
AzumaFufu, you're right.
SakyoJust as I thought, we'll end up going with a large group.
IzumiThe egg rolls are all packed in the lunch box.
It's for everyone in the Autumn and Winter troupe, I have to move efficiently...!
GuyI'll prepare the dessert.
IzumiYes, please.
OmiI'll start packing when the fried chicken is done.
SakyoThose packed lunches on the table, is it okay to bring them to the car now?
IzumiThey're good to go!
Also, please bring the cooler box to the entrance.
The cooler box is this... right?
I'll carry it.
SakyoPlease do.
TaichiAh! I need to get something!
I'm going to the warehouse for a bit!
BanriThen, I'll head to Tasuku-san's car first.
JuzaOi, help carry the luggage.
BanriAah? Aren't two people enough?
AzamiCan I ride in Tasuku-san's car? I don't want to ride with Sakyo.
TasukuYeah, you can get on first.
HisokaHmm.... Zzz....
HomareHisoka-kun, if you want to sleep, sleep in the car!
IzumiEveryone seems to have gone out now.
I have to go too... I have to bring the last lunch box.
SakyoI'll bring it. Give me the lunch box.
IzumiAh, Sakyo-san.
Thank you!
BanriHeh, so this is the park famous for their silvergrass?
HomareThe autumn leaves are splendid.
AzumaWhy don't we check the silvergrass field first?
IzumiOh, that's right.
Let's go then!
SakyoThis is really something.
TsumugiThe sunlight makes the silvergrass look silver.
IzumiJust as Azuma-san's acquaintance mentioned, it's really beautiful!
AzumaYou're right.
It's more beautiful than I imagined. I was surprised.
GuyIt is beautiful scenery that makes you feel Japan's autumn.
OmiIt's worth capturing.
I'm glad I brought my camera.
SakyoWill you take a picture of the members later?
We might be able to use it for blogs and Inste later on.
Izumi(Thinking of ways to promote the theater company even at times like this, that's just very Sakyo-san like.)
TsumugiThe packed lunch was delicious.
JuzaThe dessert was good.
HisokaThe marshmallows were delicious.
IzumiI'm glad to hear that!
OmiWhat should we do after this?
TaichiActually, I brought something nice earlier!
TasukuSomething nice?
TaichiTadah~! Autumn is a great time for sports.
That’s why I thought, shouldn't we play badminton with everyone?
BanriWas it the stuff you fetched in the warehouse on your way out?
TaichiSpot on! How's it!?
GuyI think it is a good suggestion.
AzamiWe do not have anything else to do.
SakyoWe don't have enough time to play one-on-one as we did before.
IzumiIf so.... I can be the referee.
How about playing doubles?
JuzaDoubles, huh. I think it's a good idea.
TaichiMe too!
AzumaDirector, is it really okay for you to not join the game?
Shall I become the referee?
IzumiNo, I'm alright.
SakyoI'm sorry we have to ask you to be the referee this time.
IzumiLeave it to me!
So, what should we do with the teams?
AzamiIs it okay to choose using Amida[1]?
TasukuWith Amida, we can have a side to choose from and another side to choose.
How are we going to decide from that?
TsumugiHow about dividing the troupes?
OmiSounds good.
That way, we can pair one member of the Autumn troupe with a Winter Troupe member.
HomareThat's certainly right.
TaichiLet's use Amida then!
IzumiThe pairing results are: Banri-kun and Tsumugi-san,
Taichi-kun and Guy-san, Juza-kun and Homare-san.
Azami-kun and Hisoka-san, Sakyo-san and Tasuku-san,
and Omi-kun and Azuma-san!
BanriHeh, the groups are quite balanced.
GuyI cannot tell who would win.
AzamiWait up, Sakyo. Can you even play badminton till the last round?
Don't you want to have a seed?[2]
BanriRight? His body won't make it.
SakyoOi, stop treating me like an old man.
AzumaI'd love to have seed rights too.
IzumiWell.... Is it okay for Sakyo-san and Tasuku-san pair and Omi-kun and Azuma-san pair to be exempted from the first round?
JuzaI don't mind.
HisokaI want seed rights too.
HomareHisoka-kun, just do your best.
IzumiAlright then, let's commence the 2nd Mankai Badminton Tournament!
The first match will be between Banri-kun and Tsumugi-san pair versus Taichi-kun and Guy-san pair!
TaichiGuy-san, please serve!
TsumugiEh, it's too close to the net....!?
I-I can't reach it....
Izumi(Tsumugi-san did his best to return the shuttlecock, but too bad....!)
BanriTsumugi-san, don't mind.
TsumugiI-I'll do my best with the next one.
Izumi(Ah, Banri-kun barely saved it!)
TasukuSettsu is hitting all the shuttlecocks Tsumugi can't hit.
TaichiGuy-san, let's do this!
SakyoIt has become a one-on-two match before I knew it.
IzumiThe match is over!
Taichi-kun and Guy-san pair won!
TaichiWe won!
Banri-kun, I'm sorry we lost because of me.
BanriNo, I know Tsumugi-san is not good at things like this. It's alright.
IzumiThe next match is between Juza-kun and Homare-san pair versus Azami-kun and Hisoka-san pair!
HisokaI'm not motivated... Zzz....
AzamiHisoka-san, wake up...!
