Outside Work Conversations/Chikage and Omi
From A3! Wiki
Veludo Station Front
Before | |
Omi | If there is a restaurant you frequent for mega spicy food, please take me along. I would like to try it for reference. |
Chikage | That is fine by me however... I do not think you need to go with me. |
After | |
Chikage | Have I sparked the cooking spirit within you, Omi? |
Omi | Well as the one in charge of cooking I would like to get 100% ratings on my food. |
Veludo Park
Before | |
Omi | I made green curry today, is it spicy enough for you? |
Chikage | If you were to make it to my liking I would have to say to take it up one... no, maybe like two steps of spiciness level. |
After | |
Omi | It is only Chikage who thinks this is not really spicy... Wow is it really not spicy enough for you? |
Chikage | However the taste is spot on. At the same level as a restaurant. |
Veludo Town Library
Before | |
Chikage | That bag... Are you going to make something with spice tonight? |
Omi | No one can keep a secret from you. |
After | |
Omi | Without taking away from the taste, I have made a super spicy dish. It will definitely surprise you. |
Chikage | Oh, this sounds very interesting. Let’s see how well you did as a chef. |