Sakyo Furuichi/Banquet of Blooming

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Starring "Sakyo"

Backstage Stories
Izumi(Today is Autumn Troupe's Third Performance's screening and talk show)
TaichiWhen I'm wearing Kojima's costume, I really feel like calling Sakyo-nii "boss"~!
Say, can I call you "boss" just for today ?
SakyoRejected. You're too noisy.
Izumi( Eh? Juza-kun is kind of anxious.)
Juza-kun, what's wrong?
JuzaIt's nothing.
Izumi...? I see..?
Ah, by the way. Sakyo-san, After the talk show, I’ll have to take instant photo as present for the audience.
I'll be great if you can smile for it.
SakyoYeah, I got it.
TaichiWe will accept questions from everyone ~! Is there anyone who has questions?
Audience AMe!
Audience BMe~!
TaichiThere's a lot of people raising their hands ! Please choose one of 'em, Sakyo-nii !
SakyoThen, the person wearing a white jacket on the back, please.
Audience CThank you very much !
Did everyone experienced some kind of difficulty during the practice?
SakyoDifficulty huh..
TaichiI can't remember anything I didn't had a hard time with !
JuzaSakyo-san is strict during practice too.
SakyoIt's practice so it's just natural that I will be strict.
TaichiAh, but I think the most difficult thing is Sakyo-nii is yakuza-- Um, I mean, he's a yakuza freak[1] so the practice is hella strict !
Juza.... Yakuza freak..
SakyoStop starin’ at me, Hyodo.
Well, even if I'm not a yakuza freak, guess the image of yakuza in Hyodo, Nanao, and Fushimi's mind is already too cruel.
Frankly, I'd say, I had difficulty correcting the image of yakuza for those three.
AudienceAhaha. I see.
JuzaBecause of Sakyo-san's strictness, everyone was able to give a good performance on the stage.
TaichiYup, yup ! That's right.
So from now on, remember that Sakyo-nii is a yakuza freak, okay?
SakyoDon't make them remember anything unnecessary or I'll make sure to remember it later.
TaichiEek ! Sakyo-nii is scary!
AudienceAhahahaha !
JuzaLet's continue with the questions.
TaichiAnyone else who has questions--!
Audience DMe !
Audience EMe~!
SakyoWhat's wrong?
JuzaNo, it's nothing.
SakyoI see..? Then, you or Nanao should choose the next audience.
Since I already chose someone from the back earlier, the next one should be sitting in front-
SakyoIt's nothing.
TaichiThe talk show is crazy fun ~!
IzumiYup! The audience were very happy too.
Why was my mother here..
IzumiEhh? Your mom came?
TaichiFor real !? But I didn't notice her when I sent off the audiences?
SakyoI cannot neglect the other audience. That's why I just sent her off without talking to her.
Where did she find out about the screening?
JuzaI invited her.
JuzaI happened to met her in the town the other day. I told her that Tales of Chivalry is going to have a screening. She said she wanted to go.
SakyoSo that was it...
TaichiAhh, Sakyo-nii, your phone is ringing ~!
Sakyo.... Talking about good timing.
Hello.Why did you come?
Sakyo's Mom[... Is that the first thing you'll say after answering the phone?]
SakyoI'm saying, put yourself in my shoes.
Sakyo's Mom[ I got my invitation from Hyodo-kun this time. You have no right to complain.]
[ Ah, you are not allowed to blame him either.]
SakyoFor talking out loud. Of course you're his fan.
Sakyo's Mom[I don't see anything wrong with that.]
TaichiSo, Sakyo-nii's mom is Juza-san's fan~!
Sakyo's Mom[The screening and talk show was fun. Good work]
[Please send everyone my regards. I'll come to watch the plays again.]
TaichiShe's such a nice mom ~!
IzumiI know right.
SakyoThe hell are you eavesdropping for?
IzumiWe just happen to hear a bit of it. If you're done, we can take the photo now.
IzumiHow is it?
JuzaIt looks great.
TaichiThere's a huge gap between Kazama and that smile.
