Outside Work Conversations/Omi and Guy

From A3! Wiki

Veludo Station Front

OmiSpeaking of which, I haven't heard about about what foods you dislike, Guy-san.
GuyDo not worry about it. I'll eat anything that is put in front of me.
OmiDon't hesitate. I'm just asking for reference.
Guy...It's green peas.

Veludo Park

OmiJust wondering, but what do you find bad about green peas?
Guy...I suppose that it's the peculiar taste. The small ones have such a strong taste that it just increases the feeling that they're too hard to get down.
OmiI'll have to put them in for color and presentation...
GuyI have no intention of being picky with my dishes. Please keep using them without worrying.

Veludo Town Library

OmiSorry. I used green peas in yesterday's soup...
Guy? I can't verify the information that they were really in there though...
GuyCould it have been the green potage? ...I didn't notice at all.
OmiI'm happy to hear that you could eat it. I'll think up some other recipes too, okay?
