Banri Settsu/Almighty Cherished Ambition
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The Informant Sets Out
Backstage StoriesBanri | I’ll be workin’ as an informant for several days starting today, so thanks for cooperating. |
Tasuku | That’s sudden. |
Izumi | Could this be for role study? |
Banri | Yuuup. The role I’m acting as this time is a jack of all trades, but I mostly play the part of an informant in the show. |
So I got advice from Tsumugi-san who asked how I’d feel about workin’ as an informant. | |
Yuki | That makes sense. |
Banri | So for that reason, if there’s anythin’ you wanna know, write it down anonymously on a piece of paper and put it in this box. |
Tsuzuru | Yeah, got it. |
Taichi | An informant sounds hella exciting! |
I wonder what I should ask for~! | |
Banri | (…Perfect, no one’s around. Guess I’ll check if I got a request.) |
Oh, one’s been put in already. | |
Lemme see… | |
(“I want to know the reason our electricity bill went up”…?) | |
Uh, there’s no doubt in my mind this is Sakyo-san. | |
But he typed it out with a computer so you can’t tell whose request it is from the writing—colour me impressed. | |
(Anyways, if it’s the reason the electricity bill’s so high…) | |
(Is it Itaru-san? Nah, but that’s not it if he meant recently. | |
Itaru-san’s been using electricity like no tomorrow from the start.) | |
I’ll look into it for now. | |
(How do I investigate yesterday’s request…) | |
Hm? | |
(Why’s the manager carryin’ plastic bottles under both arms?) | |
Manager | Ahh! G-good morning~! |
Banri | Yeah, mornin’. |
Manager | …So then, excuse me… |
Banri | …What the? |
Citron | I wondered where he was going with all those drinks. |
Sakuya | The manager bought a mini fridge, right! |
Citron | Sakyo will get angry if he finds out the manager took our shared drinks. He’ll get a scolding! |
Banri | A mini fridge? |
Citron | Ohh, Banri! |
Sakuya | It looks like the manager bought a second-hand fridge last month. |
Citron | But I heard the door doesn’t close properly! |
Banri | Oh? |
(A fridge with a door that doesn’t close properly… | |
Seems like it’d use up a lotta electricity.) | |
(I'll try verifyin' it.) | |
Oh, there he is. | |
Manager. | |
Manager | Yes! |
Banri | It’s about the plastic bottles this morning. |
Manager | Eeeek!! S-s-s-sorry~! |
I-I’ll do anything, so please don’t say tell anyone I took the drinks without permission~! | |
Banri | I ain’t gonna squeal on you. |
More importantly, I have somethin’ I wanna ask you. | |
Manager | You’ll keep quiet about it!? Thanks so much~! |
I’ll answer anything you want in return! | |
Banri | Is it true you bought a used fridge thats door doesn’t close properly? |
Manager | That’s right! |
It’s true that the door doesn’t work well, but thanks to that fridge, I can keep cold drinks in my room~. | |
Banri | So you really did, huh? |
Aight, the reason our electricity bill went up is cause of manager’s fridge. | |
Manager | EHH!? Our electricity fees went up!? |
I-in that case, it's probably not my fault alone! | |
Banri | Hah? |
Banri | What do you mean? |
Manager | Actually, room 205’s kotatsu went missing from the storage room last month. |
It should’ve been put away in there, but… | |
Banri | I see. |
Room 205, huh… | |
*knock, knock* | |
Homare | Come in. |
Banri | S’cuse me. |
Homare | Oh my, how rare of you to come to our room, Banri-kun. |
Why, it’s because you wished to hear one of my poems, didn’t you? | |
Marvelous, I shall recite the new work I just finished a moment ago… | |
Banri | Err, that ain’t it. |
Hisoka | Zz, zz… |
Banri | Oh, the kotatsu was here. |
Homare | Yes, were you searching for it? |
It grows cold in the mornings and evenings so Hisoka brought it back from the storage room. | |
Banri | Right, gotcha. |
(If you combine a kotatsu with a fridge that barely closes, then I mean, the electricity fees would add up, huh…) | |
Homare | If you wanted to enter the kotatsu as well, then please do help yourself. |
Banri | Nah, I heard it was missin’ from the storage room so I just came to confirm where it was. |
‘Kay, later then. | |
Izumi | This drink tastes amazing! |
Sakyo | Yeah, Yukishiro recommended it to me. |
It goes well with the snacks that he told me about while he was at it. | |
Banri | I’ve topped you up with water, Sakyo-san. |
Sakyo | ? I didn’t ask for that. |
Banri | It’s better to drink water along with your alcohol since you’re not young anymore. |
Sakyo | AHH? |
…? What is this? | |
“A kotatsu and a second-hand fridge that doesn’t close well”…? | |
Banri | Geez, you really read it out loud it even though I purposely hid the note in the glass and handed it over so we wouldn't get caught… |
Sakyo | Ah? What’re you talkin’ about? |
Banri | You made a request sayin’ you wanna know why our electricity bill went up recently, didn’t you? |
Sakyo | No, I didn’t. |
Banri | HAH!? It’s not Sakyo-san! |
Izumi | Ah, that was me. |
Banri | Seriously? The client was Director-chan? |
Sakyo | What do you mean our electricity bill increased? |
Izumi | The truth is, I bumped into Syu-san by chance the day before yesterday. |
And then, to make small talk, he asked if anything happened because this month’s electricity bill was higher than usual. | |
Syu-san didn’t seem to mind, but I felt really guilty and I was curious—. | |
And Banri just happened to start working as an informant, so I asked him to look into it. | |
Banri | So that’s what happened, huh? |
Izumi | The request was supposed to be anonymous, so I tried printing the request slip out instead of handwriting it. |
I thought doing it that way would have the vibe of hiring an informant, and that it would help with your role study. | |
Banri | Oh, I see. |
‘Cept, seriously… it’s not good to make assumptions, huh? | |
You fail as an informant if you get the client wrong. | |
Izumi | But you were spot on with the information gathering part! |
I expect nothing less from Banri-kun. | |
Sakyo | I didn’t even notice the second-hand fridge, or that the kotatsu was being used again either. |
Your information gatherin’ skills ain’t that bad. | |
CHOICE 1: I can’t wait to see your other requests [+]
CHOICE 2: I didn’t notice you handed the memo over [+]
Sakyo | It looks like this became pretty effective role study for an informant. |
Izumi | Yeah, true. |
I know the cause of the electricity fees so I feel much better now. | |
Thanks for looking into it for me, Banri-kun. | |
Banri | Yeah. I definitely won't make a mistake next time, so ask me again if anything's up. |