Omi Fushimi/MANKAI Glitter

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To Scorpio: Omi

Backstage Stories
TsuzuruScatter some salt and pepper on the tomatoes and the mozzarella, and finally pour some olive oil… and it’s ready.
IzumiHm? So you're in charge of cooking today Tsuzuru-kun.
TsuzuruFushimi-san told me he would be back late from work. I gave a shot to the cooking he taught me the other day.
AzamiLooking good.
TaichiTsuzuru-kun, it's so yummy!
OmiI'm home.
TsuzuruAh, welcome back. I've just finished preparing dinner.
OmiOhh, you made caprese.
TsuzuruI tried to make it just like you taught me. Though I couldn't make it as skillfully as you, Fushimi-san.
OmiNo, it's just perfect.
TsuzuruIt's good then.
OmiSorry for asking you to take over cooking duties today.
TsuzuruNot at all, I was able to practice my cooking so it's two birds with one stone, don’t worry about it.
TV"The holiday season is here! First we have a special report about a motorbike tour around Mount Fuji"
TaichiTouring huh. It looks so fun~!
Omi…That brings back memories.
IzumiHave you been there before, Omi-kun?
OmiYeah… just once, a long time ago.
TaichiThen how about we go there for your birthday, Omi-kun?
OmiNo, I mean it's far and it would take time to get there.
AzamiWe don't mind though.
TaichiThat's right! It's your birthday celebration, it's best if we go to someplace you love, Omi-kun!
TV"Next, we will be introducing a nearby spot you can enjoy in the holidays"
"It's been gaining popularity recently and even beginners can enjoy it with ease, let us introduce you to bouldering!"
OmiThen this might be a better option.
TsuzuruBouldering? It's really popular lately.
OmiI've been busy with work lately so I couldn’t get much exercise. With bouldering you need nothing but your body.
And it's close to here too.
TaichiThis option looks fun too~!
IzumiIt's also thrilling.
AzamiIf Omi-san wanna go there it's cool isn’t it?
OmiAlright, then it's decided.
TaichiAwright! Let's us Autumn Troupe and Director throw a grand party for Omi-kun!
TsuzuruLet us know later how it was like.
TaichiAwesome! The wall is covered with rocks!
OmiIt actually looks like a genuine rocky wall…
AzamiIt's tall too, when you look at it from this close it's kinda intimidating.
BanriSakyo-san, careful not to hurt your back.
SakyoI don’t need your worries.
TaichiAlright, I'll show you my cool climbing~!
IzumiSo you have some experience in bouldering, Taichi-kun.
TaichiI don’t actually!
AzamiSo you don’t.
TaichiI always looked up to it since it's an extrovert kinda sports, but it's the first time I try it myself!
BanriCan't believe you were so confident about climbing despite that.
OmiHave you tried it before, Director?
IzumiI did come here with Kumon-kun the other day…
JuzaI remember that.
OmiThen we have to take an example from your experience.
JuzaWe’re counting on you.
IzumiNo, it's not like I'm good at it okay!?
Staff…and that's it for the lecture. Then please try the beginners' course first.
We're keeping you secured from down here, so climb without worries.
TaichiGot it!
BanriThen you go first Director-chan, since you're experienced.
IzumiNo, it's Omi-kun's birthday party, so you should go first Omi-kun!
SakyoSome way to make a run for it.
OmiIf Director says so, I'll give it a try.
TaichiGood luck, Omi-kun!
OmiUp we go…
BanriThere, hook your leg.
OmiLike this?
TaichiNext you should move your right hand right?
JuzaNext you should use that foothold.
And finally, grab with both hands--.
TaichiYou reached the goal!
SakyoWell done.
IzumiYou were amazing, Omi-kun!
OmiIt was pretty thrilling too, it was fun.
AzamiWho's up next?
BanriI’ll go.
JuzaNo, it's my turn.
BanriDon't get in my way.
JuzaWho said you can go before me.
BanriI thought I should show you how to do it.
JuzaNo need for that.
SakyoShut your traps, you brats! You're troubling the other customers.
TaichiSakyo-san you're even louder than them!
