Banri Settsu/Almighty Cherished Ambition

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The Informant Sets Out

Backstage Stories
BanriI’ll be workin’ as an informant for several days starting today, so thanks for cooperating.
TasukuThat’s sudden.
IzumiCould this be for role study?
BanriYuuup. The role I’m acting as this time is a jack of all trades, but I mostly play the part of an informant in the show.
So I got advice from Tsumugi-san who asked how I’d feel about workin’ as an informant.
YukiThat makes sense.
BanriSo for that reason, if there’s anythin’ you wanna know, write it down anonymously on a piece of paper and put it in this box.
TsuzuruYeah, got it.
TaichiAn informant sounds hella exciting!
I wonder what I should ask for~!
Banri(…Perfect, no one’s around. Guess I’ll check if I got a request.)
Oh, one’s been put in already.
Lemme see…
(“I want to know the reason our electricity bill went up”…?)
Uh, there’s no doubt in my mind this is Sakyo-san.
But he typed it out with a computer so you can’t tell whose request it is from the writing—colour me impressed.
(Anyways, if it’s the reason the electricity bill’s so high…)
(Is it Itaru-san? Nah, but that’s not it if he meant recently.
Itaru-san’s been using electricity like no tomorrow from the start.)
I’ll look into it for now.
(How do I investigate yesterday’s request…)
(Why’s the manager carryin’ plastic bottles under both arms?)
ManagerAhh! G-good morning~!
BanriYeah, mornin’.
Manager…So then, excuse me…
Banri…What the?
CitronI wondered where he was going with all those drinks.
SakuyaThe manager bought a mini fridge, right!
CitronSakyo will get angry if he finds out the manager took our shared drinks. He’ll get a scolding!
BanriA mini fridge?
CitronOhh, Banri!
SakuyaIt looks like the manager bought a second-hand fridge last month.
CitronBut I heard the door doesn’t close properly!
(A fridge with a door that doesn’t close properly…
Seems like it’d use up a lotta electricity.)
(I'll try verifyin' it.)
Oh, there he is.
BanriIt’s about the plastic bottles this morning.
ManagerEeeek!! S-s-s-sorry~!
I-I’ll do anything, so please don’t say tell anyone I took the drinks without permission~!
BanriI ain’t gonna squeal on you.
More importantly, I have somethin’ I wanna ask you.
ManagerYou’ll keep quiet about it!? Thanks so much~!
I’ll answer anything you want in return!
BanriIs it true you bought a used fridge thats door doesn’t close properly?
ManagerThat’s right!
It’s true that the door doesn’t work well, but thanks to that fridge, I can keep cold drinks in my room~.
BanriSo you really did, huh?
Aight, the reason our electricity bill went up is cause of manager’s fridge.
ManagerEHH!? Our electricity fees went up!?
I-in that case, it's probably not my fault alone!
BanriWhat do you mean?
ManagerActually, room 205’s kotatsu went missing from the storage room last month.
It should’ve been put away in there, but…
BanriI see.
Room 205, huh…
*knock, knock*
HomareCome in.
BanriS’cuse me.
HomareOh my, how rare of you to come to our room, Banri-kun.
Why, it’s because you wished to hear one of my poems, didn’t you?
Marvelous, I shall recite the new work I just finished a moment ago…
BanriErr, that ain’t it.
HisokaZz, zz
BanriOh, the kotatsu was here.
HomareYes, were you searching for it?
It grows cold in the mornings and evenings so Hisoka brought it back from the storage room.
BanriRight, gotcha.
(If you combine a kotatsu with a fridge that barely closes, then I mean, the electricity fees would add up, huh…)
HomareIf you wanted to enter the kotatsu as well, then please do help yourself.
BanriNah, I heard it was missin’ from the storage room so I just came to confirm where it was.
‘Kay, later then.
IzumiThis drink tastes amazing!
SakyoYeah, Yukishiro recommended it to me.
It goes well with the snacks that he told me about while he was at it.
BanriI’ve topped you up with water, Sakyo-san.
Sakyo? I didn’t ask for that.
BanriIt’s better to drink water along with your alcohol since you’re not young anymore.
…? What is this?
“A kotatsu and a second-hand fridge that doesn’t close well”…?
BanriGeez, you really read it out loud it even though I purposely hid the note in the glass and handed it over so we wouldn't get caught…
SakyoAh? What’re you talkin’ about?
BanriYou made a request sayin’ you wanna know why our electricity bill went up recently, didn’t you?
SakyoNo, I didn’t.
BanriHAH!? It’s not Sakyo-san!
IzumiAh, that was me.
BanriSeriously? The client was Director-chan?
SakyoWhat do you mean our electricity bill increased?
IzumiThe truth is, I bumped into Syu-san by chance the day before yesterday.
And then, to make small talk, he asked if anything happened because this month’s electricity bill was higher than usual.
Syu-san didn’t seem to mind, but I felt really guilty and I was curious—.
And Banri just happened to start working as an informant, so I asked him to look into it.
BanriSo that’s what happened, huh?
IzumiThe request was supposed to be anonymous, so I tried printing the request slip out instead of handwriting it.
I thought doing it that way would have the vibe of hiring an informant, and that it would help with your role study.
BanriOh, I see.
‘Cept, seriously… it’s not good to make assumptions, huh?
You fail as an informant if you get the client wrong.
IzumiBut you were spot on with the information gathering part!
I expect nothing less from Banri-kun.
SakyoI didn’t even notice the second-hand fridge, or that the kotatsu was being used again either.
Your information gatherin’ skills ain’t that bad.
CHOICE 1: I can’t wait to see your other requests [+]
CHOICE 2: I didn’t notice you handed the memo over [+]
SakyoIt looks like this became pretty effective role study for an informant.
IzumiYeah, true.
I know the cause of the electricity fees so I feel much better now.
Thanks for looking into it for me, Banri-kun.
BanriYeah. I definitely won't make a mistake next time, so ask me again if anything's up.
