Banri Settsu/How Wonderfully Picaresque

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High School Boys' After-School Time

Backstage Stories
Izumi(Huh? The person standing over there is......)
BanriHuh, it's the Director. Going shopping?
IzumiYeah. Are you meeting up with someone, Banri-kun?
BanriI've got a little something on with Tenma. Still, he's late......
Ah, speak of the devil.
ーーOi, you're late. Just how much do you plan on making me wai ーー huuh?
Banri......*sigh* It can't be helped. It's your treat next time. ......Yeah, see ya.
IzumiDid Tenma-kun say he couldn't come?
BanriYeah, apparently he's helping out with some school event and it's running late.
IzumiI see......that's tough. Tenma-kun has a surprisingly strong sense of responsibility regarding that sort of thing.
Izumi......What on earth are you looking at me like that for?
BanriDirector-chan, you're free, right. Hang with me for a bit.
IzumiNo, I'm in the middle of shopping at the moment ーー.
BanriIt's fine, it's fine.
IzumiHold on, Banri-kun ーー!
You want to hang out at......karaoke!?
BanriYeah. I'd planned on coming with Tenma.
IzumiKaraoke with the two of you seems like it'd be pretty amazing......But I get the feeling it's been a while since I've done karaoke.
BanriYou've built up a fair bit of stress too, right. You can let it out here.
IzumiNo, I'm not really ーー!
BanriThis is totally the best way to de-stress~.
Ahh, I'm seriously refreshed.
IzumiAmazing......! You're good at singing, Banri-kun.
BanriOf course. Here, you pick a song too.
IzumiEh!? It's hard to sing after you!
BanriDon't worry about it. Here, hurry up and choose.
IzumiHmm, what should I go for......I'm stuck.
BanriAh, didn't you say you liked this song before? You can sing it, can't you?
IzumiAh, that's right! You have a good memory.
Banri; We talked about it just before. If you can sing it hurry up and queue it.
Eh!? Already!? I-I'm nervous......
BanriOi oi, it's just karaoke, you know?
IzumiI don't have very much opportunity to sing in front of people, see. Besides, it's been a while since I last went to karaoke......
BanriI said it's fine. C'mon, the song's starting.
IzumiAhh~! I feel refreshed! It's been a while since I sang this loudly!
BanriWhat were you acting like that before singing for.
IzumiI guess I really had built up stress.
BanriThat's different from what you were saying before.
IzumiHuh, your phone's ringing.
BanriIt's from Tenma. ーーHello?
Huh? You're done? That was fast......Yeah, I'm with the Director at karaoke at the moment, so you come too.
Yeah yeah. We're waiting, so you'd better hurry here.
IzumiIs Tenma-kun coming?
BanriYeah, he said he just finished. When Tenma comes......we can do 'that'.
BanriYou join in too, 'kay.
Izumi(Somehow, I've got a bad feeling about this......)
TenmaDirector! Do it seriously!
IzumiI-I am!
BanriI told you, your timing's off~.
TenmaAre you looking down on the tambourine?
IzumiI'm doing it properly, though......!
BanriNext, Tenma and I are gonna sing harmony ーー.
TenmaAnd you play the tambourine at the same time!
TenmaThat's it!
BanriYour timing was spot on just then.
IzumiI-I finally did it! With this, I'm free of the tambourine ーー.
TenmaStupid, don't be satisfied with your current condition!
TenmaSnap your wrist more. Adapt the rhythm and the strength you hit with to the melody.
IzumiI have to master that too!?
TenmaOf course. Director, you're singing with us next. Match our tone.
IzumiG-Got it......!
BanriDon't forget the tambourine either! La la la~♪ We'll eat it all up~♪
TenmaLa la la sakura~, plum~, peach~, I wanna~ I wanna eat 'em all~♪
BanriWanna eat~♪ We will eat them~♪ Full of nutrients~♪ Woooooooh~!
TenmaYummy~♪ Delicious~♪ This is happiness~♪ Hm hm hm~♪ Woooooooh~!
BanriCome on, Director!
(High school boys have a fearsome energy at karaoke......!)
BanriMan, today was fun. I feel refreshed.
TenmaYour tambourine skills improved too, Director.
IzumiI-I'm tired......
BanriWhat should we do next? Darts, yeah?
TenmaWe haven't been for a while, so that might be good.
IzumiAnd now darts!? Aren't we going home!?
BanriThere's no way we'd be done here.
TenmaCome on, Director, you come too.
IzumiI'm not going with you anymore!