AzamiIt's embarrassing so stop screaming, Shitty Sakyo.
OmiAs expected, it ended up like this.
TaichiHuh, that was heavy~!
AzamiShopping this much after bouldering is tough man.
IzumiSorry for making you come along.
But thanks to you I was able to buy a lot, you were a great help.
OmiAs thanks for helping with the shopping, we have to make a luxurious dinner today.
IzumiI'll help you, Omi-kun.
OmiThank you.
TaichiAh, speaking of which!
Juza…that Taichi, where did he run off to?
SakyoAs always he can't stay in one place.
TaichiTa da! Speaking of birthdays, you can't forget about this guy!
Banri…there it is, the hello celestial sphere.
IzumiThat item that is said to fulfill the wishes of those who make a wish on their birth month.
Does it really make wishes come true?
Juza…who knows.
TaichiWell, leaving that aside!
Next it's Omi-kun's turn to use it! The celestial sphere will surely make your wish come true.
IzumiOmi-kun's wish huh…
CHOICE 1: I'm really curious about it. [+]
CHOICE 2: Maybe something related to photography? [+]
OmiI can't think of something right now, so I'll give it some thought.
TaichiYou have to make a wish on your astrological sign!
IzumiIt’s your once in a year birthday, I hope you can come up with something.
Phew… cleaning is more or less done.
(Before I realized there is no one around, it's pretty quiet)
…the celestial sphere that makes wishes come true huh.
Hello, stars of Scorpio--…
Omi(I don’t have work today, maybe I'll go out to take some photos)
IzumiAh, there you are Omi-kun!
IzumiThe guys from Autumn Troupe have been looking for you, they're waiting in the car, so hurry up and go.
OmiIn the car…?
IzumiYou’re all going out on a trip today right? Have fun.
(I don’t remember making any plans today… but anyway, seems like it's better if I go there like Director says)
TaichiMount Fuji is so pretty~!
AzamiThe weather is good so we can see it clearly.
JuzaThanks for driving.
BanriGood thing we arrived in one piece.
OmiThis is…
TaichiOmi-kun, you said you wanted to come here, right?
(Thinking of which…)
Hello, stars of Scorpio. Once again, I want to visit that place with the Autumn Troupe--.
…that's it. It's not a very impressive wish.
(Is that the effect of the celestial sphere…)
…thank you, guys.
Long ago, I came here with Wolf while we were touring with our motorbikes.
After coming here that one time, I didn’t have any other opportunities to come…
But after watching that report on TV, I thought that I wanted to see Mount Fuji with you guys too.
Though I didn’t imagine it would come true so quickly.
TaichiThen you should've just said so, without holding back!
SakyoThis distance is nothing, we can get here in no time.
Omi…you're right.
But the bouldering was fun too right?
BanriWell, can't deny that.
JuzaNext time we'll come touring here.
OmiYeah, let's do that.
TaichiSince we came all the way to Mount Fuji, should we climb it!?
BanriThe Sea of Trees sounds like fun.
SakyoDo you guys wanna get yourselves into an accident.
AzamiAre you scared? That’s lame.
SakyoWho the hell is scared.
TaichiThen what about cycling?
JuzaAutumn Troupe doing cycling…?
OmiThat doesn’t suit us.
OmiIt was a dream…
(It was a pretty realistic dream. I can still feel its aftertaste, it's a weird feeling)
TaichiOmi-kun, good morning~!.
OmiYeah, good morning.
TaichiOh, today we're having French toast for breakfast!
OmiThere are many types of toppings too.
TaichiAh, right! Omi-kun, tell me when you're free!
OmiWhat happened?
TaichiWe're going to drive to Mount Fuji, all of Autumn Troupe! When we saw it on TV the other day, you wanted to go there right?
OmiBut then we settled on bouldering…
TaichiThe bouldering was fun too, but these are two different things!
Let's go together! Everyone said they're in!
JuzaI agree with Taichi.
Omi…sure, thank you. I'll check my off days later.
TaichiIt's decided~!
Omi(…to think it would really come true)
(Maybe I should've wished for something more difficult to make true from the celestial sphere while I was at it)
