Omi Fushimi/MANKAI Glitter
From A3! Wiki
To Scorpio: Omi
Backstage StoriesTsuzuru | Scatter some salt and pepper on the tomatoes and the mozzarella, and finally pour some olive oil… and it’s ready. |
Izumi | Hm? So you're in charge of cooking today Tsuzuru-kun. |
Tsuzuru | Fushimi-san told me he would be back late from work. I gave a shot to the cooking he taught me the other day. |
Azami | Looking good. |
Taichi | Tsuzuru-kun, it's so yummy! |
Omi | I'm home. |
Tsuzuru | Ah, welcome back. I've just finished preparing dinner. |
Omi | Ohh, you made caprese. |
Tsuzuru | I tried to make it just like you taught me. Though I couldn't make it as skillfully as you, Fushimi-san. |
Omi | No, it's just perfect. |
Tsuzuru | It's good then. |
Omi | Sorry for asking you to take over cooking duties today. |
Tsuzuru | Not at all, I was able to practice my cooking so it's two birds with one stone, don’t worry about it. |
TV | "The holiday season is here! First we have a special report about a motorbike tour around Mount Fuji" |
Taichi | Touring huh. It looks so fun~! |
Omi | …That brings back memories. |
Izumi | Have you been there before, Omi-kun? |
Omi | Yeah… just once, a long time ago. |
Taichi | Then how about we go there for your birthday, Omi-kun? |
Omi | No, I mean it's far and it would take time to get there. |
Azami | We don't mind though. |
Taichi | That's right! It's your birthday celebration, it's best if we go to someplace you love, Omi-kun! |
TV | "Next, we will be introducing a nearby spot you can enjoy in the holidays" |
"It's been gaining popularity recently and even beginners can enjoy it with ease, let us introduce you to bouldering!" | |
Omi | Then this might be a better option. |
Tsuzuru | Bouldering? It's really popular lately. |
Omi | I've been busy with work lately so I couldn’t get much exercise. With bouldering you need nothing but your body. |
And it's close to here too. | |
Taichi | This option looks fun too~! |
Izumi | It's also thrilling. |
Azami | If Omi-san wanna go there it's cool isn’t it? |
Omi | Alright, then it's decided. |
Taichi | Awright! Let's us Autumn Troupe and Director throw a grand party for Omi-kun! |
Tsuzuru | Let us know later how it was like. |
Omi | Sure. |
Taichi | Awesome! The wall is covered with rocks! |
Omi | It actually looks like a genuine rocky wall… |
Juza | …right. |
Azami | It's tall too, when you look at it from this close it's kinda intimidating. |
Banri | Sakyo-san, careful not to hurt your back. |
Sakyo | I don’t need your worries. |
Taichi | Alright, I'll show you my cool climbing~! |
Izumi | So you have some experience in bouldering, Taichi-kun. |
Taichi | I don’t actually! |
Azami | So you don’t. |
Taichi | I always looked up to it since it's an extrovert kinda sports, but it's the first time I try it myself! |
Banri | Can't believe you were so confident about climbing despite that. |
Izumi | Ahaha… |
Omi | Have you tried it before, Director? |
Izumi | I did come here with Kumon-kun the other day… |
Juza | I remember that. |
Omi | Then we have to take an example from your experience. |
Taichi | Roger! |
Juza | We’re counting on you. |
Izumi | No, it's not like I'm good at it okay!? |
Staff | …and that's it for the lecture. Then please try the beginners' course first. |
We're keeping you secured from down here, so climb without worries. | |
Taichi | Got it! |
Banri | Then you go first Director-chan, since you're experienced. |
Izumi | No, it's Omi-kun's birthday party, so you should go first Omi-kun! |
Sakyo | Some way to make a run for it. |
Omi | If Director says so, I'll give it a try. |
Taichi | Good luck, Omi-kun! |
Omi | Up we go… |
Banri | There, hook your leg. |
Omi | Like this? |
Taichi | Next you should move your right hand right? |
Omi | …! |
Juza | Next you should use that foothold. |
Omi | …. |
And finally, grab with both hands--. | |
Taichi | You reached the goal! |
Omi | Phew… |
Sakyo | Well done. |
Izumi | You were amazing, Omi-kun! |
Omi | It was pretty thrilling too, it was fun. |
Azami | Who's up next? |
Banri | I’ll go. |
Juza | No, it's my turn. |
Banri | Don't get in my way. |
Juza | Who said you can go before me. |
Banri | I thought I should show you how to do it. |
Juza | No need for that. |
Banri | Aaah? |
Sakyo | Shut your traps, you brats! You're troubling the other customers. |
Taichi | Sakyo-san you're even louder than them! |
Azami | It's embarrassing so stop screaming, Shitty Sakyo. |
Omi | As expected, it ended up like this. |
