Sakyo Furuichi/Night Watch Ginsenkai
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Night Watch Ginsenkai
Backstage StoriesIzumi | Huh? Oh, Sakyo-san |
Sakyo | What a coincidence. Are you on the way back from buying things? |
Izumi | Yup. You too? |
Sakyo | Yeah. I bought a movie DVD. |
Izumi | Heh, so not only do you read but you even go all the way to watch the movies! You’re really a hard-worker huh. |
Sakyo | …… Obviously. If you’re heading back then let’s go together. Pass me the stuff you’re holding. |
Izumi | T-Thank you very much. |
You got a DVD huh. You bought it instead of renting it? | |
Sakyo | Only because it was something that had caught my interest when I saw it in the theaters. |
There’s an interview with the cast and director in the purchased copy. | |
You can learn many things from the people involved in it from. There. | |
Izumi | I see……so what movie was it that you bought today? |
Sakyo | The movies called『 Attack◆Of◆The Killer Carrots』 and『Main · Intern』 |
Izumi | I’ve heard about『 Main · Intern』before but this is the first time I’m ever hearing of that killer one. |
Sakyo | That’s because it’s a work from quite long ago. It’s a dumb movie about carrots killing humans one after another. |
Izumi | Heh! Sounds rather interesting! |
Sakyo | I thought that it’d be rather interesting when I heard the synopsis of it. |
Izumi | But didn’t you buy it because you wanted to watch it too? |
Sakyo | It seemed like this movie was popular with fans of movies. Though I just happened to find this in the sale portion today. |
I don’t expect much out of it but I think it wouldn’t be too bad to watch. | |
Izumi | I see…… that’s true. |
Sakyo | The movie world and the theatrical world are both the same deep down. |
Izumi | We’re back. |
Misumi | Tri! Tri! Triangle〜♪ |
Izumi | !? |
Sakyo | ——What’s this ruckus? |
Kazunari | Oh, sup’ both of you! You’re here at a good timing, the triangle exercise is just starting now. |
Izumi | Triangle exercise……? |
Tenma | Tri…… angle…… |
Banri | Triangle~ |
Muku | Tri, Tri, Triangle…… ! L-Like this? |
Misumi | Yup! Muku, you’re doing great! |
Citron | Phew〜!It’s fun! |
Yuki | Though you’re the only one who’s choreography seems to be off though. |
Citron | This is a special dance from our country ! How about you join us too, Yuki?Shall we dance? |
Yuki | I’ll refrain from doing so. |
Misumi | Triangle, triangle♪ Triangle all the time~♪ |
Sakyo | ……Is this place a nursery daycare school? |
Taichi | We’re carrying out the punishment game for those who lost the game of cards now. Hey, Banri, come on, do it seriously! |
Banri | Yeah, yeah. Tch, why do I have to do things like this…… |
Yuki | Shut up and do it properly Nyo-yan. |
Banri | Oi, hey don’t go calling me by weird names now. |
Tenma | In the first place, what the hell is a triangle exercise…… |
Taichi | An exercise routine that’s been featured recently in MHK. |
Kazunari | It’s very popular with little kids. |
Sakyo | Though Ikaruga’s a fine adult himself…… |
Izumi | If anything, it’s great to see that Misumi-kun’s enjoying himself! |
Misumi | Tri, Tri, Triangle~♪ |
Banri | Oi, we’re still gonna do it? |
Taichi | Of course we are! |
Kazunari | If you don’t dance properly, there’ll be another punishment game waiting for you. |
Tenma | What do you mean? |
Yuki | I’ve uploaded a video recording of this up on the net. |
Tenma | Hah!? |
Banri | Heck, since when did you even take the video! |
Taichi | Kazu-kun’s been turning around non-stop ever since earlier, you know~ |
Banri | Hand it over. |
Kazunari | Don’t~ wanna. It’s because Settsu, you know too much about me— |
Tenma | Hand it over. |
Kazunari | Uwaaah!? It’s not something for you to be cornering me from both sides! Tai-chan, pass! |
Taichi | Got’cha! |
Banri | Ah, hey you bastard— |
Misumi | Hey~! No fighting~! |
Izumi | Misumi-kun’s angry…… |
Muku | T-That’s rare……! |
Misumi | At times like this~ Everyone will get along with each other if you do the triangle exercise! |
Sakyo | You’re still going to return to that in the end huh. |
Misumi | The triangle exercise~ It’s fun! |
Fun is happiness. Happiness is triangular. It’ll be solved if we all do the triangle exercise together! | |
Izumi | I see……! |
Sakyo | Don’t go getting convinced. |
Misumi | Haha, everyone line up! Banri, Tenma, Taichi and Kazu too! |
Taichi | Eh!? Me too!? |
Kazunari | Sounds great so why not! Let’s do it all together since we’re all already here—! Right, Muku-kun? |
Muku | Yup! |
Tenma | Speaking of which, why aren’t you participating too, Yuki? |
Yuki | Because I’m the one handling the camera. |
Taichi | Does that even count!? |
Yuki | Okay everyone~ please face the camera here. |
Banri | I’ll destroy that smartphone later. |
