「おらおら、ケンカは終わりだ。キッシュが焼けたぞ〜」 "All right, all right, stop fighting. The quiche is done baking~"
Having been raised in an all-male family of four, he took on all of the housework, and as a result, he feels like a mother and is skilled in cooking and making sweets. He always makes sure everyone in the company eats good meals every day. He's usually a caring person, but believe it or not, he is a reformed delinquent who was one of the strongest in his high school days. He is in his university's photography club.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「監督… 俺、 あいつに顔向けできるような役者にちょっとでもなれたかな?」Director...Did I become at least a little bit of an actor who can face him?
「小さい動きは苦手なんだ」I'm not good with fine movements.
「アドバイスありがとな」Thanks for the advice.
「じゃあ次はこのシーンだな」Then, next is this scene, huh.
「笑う芝居って難しいんだなぁ」It's hard to act comedy.
「休憩用にスコーン焼いてきたんだ」I've baked scones for break time.
「みんな腹空かせてないと良いんだが…」I hope no-one's hungry...
「今度みんなで集合写真でも撮るか」Let's all take a group photo next time.
「ホワイトシチューとビーフシチューどっちが好きだ?」Would you prefer a cream stew or a beef stew?
「俺も何か万里の役に立てたらいいんだがな」I hope I can be of some help to Banri, too.
「十座にはつい菓子を作ってやりたくなる」Juza just makes me want to make sweets.
「太一は元気で可愛いなぁ、弟が1人増えたみたいだ」Taichi's cute and energetic, isn't he. It's like I've gotten another little brother.
「左京さんの前だと…何だかいつもの自分でいられないんだよなぁ」When I'm in front of Sakyo-san... It feels a bit like I can't be my usual self.
「夕飯の支度、手伝ってもらえるか?」Could I get help with dinner prep.
「おはよう。って、おいおい…早く起きないと遅刻するぞ?」Good morning! Wait— Oi oi, if you don't wake up quickly you'll be late.
「今日の食事当番は俺だよな。リクエスト、あるなら聞くから言ってくれ」I'm on cooking duty today. I'll listen if you have any requests, so please tell me.
「お疲れ。さっき十座にも渡したんだが、差し入れはスコーンでいいか?」Good job today. I gave some to Juza earlier too, but are scones all right for refreshments?
「子守歌?あー、俺、歌はあんまり得意じゃないんだ。添い寝くらいなら付き合うが…」A lullaby? Ah— Singing isn't really my speciality. If it's just sleeping together, I'll join you though...
「『狂狼(きょうろう)』?うーん…その名前はあんまり覚えてないな」Mad Wolf? Yeah... I don't remember that name.
「ああ、この傷か? …あまり気にしないでくれ」Aa, this scar? ...Please don’t worry about it.
「おーらおらおら、ケンカは終わりだ」All right, all right, stop fighting.
「っと…こらこら、あんまり脅かすなよ」Oops... Hey hey, don’t scare me like that.
「みんな~キッシュが焼けたぞ~」Everyone~ The quiche is ready~
「シャイニング・ウィザード?あぁ、そういえば…親父の得意技だ」Shining Wizard? Aa, come to think of it... It's my old man's special move.
「大事にしたいのに、俺なんかの傍にいたら…って考えちまう。昔のクセが抜けないな」Even though I want to treasure them, I end up thinking... What will happen if they're with someone like me? You can't get rid of old habits.
「昔は親父と弟たちと家でプロレス技の掛け合いしてたな。このガタイはそのせいか?」A long time ago I used to talk about pro wrestling moves with my old man and little brothers. Is it the cause for my build?
「最近は芝居がメインだけど、久しぶりにカメラマンとしての仕事もしたいな」Recently acting is my main job, but for the first time in a while I want to work as a cameraman too.