Omi Fushimi/MANKAI Playback

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Going to meet him

Backstage Stories
OmiAll right, it’s time to sleep. Can I turn of the lights?
TaichiAh, Omi-kun! What time are you waking up tomorrow?
OmiHmm... probably around 7?
TaichiHmm, got it. Good night!
OmiYeah, good night.
*Lights off*
Omi....Zz..., zz....
Taichi...Alright. Tiptoe quietly....
TaichiQuietly, secretly, Autumn Troupe minus Omi-kun, assemble~~.
JuzaTaichi, how’s he doing?
TaichiThe soccer club had their Omi-kun BD futsal pre-match, so! He’s fast asleep!
BanriMakes sense. I ran around lots too....
AzamiYeah. To be honest I’m a little sleepy too.
SakyoBut if he’s fast asleep, everything should go as planned. I’ve prepared the thing, too.
TaichiAs expected of Sakyo-nii!
BanriAlright, then let’s do this.
TaichiLet’s get revenge for last year~!
Omi...Nn. ...Nn?
(! I’m tied to my bed...!?)
(A-and on top of that, I’m surrounded by all the animal suit heads we wore....)
U-um, Gulliver’s Travels...?
TaichiAh, Omi-kun, you’re awake? Good morning!
OmiTaichi! Yup, good morning.
No, wait, I mean. What’s going on...?
TaichiHold on just a bit longer! You’ll find out soon enough!
I’ve gotta go for a bit, but all the animals will keep you company, so you won’t be lonely!
OmiOh, uh, I see, so that’s why they’re here. Thanks.
TaichiHehe, well then, see you later~!
*Door closes*
OmiHe left. Hm....
I can’t move if I’m tied down this tightly. Guess I have no choice but to wait....
IzumiOmi-kun, thanks for waiting!
SakyoSorry about that. We’ll set you free right now.
OmiOh, thanks. And, um... so what’s going on....
AzamiLet’s head to the lounge.
JuzaThen you’ll see.
Omi...! This is....
TaichiTa-da~!! It’s Omi-kun’s birthday party! The food and decorations are all ready!
JuzaLast year you woke up before everyone else and began making your own cake, Omi-san.
BanriSo this year we decided to stop you from doing any work on your birthday, Omi.
SakyoWe ended up being a bit rough, but.
AzamiWe figured you couldn’t do anything if you were physically tied down, so.
IzumiSo yes! Omi-kun, please sit down in the birthday seat! Come on!
OmiYou guys....
TaichiAlright, time to start the party~!
AzamiBut man, it feels weird having a party first thing in the morning.
BanriYeah. But we had to keep the party a surprise from Omi, who spends a lot of time in the kitchen—.
So the best way was to get everything ready in the middle of the night.
OmiWait, so you prepared all this overnight? Amazing. I didn’t realize at all.
You did all this for someone like me.... Guys, thank you so much.
IzumiI’m so glad you like it! We made all sorts of food, so eat up.
CHOICE 1: This is the special menu! [+]
CHOICE 2: We all made it together. [+]
TaichiAlright, now that we’ve had enough food, it’s time for presents!
I’ll go first! Omi-kun, happy birthday~!
! I wanted these kitchen goods!
TaichiHehe, you said you were interested in these when we were watching TV together, so! I’d be happy if you used them~.
Oh, but! Omi-kun, you say you enjoy doing the chores, but don’t work too hard!
I’m here to help you at any time!
OmiThanks. But I really do enjoy chores, so don’t worry. I’m really happy with the gift, too—I’ll be sure to use everything with care.
BanriFeels like mother’s day again, huh.
JuzaThis is from me.
Omi...! Biker gloves!
BanriHuh, that’s not a bad gift coming from you, Hyodo.
JuzaShut up.
OmiThanks. I’m looking forward to riding my bike with these. Let’s go touring together again.
OmiYou guys gave me all these gifts... My heart is so full. Really, thank you so much...!
TaichiHey, hey, Omi-kun, do you have any other wishes?