Tenma | I’ll help. |
Misumi | Everyone~ let’s go~? Triangle exercise, start~! |
Sakyo | ……I guess the most important thing is that they’re having fun. |
Izumi | That’s true…… |
(Haa……I can’t really fall asleep, maybe I should go drink some hot milk) | |
(……Hm? The light at the lounge’s on? I wonder if someone’s still awake at this time of the night?) | |
Sakyo | …… |
Izumi | Huh? Sakyo-san? |
Sakyo | Oh, it’s you. |
Izumi | I was thinking who it was in the middle of the night. Are you watching a movie? |
Sakyo | Yeah. I couldn’t watch it back in the afternoon since everyone was being so noisy. |
Izumi | That afternoon, they did the triangle exercise three times! Thanks to that, even I had heard the choreography. |
Sakyo | Seems like my choice of not participating was right. So, what are you up to? |
Izumi | Err—r, I was thinking of drinking hot milk since I wasn’t able to fall asleep at all. |
Sakyo | Hot milk huh. How child-like. |
Izumi | It’s surprisingly effective! You can manage to sleep soundly if you drink it! |
Sakyo | Well, it might be good for relaxing. |
Izumi | Certainly—— Wait, oh! That movie’s 『Reversible』isn’t it! |
Sakyo | You know about it huh. |
Izumi | Of course! I wanted to watch it during the opening period but before I knew it, the renting period had already started! |
Sakyo | If so then how about watching it together? |
Izumi | Eh!? Is it really alright for me to do so? |
Sakyo | If only you promise not to make any noise. |
Izumi | It won’t be noisy with only one more person! Then I’ll take you up on your words. |
Sakyo | Don’t make a fuss. |
Izumi | Like I said, I’m not! |
……Many people die in this movie. | |
Sakyo | Well that’s just the kind of movie it is. |
Izumi | You and musical films are a surprising combination. |
Sakyo | I can still find them interesting at my age can’t I, there’s really no meaning to that. |
Izumi | ……I see. |
(Oh, this is bad, I’m getting sleepy……) | |
Sakyo | ……Are you sleepy? |
Izumi | Not at all! I’m fine! |
Sakyo | ……Then it’s fine. |
Izumi | …… |
(Even if I say that……My eyelids are already getting heavier by the second……) | |
Sakyo | ………… |
Sakyo | Oi, your eyes are half-closed you know. If you’re sleepy then go to your room—— |
Izumi | No……it’s okay……I’m awake…… |
Sakyo | ……Haa. It can’t be helped then. |
Come here. I’ll lend you my shoulder. | |
Izumi | Nn—……Thank you very much…… |
Sakyo | Does your neck hurt? |
CHOICE 1: It’s comfortable [+]
CHOICE 2: It might be a little hard to sleep [+]
Sakyo | If you’re sleepy then sleep here. |
Izumi | (Ah, he’s patting my head……) |
But, the movie…… | |
Sakyo | I can watch that kinda thing anytime. At least, while you’re still here. |
Izumi | (I see……Then……) |
………… | |
Sakyo | ……Your sleeping face hasn’t changed at all. |
Izumi | Nn—……I slept well. |
…… | |
Huh? Yesterday…… | |
(I feel like I had been watching a movie together with Sakyo-san back in the lounge room……Was it a dream?) | |
Sakyo | ——You’re awake. |
Izumi | Oh……Good morning. |
Sakyo | Morning. |
Izumi | Um……Yesterday, I saw a dream that I had been watching a movie with you yesterday but—— |
Sakyo | That wasn’t a dream. |
Izumi | Right? I’m glad! There’s no way that I’d have such a clear dream— |
Sakyo | Then, do you remember me carrying you all the way back to your room when you fell asleep in the middle of watching the movie you said you wanted to watch so much? |
Izumi | What!? Please repeat that once more! |
Sakyo | Like I said, I carried you back to your room. |
Izumi | T-That’s a lie, right? |
Sakyo | How many times do you want me to say it? |
Izumi | ……I’m sorry for causing you trouble. |
Sakyo | You’re honestly such a handful. |
Well……I’m glad I saw your goofy sleeping face. | |
Izumi | Saying that it was goofy’s just plain mean! |
Sakyo | Then, how about calling it a stupid face? |
Izumi | Both of them aren’t any different! Besides, what did you mean by you carried me— |
Sakyo | Do you want to hear me saying it straight from my own mouth on purpose? |
Izumi | …...Ngh. |
Misumi | Go—od mor—ning—! |
Sakyo | ……You’re being noisy right in the morning. |
Misumi | Mumumu? What are you talking about? Triangle~? |
Sakyo | We were just talking about how the director’s bed hair was really bad. |
Izumi | Eh!? The way I slept!? |
Sakyo | I’m joking. Don’t go accepting it head-front just like that. |
Izumi | ……But you have bed hair too! |
Sakyo | Ho, where? Tell me about it, Director— |
Izumi | Too close, too close, too close! It’s a lie! You don’t have bed hair at all! |
Sakyo | You’re still 100 years too early to be lying to me. |
Misumi | Hmm—m……I don’t really get it but the both of you seem to be getting along with each other pretty well! |
Sakyo | Yeah. Isn’t that right, director? |