Banri Settsu

From A3! Wiki
Banri Settsu
Character Profile
Name 摂津万里 (Settsu Banri)
Troupe Autumn
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Height 183 cm
Birthday September 9
Blood Type B
Year 1
3rd Year at Hanasaki Academy
Year 2
1st Year at Veludo Arts University
Year 3
2nd Year at Veludo Arts University
Motif Flower Cosmos
Image Colour
Hobbies Games, Rubik's cubes
SNS Icon
Inste BANRI.
Favorite Food California rolls
Least Favorite Food Natto
Family Father, mother, older sister
Strength Disentanglement puzzles, Rubik's cubes
Weakness Praising his buddies
CV Chiharu Sawashiro

Official Introduction

"My life's in super ultra easy mode."

A super high-spec delinquent who can handle academics, sports, and pretty much everything else. Having not found a point to life, he always tried to pick fights until he tasted defeat for the first time. Having been defeated by Juza, he followed him into the MANKAI Company to seek revenge. He is the leader of the Autumn Troupe.

Character Description

Banri has a relaxed demeanour and claims to live his life in "easy mode". He found a love of acting since joining the company despite initially joining for revenge, and is considerate and supportive of his fellow company members. Though he and Juza clash personality-wise, they came to develop a mutual respect for each other through acting over the course of Autumn Troupe's first play.

Banri comes from a relatively well-to-do family and has an older sister. He's also friends with fellow leader Tenma, who shares his love of shopping. Banri has a somewhat expensive taste in clothing, is considered a "fashionista" within the company, and seems to favour animal-print.

He likes playing games, and gets along well with Itaru as a result.

He attends Hanasaki Academy with Sakuya and Masumi.


  • His gamer handle is NEO
  • He shares Room 104 in the dorms with Juza
  • When it comes to coffee, he prefers it on the bitter side
  • Against his big sister, he cannot win arguments
  • Link Skills

    See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.

    Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
    The two guy friends who get along surprisingly well! Their celebrity status is also a point in common. Comedy Co 12% Up
    Autumn A theatre unit specialising in aggressive action plays. Action Ac 60% Up
    They are needed to guide each troupe. Leaders' meetings are also held regularly! Action Ac 36% Up
    Gaming for an hour a day? What if there's no save point? Action Ac 12% Up
    The high school division of a highly-ranked private combined middle-and-high school. Blazer uniform. Serious Sr 24% Up
    A distinguished arts university the two of them attend. The campus is a melting pot of oddballs and eccentrics!? Serious Sr 15% Up
    The Autumn Troupe leader who's become a bit more of an adult and the juvenile rookie. Serious Sr 12% Up