「俺の人生スーパーウルトライージーモードだわ」 "My life's in super ultra easy mode."
A super high-spec delinquent who can handle academics, sports, and pretty much everything else. Having not found a point to life, he always tried to pick fights until he tasted defeat for the first time. Having been defeated by Juza, he followed him into the MANKAI Company to seek revenge. He is the leader of the Autumn Troupe.
Banri has a relaxed demeanour and claims to live his life in "easy mode". He found a love of acting since joining the company despite initially joining for revenge, and is considerate and supportive of his fellow company members. Though he and Juza clash personality-wise, they came to develop a mutual respect for each other through acting over the course of Autumn Troupe's first play.
Banri comes from a relatively well-to-do family and has an older sister. He's also friends with fellow leader Tenma, who shares his love of shopping. Banri has a somewhat expensive taste in clothing, is considered a "fashionista" within the company, and seems to favour animal-print.
He likes playing games, and gets along well with Itaru as a result.
He attends Hanasaki Academy with Sakuya and Masumi.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「へいへい、芝居でも歌でも任せろよ。俺何でも出来っからさ。」Yeah yeah, leave both acting and singing to me. I can do anything, see.
「はは……こればっかりは仕方ねぇよなぁ、兵頭、てめぇとの勝負もおあずけだな。」Haha... This can't be helped, huh... Hyodo, my battle with you is on hold, too.
「感情のこめ方って…どうやんの?」To gather one's feelings...How do you do that?
「こんなんじゃ、またアイツに負けちまう」At this rate, I'll lose to him again.
「おっ、今の流れ完璧じゃね?」Oh, didn't that go perfectly just then?
「ははっ、楽しいじゃん」Haha, this is fun.
「これくらいよゆ~じゃね?」This much is easy~
「テストなんて教科書テキトーに読んどけばなんとかなる」Tests can be handled just by flipping casually through a textbook.
「監督ちゃんもゲームする?」Are you gonna game too, Director?
「唐突に買い物行きたくなったわ、天馬にLIMEしてみるか」I suddenly feel like going shopping. I might hit up Tenma on LIME.
「アイツには…兵頭だけには負けたくねぇんだよ」I don't want to lose to that guy... Anyone but Hyodo.
「太一はすげー単純。まあ、そこがアイツの良いとこなんじゃね」Taichi's super simple. Well, that's one of his good points.
「臣ってまじで大学生?ぜってーウソだろ」Is Omi seriously in uni? That's gotta be a lie.
「いつか左京さんに認めさせてやる」I'm gonna make Sakyo-san acknowledge me someday.
「まあ、稽古も悪くないんじゃね」Well, practice wasn't bad.
「ふぁあ…マジねみい…学校?行きたくねーけど、サボるとアンタに怒られっからな…」Yawn... So sleepy... School? I don’t want to go, but if I ditch you'll get angry, so...
「休み時間は寝るに限るよなー。んじゃ、おやすみ~」The rest time is limited to sleeping. Then, good night~
「ん? こんなとこでどーしたよ?だいぶお疲れみてぇだな」Hm? What kinds of stuff happened today? You look pretty tired.
「おいおい、夜更かしは美容の天敵だろそれとも、寝られねぇんなら一緒に寝る?」Oi oi, staying up late is the natural enemy of beauty, isn't it? Or if you can't sleep, wanna sleep together?
「おいおいなんだよ。かまってほしーの?素直に言ってみ?」Oi oi, what is it? Do you want my attention? Try saying it honestly?
「このピアス、いいっしょ。結構気に入ってんだよな」This piercing is great isn't it? It really suits me right?
「だ~から、喧嘩じゃねーって」I'm telling you, it's not a fight.
「へーへー、稽古ね。もーちょいしたら行くって」Yeah yeah, practice right? I told you I'll be there in a bit.
「ハイハイ、楽勝楽勝」Yeah yeah, it's an easy victory.
「監督ちゃんの言葉、時々無性に刺さるんだよな。俺にとって特別な存在だから…かも?」The director's words are sometimes very piercing. It's because for me you're a special being... maybe?
「NEO? ああ、俺のハンネのことだろ」NEO? Aa, it's about my handle name, right?
「兵頭てめぇ…今日こそ落とし前つけてやる」Hyodo, you bastard... Today we will settle it.
「俺の人生スーパーウルトライージーモードよゆ~じゃね?」My life's on super ultra easy mode. Isn't it cool and easy?