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FLOWER FES ~Carnation~

Backstage Stories
OmiI'm home… hm?
BanriLike I said, you need to push A for a light attack!
JuzaHaah? You can attack with B too don't ya?
BanriBut you're leaving yourself wide open!
AzamiAh, Omi-san welcome back.
TaichiWelcome back!
OmiYeah. What a rare sight, those two playing games together.
TaichiI invited everyone to play a team match!
AzamiRight now we're holding a beginners tutorial for Juza-san, but Banri-san is losing his patience.
OmiI see.
SakyoYou brats are too noisy! …geez, you were making so much noise over a game.
AzamiHuh? You're just jealous because you suck at games.
TaichiThen how about you play with us too, Sakyo-nii and Omi-kun? Then we can make it 3 vs 3!
SakyoWhy do I have to play games with you?
AzamiHa. You running away?
Sakyo…I didn't say I'm not gonna play.
TaichiUmm… what about you Omi-kun?
OmiWell, I'm really bad at gaming so… wouldn't I hold you back?
BanriThen Omi, you will cover us from the rear. I'll be the vanguard.
TaichiIs it still a no…?
OmiHaha, you guys are so dependable. Then I'll participate too.
TaichiIt's decided!
BanriThen I'll team up with Omi and Azami. I'll give myself a handicap, so we just gotta battle until we're out of time, and the team with the most points wins.
IzumiI'm back-… hm?
TaichiSakyo-nii, do it now!
AzamiI won't let you!
BanriOmi, now.
Izumi(Autumn Troupe playing a game together, such a rare sight)
TaichiLet's see, the point difference… it's a tie!
BanriHuh? Shit, a draw.
Juza…doesn't make sense.
TaichiBut it was so fun gaming with everyone! You were a great help too, Sakyo-nii!
SakyoThat was a walk in the park.
AzamiYou said you suck at gaming, Omi-san, but you pushed the right buttons just as we told you, so you were a great help.
OmiIs that… a compliment?
IzumiFufu, I see you're having fun.
TaichiDirector-sensei! When did you get here?
IzumiI was already watching you when you got to the climax of the match.
The character Banri-kun used was so pretty! Whenever they walked flowers grew around them… like a fairy.
BanriYup, I always use this character recently. Even though they're a healer they're super strong.
AzamiA fairy of flowers huh… we did this kinda thing before.
TaichiIn the botanical garden right![1]
BanriAh, that.
Izumi…ah! There was something I wanted to consult with you about.
We got a request for actors to play extras in a movie at the start of next week, I'm looking for three people from each Troupe who can participate…
OmiAn extra in a movie huh… I don't have any plans for that day, so I can do it.
SakyoI can participate too.
TaichiHmm… I wanna do it but I have school.
AzamiI have school too.
BanriI can't either. Studying since first period on that day.
Juza…I have a day off so I can go.
IzumiThen I'm counting on you, Juza-kun, Omi-kun, Sakyo-san! I'll let you know the procedure on the day of the event.
StaffShooting is done for today! Good job everyone~!
IzumiGood job! How was the shooting?
Juza…I was a bit nervous.
OmiYeah. Being filmed naturally while trying not to stand out too much was a good experience.
SakyoThe presentation is different in a video than on stage after all.
IzumiThe shooting has ended earlier than planned, so how about we look around the hall?
OmiRight. We came all the way here, it's a good idea.
SakyoI don't really mind… where do you wanna go?
IzumiLet's see… ah, there's an information board over there.
JuzaHeh… didn't realize this place was so huge.
OmiLooks like they're having trial sessions.
IzumiOh, sounds interesting!
SakyoLet's check that out for now.
OmiOhh, you can do crafts with flowers here. There're so many types too it's hard to pick one.
JuzaI wanna try that.
OmiEdible flower-cookies making huh. That suits you Juza.
I think that the "potpourri-making with your favorite flower" sounds interesting. I'll go with this one.[2]
IzumiAh, I was curious about it too! If Omi-kun is going to do that maybe I'll go with this too.
SakyoLooks like the opening time for the trial session is soon though.
IzumiThen let's walk around here for a while! Seems like there's a greenhouse here too.
OmiHow nice, let's go. I bet there're many beautiful flowers. I should've brought my camera.
IzumiThen let's come again with everyone.
IzumiIt's about time we register.
OmiSorry for the wait. I've registered all of us.
IzumiWoah, thank you Omi-kun!
OmiLet's see, the potpourri is in this table, and the cookie making is over there.
JuzaI'll be goin'.
IzumiWhat about you Sakyo-san?
SakyoI'll go look at souvenirs. Come get me when you're done.
IzumiGot it. Then see you later!
…he said souvenirs, so is he going to get something for Banri-kun and the other guys?
OmiProbably. Sakyo-san looks like that but he's nice after all.
IzumiFufu, you're right.
(I want to choose the flowers for my potpourri but…)
Hmm, which one should I choose.
OmiI'm going with carnations.
IzumiDo you like carnations Omi-kun?
OmiNo, the truth is… I've received them from Taichi and Azami once.
IzumiFrom Taichi-kun and Azami-kun?
OmiThey said it's because I'm the mom of MANKAI Dorms… though I bet Taichi just dragged Azami to it.
IzumiThat's not true. Here, it says here that their meaning in language of flower is "Pure and deep love"… it fits you Omi-kun.
I'm sure that everyone thinks so, not just Taichi-kun and Azami-kun.
OmiHaha, that's a bit embarrassing… but I'm happy that's what you think.
IzumiAlright, I'm done! And you Omi-kun… wait, you made 6 of them!?
OmiYeah, I made one for each member of the Autumn Troupe.
Izumi(Is he really going to give such fancy looking things to the Autumn Troupe guys…)
Can I have a look?
Izumi…wow, they all smell great.
…hm? I feel like this one smells somehow different…?
OmiThis… I thought about giving this one to you.
IzumiTo me?
OmiYeah. I was able to grow while carrying the burden of both my past and present thanks to the Autumn Troupe, and to you Director.
If all of you are with me, I can become better than best. I'm sure of it.
So as a sign of gratitude for what's been and what's to come, I would be happy if you accept it.
OmiWas it lame of me?
IzumiNot at all, it's a wonderful present, thank you!
…the truth is, I also made it in order to give it to Omi-kun.
OmiI see. So we were thinking the same thing.
IzumiFufu, you're right. Then here, take it.
OmiThank you. I'll treasure it.
Izumi(…The potpourri I received from Omi-kun has such gentle scent. Just like Omi-kun's warm heart…)
JuzaOmi-san, Director. I'm done.
IzumiAh, Juza-kun. We've just finished too.
OmiHow was the cookie making?
JuzaErr… I made some for you too. Though they don't look great.
OmiHaha, so you did it too Juza.
IzumiSame as Omi-kun.
JuzaThe same?
OmiI made some for everyone too. Let's show each other what we made later.
JuzaLookin' forward to it.
IzumiThen let's meet up with Sakyo-san!
OmiYeah, let's go.
Izumi(Omi-kun's feelings are getting across to me and the others. Please take care of me from now too)



  1. A reference to the VIVID CDs.
  2. Potpourri is a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl or small sack to perfume clothing or a room.