SakyoAll's left is my sign, right?
IzumiYup. Please sign it here.
( How did I ended up going in this place...)
( Eh? I'm... wearing a kimono !? )
Boorish-Looking Guy AWhere did she go?!
Boorish-Looking Guy BTch ! How did that squirt escape so easily ?!
Izumi( ....! They're not talking about me, right !? Maybe I should peek a little..)
???Stay here, quietly.
Izumi( ..! Sakyo-san?!)
Izumi( Hm? He's wearing Kazama's costume..)
KazamaCan't you keep your voice down?
Boorish-Looking Guy AAah ? Who the hell are you?
Boorish-Looking Guy BYou have the guts to complain ?
KazamaIf it's a girl you're looking for, she ran towards that direction.
Boorish-Looking Guy ATch.. Let's go.
Boorish-Looking Guy BAah.
KazamaThey finally left.
IzumiThank you so much for helping me.
( This estate... Also, Sakyo-san doesn't seem to recognize me.. If you look closely, this estate does looks like Tatsuta Group's headquarters )
( Could it be.. He is the real Kazama and not Sakyo-san? )
KazamaNow, what have you done?
IzumiAh... umm.. That's.. My mind is muddled. I don't remember anything either.
KazamaGeez.. I have no idea why a little girl like you would end up in this place.
KazamaGet inside for now. You'll be safer here.
IzumiEh. but... I'm just a stranger. Will it be okay for you to let me in?
KazamaI know that you can't do us any harm.
KazamaBesides, the master of this house is a good person.
Izumi... If you insist... I'll accept your kind offer.
KazamaThat's why I'm telling you it's okay from the beginning. Hurry, come in.
Sakyo...-san, director-san.
SakyoAre you trying to catch a cold sleeping in a place like this? If you're going to sleep, go back to your room.
Izumi(I fell asleep without knowing it)
I, I'm sorry. It seems like I dozed off while reading the questionnaires from the talk show.
CHOICE 1: "The talk show was exciting" [+]
IzumiThe talk show was really exciting.
All of your fans really enjoyed it. There's a lot of positive messages written on the questionnaires.
SakyoIs that so. It's good if it's popular.
You might've been busy working behind the scene but did you watch the talk show?
IzumiYup, of course ! I had fun watching it. You look really cool while wearing Kazama's costume.
I'm a big fan of yours too !
SakyoPff.. I see. Thanks I guess.
CHOICE 2: "The talk show makes me feel nostalgic" [+]
IzumiWatching the talk show reminds me of the actual performance. It feels nostalgic somehow.
SakyoI remembered a lot of things too.
IzumiDuring that time, it made a huge ruckus when everyone thought you'll be leaving the dorm.
SakyoSuch thing happened too.
But like I said last time, I'll never leave the company ever again.
Besides, I can't possibly leave you alone.
SakyoYou're the type of person who’s mindlessly sleeping in a place like this while keeping your guard down. I have to keep an eye on you.
IzumiUh.. well I can't argue with that..
Izumi( Ah, speaking of Kazama-san..)
Come to think of it, I had a good dream when I fell asleep.
SakyoSo that's why you're grinning earlier.
IzumiEh? I was??
SakyoYeah, you were smiling like a fool while sleeping.
Izumi(T-that's embarrassing)
SakyoPfft... Just kidding.
IzumiEhh?!!! Jeez, Sakyo-san!!
Sigh... Kazama is definitely nicer than him.
SakyoAhh? What did you say?
IzumiIt's nothing !



  1. Taichi almost revealed Sakyo is yakuza but changed his wording and used the term "任侠マニア" or (ninkyo mania). 任侠マニア is used to describe people who are Yakuza movie, show, drama enthusiasts.'任侠' literally means chivalry but the word is also used in Yakuza-related stuff. For example Yakuza self-referentially call their group "任侠団体" (ninkyo dantai) or chivalrous organization. Yakuza films are also called, "任侠映画" (ninkyo eiga).