Banri Settsu/Duel of Wilderness

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Invitation to Mystery Tour

Backstage Stories
IzumiThe fishmonger in the shopping district should be having a bargain sale now…
BanriOh, if it isn’t Director-chan.
IzumiOh, hey Banri-kun. On your way home from school?
BanriYep. What about you, Director-chan? Shoppin’ for dinner?
IzumiUh-huh. I’m on my way to the shopping district.
BanriLet me help carry your stuff, then. I’m free anyway.
IzumiFor real? Thanks. I’ll be counting on you, then.
SellerThank you for shopping! Here’s your change and a raffle ticket. You can draw the lottery over there, so please give it a try if you like.
There are plenty of splendid prizes you can get!
IzumiHeh, a raffle, huh.
BanriThat’s the place, right?
IzumiOh, look, Banri-kun! They have invitation tickets to a mystery tour.
BanriWow, ain’t that wonderful? Get that, Director-chan.
IzumiHuh!? No way, I don’t think we can get it that easy…
BanriIt’s not like they only have one of those, anyway. Maybe you’ll get lucky?
IzumiNo, I still think you have better luck than me, Banri-kun. You should draw them.
BanriHmm, fine then. I’ll go get the good one quick.
*bell rings*
Lottery StaffJackpot! You got invitation tickets to the mystery tour! Congratulations!
IzumiEeeh, seriously!? That’s awesome, Banri-kun!
Lottery StaffHere are the tickets. I hope you have a great time.
BanriSweet. Let’s go together, Director-chan.
IzumiIt sure seems fun, but… isn’t it better to invite Chikage-san? This is a mystery-solving tour; I feel like you’ll have more fun with him than me.
Besides, I may end up dragging you down…
BanriOh come on, don’t be silly. …Looks like I got three tickets, anyway.
IzumiEh, really? In that case, I wanna go!
BanriNice. I’ll tell Chikage-san once we’re back home.
ChikageI’m back.
IzumiWelcome back, Chikage-san.
BanriWe’ve been waitin’ for you.
ChikageMe? What for?
BanriI’ve got this mystery tour tickets through lottery at the shopping district. And since I have three of them, won’t you come along?
ChikageHeh, I expected no less from you, getting that kind of thing through lottery.
BanriThat doesn’t feel like a compliment at all.
ChikageHaha, I’m truly complimenting you. Putting that aside, the day of the tour is…
Oh, I think I can go if it’s on that day.
IzumiSeriously? That’s great to hear!
BanriA'ight it’s settled then. The three of us will go.
IzumiYup! I look forward to it!
ChikageI see, so this train will be the game venue.
IzumiWow, this place sure has a great atmosphere.
BanriI never knew the scale would be this big, given it was merely a lottery prize. This is better than I’ve expected.
ChikageSame. Look forward to the game.
StaffThank you for riding with us. I shall explain the rules of the game immediately.
First of all, we will not the disclose where this train is heading.
Please find out our destination based on the hints that we have scattered inside the train.
IzumiI see…
StaffIncidentally, we have provided five options to choose from. Teams who know the answer are required to pick an answer within the options.
In addition, it’s possible to drop out of the game midway.
BanriDrop out of the game, huh… Never knew there’s such an option.
ChikageIt’s more rewarding if they don’t have that kind of option.
Izumi(Looks like we have different opinion on this one. While I think it’s kind of them to set up that choice, they feel the opposite…)
StaffWithout further ado, let’s begin solving the mystery during this tour!
ChikageFirst thing first, let’s find the hints scattered in this train.
BanriYeah. Once we’re done collecting them, we’ll focus on solving the riddle.
IzumiI suppose they put the hints in places that are hard to find… Will I be able to find them?
BanriNot really, sometimes they will also leave them at places that are easy to spot for beginners.
Director-chan, wanna go find them with me first?
IzumiI’ll take you up on that, then. Thanks.
BanriSure thing.
