Outside Work Conversations/Muku and Banri
From A3! Wiki
Veludo Station Front[edit]
Before | |
Banri | Aah, my body's gotten out of shape... |
Muku | Wah! F-Fighting's not good! |
After | |
Muku | Fighting isn't exercise! Let's shed sweat instead of blood! |
Banri | Ah? I only said my body was getting out of shape, though. |
Veludo Park[edit]
Before | |
Muku | Banri-san, do you like fighting...? |
Banri | You could say I like it... It's more like it gets me fired up. |
After | |
Banri | If you've got the same blood flowing in you as Hyodo, doesn't that mean you'd be a pretty good fighter too? |
Muku | I-I'm just a dried up, puny bean sprout, so fighting is kind of...! |
Veludo Town Library[edit]
Before | |
Muku | Delinquents with hearts of gold are cool, but pain is a little.... |
Banri | Muku, if you're a man, you gotta go all out fighting at least once. |
After | |
Muku | Banri-san! Please teach me how to fight...! |
Banri | Seriously? ...Shit, Hyodo'll probably kick my ass for it. |