Izumi | Ahaha… |
Taichi | Huh, that was heavy~! |
Azami | Shopping this much after bouldering is tough man. |
Izumi | Sorry for making you come along. |
But thanks to you I was able to buy a lot, you were a great help. | |
Omi | As thanks for helping with the shopping, we have to make a luxurious dinner today. |
Izumi | I'll help you, Omi-kun. |
Omi | Thank you. |
Taichi | Ah, speaking of which! |
Juza | …that Taichi, where did he run off to? |
Sakyo | As always he can't stay in one place. |
Taichi | Ta da! Speaking of birthdays, you can't forget about this guy! |
Banri | …there it is, the hello celestial sphere. |
Izumi | That item that is said to fulfill the wishes of those who make a wish on their birth month. |
Does it really make wishes come true? | |
Juza | …who knows. |
Taichi | Well, leaving that aside! |
Next it's Omi-kun's turn to use it! The celestial sphere will surely make your wish come true. | |
Izumi | Omi-kun's wish huh… |
CHOICE 1: I'm really curious about it. [+]
CHOICE 2: Maybe something related to photography? [+]
Omi | I can't think of something right now, so I'll give it some thought. |
Taichi | You have to make a wish on your astrological sign! |
Izumi | It’s your once in a year birthday, I hope you can come up with something. |
Omi | Yeah. |
Phew… cleaning is more or less done. | |
(Before I realized there is no one around, it's pretty quiet) | |
…the celestial sphere that makes wishes come true huh. | |
…. | |
Hello, stars of Scorpio--… |
Omi | (I don’t have work today, maybe I'll go out to take some photos) |
Izumi | Ah, there you are Omi-kun! |
Omi | Director? |
Izumi | The guys from Autumn Troupe have been looking for you, they're waiting in the car, so hurry up and go. |
Omi | In the car…? |
Izumi | You’re all going out on a trip today right? Have fun. |
Omi | Yeah… |
(I don’t remember making any plans today… but anyway, seems like it's better if I go there like Director says) | |
Taichi | Mount Fuji is so pretty~! |
Azami | The weather is good so we can see it clearly. |
Juza | Thanks for driving. |
Banri | Good thing we arrived in one piece. |
Sakyo | Obviously. |
Omi | This is… |
Taichi | Omi-kun, you said you wanted to come here, right? |
Omi | Eh…? |
(Thinking of which…) | |
Hello, stars of Scorpio. Once again, I want to visit that place with the Autumn Troupe--. | |
…that's it. It's not a very impressive wish. | |
(Is that the effect of the celestial sphere…) | |
…thank you, guys. | |
Long ago, I came here with Wolf while we were touring with our motorbikes. | |
After coming here that one time, I didn’t have any other opportunities to come… | |
But after watching that report on TV, I thought that I wanted to see Mount Fuji with you guys too. | |
Though I didn’t imagine it would come true so quickly. | |
Taichi | Then you should've just said so, without holding back! |
Sakyo | This distance is nothing, we can get here in no time. |
Omi | …you're right. |
But the bouldering was fun too right? | |
Banri | Well, can't deny that. |
Juza | Next time we'll come touring here. |
Omi | Yeah, let's do that. |
Taichi | Since we came all the way to Mount Fuji, should we climb it!? |
Banri | The Sea of Trees sounds like fun. |
Sakyo | Do you guys wanna get yourselves into an accident. |
Azami | Are you scared? That’s lame. |
Sakyo | Who the hell is scared. |
Taichi | Then what about cycling? |
Juza | Autumn Troupe doing cycling…? |
Omi | That doesn’t suit us. |
--! | |
Taichi | Zzz… |
Omi | It was a dream… |
(It was a pretty realistic dream. I can still feel its aftertaste, it's a weird feeling) | |
Taichi | Omi-kun, good morning~!. |
Juza | Mornin'. |
Omi | Yeah, good morning. |
Taichi | Oh, today we're having French toast for breakfast! |
Omi | There are many types of toppings too. |
Juza | Thanks. |
Taichi | Ah, right! Omi-kun, tell me when you're free! |
Omi | What happened? |
Taichi | We're going to drive to Mount Fuji, all of Autumn Troupe! When we saw it on TV the other day, you wanted to go there right? |
Omi | But then we settled on bouldering… |
Taichi | The bouldering was fun too, but these are two different things! |
Let's go together! Everyone said they're in! | |
Juza | I agree with Taichi. |
Omi | …. |
Taichi | Omi-kun? |
Omi | …sure, thank you. I'll check my off days later. |
Taichi | It's decided~! |
Omi | (…to think it would really come true) |
(Maybe I should've wished for something more difficult to make true from the celestial sphere while I was at it) |