Sakyo Furuichi/Dressing Formally

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Dressing Formally

Backstage Stories
IzumiSakyo-san, it’s me.
SakyoAhh, come in.
What is it?
Izumi(Oh, he doesn’t have his glasses on……)
It’s a little early but dinner’s ready.
SakyoAhh, I see. I’ll go now.
Sakyo——You seem like you have something to say.
IzumiI think it’s the first time I’ve ever seen you without glasses.
IzumiHuh, you’re wearing them?
SakyoI can’t eat if i don’t wear them.
IzumiIs your eyesight that bad?
SakyoThat precisely why I wear glasses isn’t it.
What else would I do with something like this.
IzumiBut, fashionably framed glasses have been popular recently too—
(That aside, his skin’s so beautiful that I can’t imagine he’s actually in his thirties……!)
Sakyo……Don’t stare at a person’s face so intently.
Moreover……You have moles under your eye too.
SakyoWhat’s the problem with that.
IzumiNot at all, I think it’s really nice and appealing.
Izumi(Huh? Could he possibly be embarrassed?)
Sakyo……I’ll kill you if you continue tattling on any further than you already have.
IzumiThat’s dangerous.
TaichiEh—! That’s a rather hard for me~!
KazunariNot at all—! You’ll definitely attract them! You’ll be really popular!
SakyoShut up.
Calm down during mealtimes at least.
TaichiOh! Sakyo-nii!
Sakyo……What is it.
TaichiOh, I got it! What about glasses after all!?
KazunariOh— glasses!
There’s certainly a chance!
IzumiWhat are you all talking about?
KazunariIt’s dandy if you bring it along. You know, there had been a real crowd when Tai-chan wore one—
TaichiI might be able to give off the same vibe if I wear glasses just like Sakyo-nii does!
IzumiHmm, I wonder about that……
KazunariDoes that mean that the director’s under the glasses NG faction?
IzumiRather than NG, I guess you could say that I don’t really bother about it.
TaichiThen, then, comparing a person who wears glasses and a person who doesn’t, which is better!?
IzumiHmm……Oh, but earlier when Sakyo-san had removed his glasses, it had been really nice and new.
TaichiYeah, that’s true! I’m pretty sure the image he gives off changes a lot when he removes his glasses.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Furuichi-san without his glasses~
TaichiIf Omi-san had to say it, it’d probably be “Young”.
KazunariReally, really?
I’m getting more and more interested!
TaichiSince Kazu-kun’s saying it too, how about you try removing it!
And, I don’t mind if you lend it to me eith—
SakyoIf you’re going to make any more fuss——you understand, don’t you.
TaichiI-It’s a joke!
KazunariDon’t get so angry!
IzumiHe’s as dangerous as ever……!