IzumiYup. Omi-kun, you always do so much for everyone in the troupe, so—.
We wanted to do more than just give you surprise presents; we wanted to fulfill a request from you.
OmiNo, you’ve already done so much for me. I don’t have any other wishes....
SakyoSee, stepping back in these sorts of situations is your bad habit.
AzamiYour birthday only comes once a year. It’s fine to be selfish; you won’t get punished for that.
...Then I want you guys to come with me somewhere. Is that okay?
TaichiOf course! Where?
...I want you to meet my best friend.
Izumi(That’s right, this is Nachi-san’s....)
(Omi-kun took me here after the Stranger performance. He said he wanted to introduce everyone in Autumn Troupe, too.)
OmiActually, Nachi’s birthday is also in November.
IzumiI see.
Omi...Here, I brought your favorite dish. Cheese and cod. Happy birthday, Nachi.
I hear Ryo’s gotten pretty important on site. Ryuji just had his first kid. Said it’s a boy. Kai—.
Izumi(Omi-kun is making a gentle expression....)
OmiAlso... I can finally introduce you to these guys. They’re members of Autumn Troupe who I’m acting with right now.
I told you before, how I’m acting seriously with these guys in Autumn Troupe, right?
I figure you’re watching over us from the other side, but.
You might laugh, and say I’ve got far to go, but... If it’s with these guys, I think I can keep running ahead, forward, even further—while smiling.
Banri...Nachi-san. I’ve heard about you from Omi-san.
We’ll keep working hard so that you won’t laugh at our acting, so.
Izumi(Banri-kun is bowing.... I hope Nachi-san thinks he’s a reliable Autumn Troupe leader, too.)
JuzaIf you were alive... Guess we might’ve acted together, or rode our bikes together.
Juza...I’ll keep acting seriously with Omi-san from here on out.
TaichiNachi-san, back when Omi-kun was with you, he must’ve smiled lots and lots with everyone in Wolf.
I’ll make Omi-kun smile lots and lots from now on, too—on your behalf, too Nachi-san!
You can leave that... to me.
SakyoI hear you and Fushimi were quite the troublemakers. I’m in no position to lecture anyone about their youth, but.
I wish I could’ve yelled at you once.
So I’ll be extra tough on this guy when he’s acting unreliable to make up for it.
Azami...This person really takes care of me.
I’m sure I’ll need to rely on him from now on, too, but... I’ll do my best not to cause him too much trouble.
IzumiNachi-san. Omi-kun is truly growing as an actor each and every performance.
I will continue to... Do everything I can as the general director of this troupe.
Omi...Thanks, guys.
TaichiWe’re all glad we got to greet him, too!
OmiAlright, guess it’s time to go.
Oh, that’s right—will you let me cook dinner when we get back?
IzumiEh? But....
BanriListen, our concept for today was to keep you from doing anything, Omi.
OmiYou’ll make my wish come true, right?
My selfish request is that I want to make you guys some food, because I love you guys.
BanriGeez... Guess we have no choice.
SakyoI guess it is a Fushimi-like request.
IzumiWe have all sorts of ingredients; I’ll help out.
OmiYeah, thanks.
SakyoIf you need anything else, we can buy stuff on the way back.
TaichiOoh, while we’re at it, we should take a detour and drive around before heading back!
*Vehicle sounds*
Nachi“You finally introduced me to the guys you love.”
Omi“Sorry it took so long.”
Nachi“It’s no big deal.”
“...Keep on doing what you’re doing for those guys, and for yourself. See it through to the end. That’s all I can say to you.”
Omi...Yeah. Of course I will.
TaichiOmi-kun, did you forget something!?
OmiIt’s nothing! I’ll head over right now.
AzamiOh, yeah, Omi-san, what did you look like when you were a yankee?
BanriGood point, I’m curious too.
JuzaDo you have pictures? I wanna see.
OmiHaha, it’s a little embarrassing, but... I’ll show you next time.
