Banri Settsu/MANKAI Memory

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Childhood Memory: BANRI

Backstage Stories
BanriHm? What’s up?
IzumiWe’re going to shoot your birthday bromide, Banri-kun. So when would be convenient for you?
BanriAhh, that thing you mentioned?
IzumiYeah, the commemorative bromides we’re making during every member’s birthday month.
While we’re going to use props that are in the storage room, you also have to choose one accessory to use in the photoshoot…
BanriThe theme is a memorable item from before you joined the Theatre troupe, right?
Will you to head back home to pick a memorable item?
BanriYeah. 'Cept did I have anything at home…
IzumiI think it will still be some time before the photoshoot, so think about your memorable item and the days that work for you, alright?
IzumiAlright then, I’m heading out to help another theatre troupe.
BanriSee ya.
A memorable item, eh…
???Aw yeah, let’s do this!
???Fight on!
TaichiAh, Ban-chan’s over here too!
KumonLet’s spread it out on this table!
CitronBanri, we’re bowing this table.[1]
MukuUmmm… do you mean “borrowing”?
CitronThat’s it!
BanriAll the noisy guys got together again, huh?
And that box you’re holding there, Taichi, is… a puzzle?
…Oh. That’s from “Forester Knights”…
TaichiThat’s right!
It’s an Arc Knight Dragon puzzle.
BanriHeh, that takes me back. I liked that in the past.
So they made a remake of that game, huh?
TaichiYep! This came out as a commemoration of the remake!
And when I told Kazu-kun I bought the puzzle, he gave me a puzzle frame.
BanriAh~. I heard they were giving away extra frames at school or somethin’.
TaichiI mean, I bought the puzzle. But it looked harder than I thought, and I wasn't sure if I could finish it by myself...
Then I figured it would be more fun to do it together. So I invited Citron and them!
CitronI’m a huge fan of this game too!
We'll work together to complete the puzzle.
MukuI wanted to try doing a puzzle as well, so I can’t wait.
KumonIt’s more fun doing it together, isn’t it?
TaichiOh yeah! Wanna join us, Ban-chan?
BanriNah, I—.
CitronGood idea~! If Banri’s here, then it’ll be easy peasy lemon squeezy!
MukuWah, that would be reassuring!
KumonI hate to admit it, but getting Banri to help out would be amazing.
TaichiSee, that’s what everyone says!
Do it with us, Ban-chan!
Banri…Guess I’ve got no choice. Aight, got it.
CitronOk, I’m taking the puzzle out!
KumonMm~… now that it’s all spread out, where should we start…
BanriIsn’t the theory to start filling it in from the edges?
TaichiFrom the four corners, right!
MukuSo we have to start by searching for corner pieces.
CitronOh~… the frame is cracking…
KumonIt looks really hard, so we’d be amazing if we manage to complete it!
TaichiAlriiight, let’s do this~!
MukuUmm, this is…
BanriIsn’t that the dragon’s tail?
MukuAh, you’re right!
KumonErm! I have no idea where this goes~!
BanriThat looks like the background, so it goes over here.
KumonI see! The colours do look alike!
‘Kay, I’ll look for the perfect fit around here.
TaichiThat’s Ban-chan for ya! We’ll finish this in no time~!
*flashback starts*
Banri’s friendYou bought “Forester Knights” too, Banri!
Let’s play it together!
BanriYeah, sure.
Banri’s friendYou just started, right, Banri? I’ve made a lot of progress already~. But it’s pretty hard to move on past here.
Banri’s friendYeah, yeah! This stage was super hard~!
BanriOh, do it like this here… and there we go.
Skip to here… okay, cool.
Banri’s friendEHH!
BanriDefeat this enemy, and…
Woo, cleared! Onto the next stage.
Banri’s friend…What the heck?
…This is boring.
BanriUmm, next up is…
Banri’s friendOi, Banri. I’m tired of this game now.
Let’s do somethin’ else.
BanriWhat the? You’re the one who said you wanted to play together though.
Banri’s friendWell, I changed my mind!
Don’t you have anythin’ else?
BanriAhh, come to think of it…
How’s this?
Banri’s friendIsn’t this an Arc Knight Dragon puzzle!
BanriI bought it together with the game, but I haven’t put it together yet. Now’s a good chance, so wanna do it?
Banri’s friendBut it has 1000 pieces. Isn’t that gonna be hard?
BanriI mean, I bet it’ll be tough.
Banri’s friendBut we’d be amazin’ if we manage to complete it, right!
BanriYeah, exactly.
Banri’s friendWhere does this go?
…Ugh, I dunno. This really is tough…
BanriI think this goes here. …Nice.
Next is… ahh, this is the wing, so… here!
Banri’s friend
You said it was gonna be tough, yet in the end, you put it together so easily…
BanriAlright, one more piece and it’s complete!
…Um, huh?
The last piece is missing…
Where’d it go? Did it fall somewhere?
Hey, have you seen it?
Banri’s friendLike I know. You were just puttin’ it together by yourself the whole time.
I didn’t do anythin’.
BanriThat’s weird…
It’s not under the table or by the game either…
…I can’t find it…
What the heck? There’s just one more piece…
Banri’s friendWell, if it’s gone, then there’s nothin’ you can do, right?