ChikageAlright, I’ll be looking on my own. See you later.
BanriDirector-chan, have you found any hints?
Izumi…Ah! Found it!
You’re right, Banri-kun. There are quite a few hints that are put in noticeable places.
BanriTold you so.
IzumiHmm… I think we’ve pretty much gotten all the hints here.
BanriNah, I feel like there’s still more. Surprisingly enough, that’s usually the case with this kind of game.
IzumiHm? Like on the armchair or something?
BanriYep, or even in the back… see?
IzumiWow! You really found it!
CHOICE 1: "I expected no less from Banri-kun…!" [+]
CHOICE 2: "I didn’t notice it at all." [+]
AnnouncerTo all participants, we will distribute lunches after this. Please go back to your seats.
IzumiOh, an announcement.
BanriA'ight, let’s go back for now.
ChikageHey. How’s the hint searching going?
BanriWe found quite a lot.
ChikageI also found some. Let’s show each other what we got.
IzumiThese are… buildings and landscapes.
BanriIs it like the surrounding of our destination?
ChikageMost likely.
IzumiI see…
StaffHere’s your lunch boxes.
IzumiThank you so much!
ChikageThank you.
IzumiFufu. Having lunch in the train sure is the best.
BanriI know, right. Oh, this is pretty delish.
IzumiTrue, it’s yummy! Even the side dishes look cute!
ChikageIf Kazunari were here, I bet he would take lots of pics and be like, “Dude, this is gonna go viral on IG!”
BanriI’m stuffed.
IzumiThat was really delicious!
ChikageI enjoyed the meal.
By the way, there’s another place I want to check… Can you two go with me next?
Izumi? I don’t mind…
ChikageOver here.
Passenger AI dropped out.
Passenger BDude, you’re a total open book!
Izumi…!? That person just now said he’d drop out, does that mean we’ll be dropping out if we go ahe–.
ChikageWe’ll be fine.
BanriIf Chikage-san says so, then we’ll be fine.
Chikage…And so we’ve finally arrived at the last car.
StaffOoh! The three of you were the first ones to come here among all the passengers!
StaffPlease take this hint!
ChikageThank you.
IzumiUhm, what’s the meaning of this?
ChikageThe truth is, I found this on the bottom of my lunch box: “If you bring your two partners to the last car, you will find the greatest hint.”
“However, you’ll get dropped out if they find it out.”
ChikageIt’s also written here that trying to hide the fact that your partners find out about the hint is pointless.
I suppose they always check the participants’ action.
IzumiIs that so… That means, the participants from before dropped out because of this.
ChikageI have a feeling Banri has figured it out, so I’m glad you didn’t say it out loud.
BanriI thought you were hiding something, Chikage-san. But since it didn’t seem like you were gonna talk about it, I figured I should just keep quiet and follow you.
Izumi(These two are apparently more in sync than I imagined.)
ChikageNow then, the hint we just received is…
IzumiA photo of a bunch of stores.
ChikageThis is… pretty much the answer.
BanriOut of the five choices here, the answer is steam locomotives station platform.
StaffWe have arrived at our destination! Congratulations to the teams who answered correctly!
IzumiWow, you’re right…! This platform here has surely become a hot topic lately.
But how could you two guess it right away just from seeing the last hint?
BanriDirector-chan, take a look at the other side.
IzumiYou mean the street across this platform? …Oh! They’re the same buildings in the photo…!
ChikageThis line of stores have been featured a lot on web articles and TV. I guess they used this as a hint since they attracted people’s attention.
BanriThough it’s a disadvantageous hint for people who tend to get confused like you, Director-chan.
IzumiUgh… I’ve seen this platform on TV before, but I think I’ve never seen those stores…
BanriWell, things like don’t matter as long as someone gets it.
IzumiBut I’ll work harder to help you a little bit more in case something happens next time.
BanriNow you’ve done and said it. Shall we go play an escape game together next time?
I’ll look forward to your active role.