HomareChasing after shuttlecock with your friends on a refreshing autumn day. What a wonderful scene!
HomareWinning by the shuttlecock on an autumn day...
....Hrm? The shuttlecock has fallen, hasn’t it?
JuzaDon't mind.
AzamiHere comes the next one! Hah!
HomareNet pocket racket...
GuyArisugawa could not hit with his racket despite his chants.
Juza is the one hitting the shuttlecock and covering for him.
TasukuThe match became a one-on-one match between him and Izumida.
AzamiYes, this is the last one.
TaichiIt's decided with A-chan's smash!
IzumiAzami-kun and Hisoka-san pair won!
AzumaIt's finally time for the seed group.
SakyoIt's me and Tasuku's match.
IzumiNext up, Sakyo-san and Tasuku-san's pair versus Taichi-kun and Guy-san's pair, start now!
...Ah, I've returned it!
Tch, I missed it.
HomareHrm, Sakyo-san is also struggling, It seems like there are shots he couldn't hit with his racket.
BanriThat's why Tasuku-san is covering and moving for it.
OmiI can’t tell who would win.
JuzaIf Sakyo-san's team scores the next rally, they will win.
Izumi(Wah, this course looks difficult....!)
TsumugiAh, Sakyo-san returned it!
OmiBut it's definitely out...
AzumaAh, the wind....
Group Members!
IzumiSakyo-san's shot is in!
Sakyo-san and Tasuku-san won!
TaichiEhh!? I'm so upset!
All because of the wind....!
GuyIt's part of the game. We can't help it.
IzumiUp next, Azami-kun and Hisoka-san pair versus Azuma-san and Omi-kun's pair’s match, start now!
AzumaOmi, go over there.
OmiGot it.
GuyIs it a strategy where Yukishiro gives the instructions and Fushimi is the one who moves?
TaichiA-chan is doing his best alone this time too!
TsumugiAhaha.... Hisoka-kun doesn't feel motivated after all.
SakyoIf Azami and Mikage score the next rally, they will win.
AzumaOmi, target where Azami’s shot went out before.
OmiThen, from behind.
Izumi(The shuttlecock went over Azami-kun's head and headed towards Hisoka-san.)
AzamiHisoka-san, I'll give you marshmallows if you return that shot!
HomareOoh, Hisoka-kun hit it back with great momentum!
IzumiThe match is over!
Azami-kun and Hisoka-kun are going to the finals!
OmiI'm sorry I couldn't save it.
AzumaNo, It can't be helped.
Good work.
JuzaThe finals will be a match between Sakyo-san and Tasuku-san versus Azami and Hisoka-san.
IzumiAzami-kun and Hisoka-san, you just played a match, would you like to take a break?
AzamiNo, I'm good--
If anything, I still have plenty of energy to spare.
HisokaAzami, I'm sorry. I'll do my best in the next match.
BanriOh, Hisoka-san is finally motivated.
HisokaAzuma told me he'll give me marshmallows so I have to do my best.
AzamiNow that Hisoka-san is onboard, we can definitely win this match.
IzumiLet's start the game!
OmiSakyo-san can’t move as much.
TsumugiHe seems to be exhausted from the previous game.
JuzaTasuku-san is doing the rally.
GuyHowever, it will be difficult for Takato alone to deal with the two of them.
Up next is the decisive round.
TaichiAh, Sakyo-nii couldn't save the shuttlecock!
IzumiThe match is over!
The winner is Azami-kun and Hisoka-san’s pair!
Banri't was a sweeping victory.
AzamiEven though you told me to stop treating you like an old man,
you got worn out in the end.
SakyoShut up.
(....Still, I can't help but feel old.)
IzumiWe'll wrap the badminton tournament here.
Good work, everyone!
SakyoHaa.... I'm really tired.
IzumiWah, it's shining like gold this time!
IzumiSakyo-san wasn't around, I thought you'd come here.
Good work on the badminton match.
SakyoDirector too, good work on being the referee.
IzumiThe silvergrass here is extremely beautiful.
SakyoYeah, it has a different atmosphere from the daytime.
CHOICE 1: "Thank you for bringing me here" [+]
CHOICE 2: "It looks good on Sakyo-san" [+]
SakyoWhat now?
IzumiNot only the silvergrass but Sakyo-san's hair shining under the setting sun is also extremely beautiful!
....Director's hair is also beautiful under the light.
IzumiEh? Really?
SakyoYeah, it's really beauti---
TaichiWhere in the world Sakyo-nii and Director-san go!
I think they both came here.....
JuzaThey're not here.
AzamiWouldn't they come back if we'll just wait over there?
BanriGeez, it's about time to go home. What in the world are those two doing?
OmiI'm sure they're taking their time watching the silvergrass.
Sakyo....Haa, here comes the noisy punks.
IzumiAhaha, it seems like everyone came looking for us.
SakyoLooks like it.
Let's go back.



  1. あみだ or あみだくじ Amida or Amida-kuji is lottery method where one can create random pairing from two set of teams/ things. One can choose the line from the top following it downwards until they reach the last vertical line. The names from below the line or even the ladder are often concealed so the person choosing wouldn’t know which line leads to the bottom/ or which item/people they will get at the bottom. People also call it ghost leg or ladder game.