Even Banri can’t complete it if a piece goes missin’, huh?
*flashback ends*
Sorry, guys.
TaichiEh!? Why are you apologizing, Ban-chan?
BanriI kinda thought that the puzzle might’ve gotten boring ‘cause I interfered.
TaichiNot at all, dude! I’m glad that you’re teaching us tips, and it’s fun doing it while chatting!
MukuBecause you’re teaching us how to tackle the puzzle, I’m also doing better now than when we first started!
KumonYep, yep! Otherwise, we would’ve been lost in the beginning!
CitronYou’re good at teaching, Banri!
Because of you, we can level up more and more too!
Banri…I’m glad then.
KumonAwesome! We finished all the way up to here!
Just add one more piece and it’s done!
MukuHuh? But there’s no piece left over here?
BanriIt’s not here either.
TaichiEhh~!? The last piece is missing!?
Where’d it go!?
CitronSearch, everyone! It should be around here somewhere!
KumonOiii, last piece~! Where are you!
MukuMaybe it’s by the sofa?
…Umm, it doesn’t look like it…
TaichiThis is so weird~. It got lost somewhere.
Banri…If it’s gone, then there’s nothin’ we can do.
*door opens*
What’re you doin’?
KumonAhh, nii-chan! You see, we can’t find a piece from the puzzle we’re all putting together.
MukuWe’d like you to keep an eye out for the last piece, Ju-chan!
KumonTo think we can’t finish it even though we made it this far…!
JuzaA puzzle piece?
Somethin’ fell here… is this it?
Can I fit this here?
TaichiHAH! I-i-it’s complete!!
CitronWe did it! We’re having red rice[2] today!
KumonAwesome! You’re the coolest, nii-chan!
MukuThat’s Ju-chan for you! Thank you!
Juza? No prob…
What’re you lookin’ at? You’re creepin’ me out.
Shut up. You’re the one who came into my field of vision on your own.
Kumon‘SCUSE ME!? It’s thanks to nii-chan that the puzzle was completed, you know!
Be more grateful, Banri!
CitronOhh! They started again!
Kumon joined the fray too!
MukuN-no fighting, you three!
TaichiNow, now, it’s great that we finished it, right!
IzumiCongrats, Banri-kun!
AzamiHappy birthday.
BanriOhh, thank you.
SakyoContinue to work hard as an actor and as Autumn troupe’s leader.
BanriYeah, yeah.
Anyways, you guys went outta your way to get together today, huh?
OmiHaha, it’s not easy for Autumn troupe to gather without an occasion like this.
I cooked up lots of dishes that you like, Banri. So eat lots.
BanriOh, they look really tasty.
OmiJuza helped make them too.
BanriSeriously? That guy didn't make a typical-ass mistake like screwing up the sugar and salt, did he?
JuzaAhh? There’s no way I would.
TaichiThat reminds me, Ban-chan. You had your birthday bromide photoshoot the other day, right!
CHOICE 1: The photoshoot seemed fun [+]
IzumiThe photoshoot seemed fun.
BanriI mean, yeah. Omi and Kazunari gave me a lot of good ideas, and they let me pretty much do whatever I wanted. It was pretty fun.
Plus, I got to take a pic with Director-chan.
IzumiWe took it during your break, right?
BanriIt came out hella nice and I’m really into it.
I got the file from Omi too.
Should I set it as my phone’s lock screen and show it off to the guys at uni?
BanriAha, just joking.
CHOICE 2: He looked really cool [+]
IzumiHe looked really cool.
His poses and aura were spot on, and he looked just like a model.
BanriThanks. Well, I’ve helped model for a school fashion show.
AzamiAs expected of Banri-san.
SakyoIt seems you've been able to make good use of what you've learned and experienced at Amabi.
BanriThat goes with sayin’. You can experience loads of interestin’ things at Amabi.
I’m gonna continue making the most of it from now on.
TaichiBy the way, Ban-chan. What did you end up bringing for the memorable item to use in the bromide photoshoot?
AzamiAh. I wanted to ask about that for reference, too.
BanriAhh. The 1000 piece puzzle I put together a super long time ago?
You know the one I made with Taichi and the others the other day?
It has the same character as that.
TaichiEHH! By a long time ago, you mean from before the remake…!?
BanriYep, exactly.
OmiBut that puzzle was missing a piece, wasn’t it?
BanriAhh, well. Stuff happened.
AzamiBanri-san seems to do everythin’ perfectly though.
Banri…Honestly, I don’t have a very good memory attached to it.
But on the other hand, I’d say it became a good comparison?
BanriIn that past, there were quite a few guys who didn't like the fact that I could do everythin' skillfully.
But now, I have people around me who will desperately work to finish something until the very last piece together with me.
So it reminds me of that, I guess.
OmiAh, I see.
Juza…I don’t get it.
BanriAHH!? I wasn’t sayin’ it to you, so it’s not like I expected you to understand!
TaichiW-we just got a good mood going though!
SakyoGood grief. They haven’t grown at all in that aspect…



  1. Citron originally says "会釈" (eshaku: bow/greeting). which Muku corrects as "拝借" (hashaku: borrowing).
  2. ”赤飯” (sekihan: rice mixed with azuki beans to make it “red”). Sekihan is eaten on special/happy occasions like birthdays, festivals, etc.