「うるさい! 空気読め、このポンコツ役者!」 "Shut up! Read the atmosphere already, you good-for-nothing actor!"
He participates in the Summer Troupe as both the costume specialist and as an actor. He may look like a girl, but this is only because he likes to dress in cute clothes. In actuality he is fully male. There is a wide gap between his appearance and his personality, because he tends to be brutally honest and sassy, even to his seniors. He has a habit of giving people around him nicknames with his harsh language.
Prior to joining the Summer Troupe and becoming an actor, Yuki created the costumes for Romeo and Julius, Spring Troupe's first play. Along with Muku, he's one of the youngest members of MANKAI Company— they are both students at St. Flora Middle School at the start of the main story. In spite of his age and being self-taught, Yuki is very talented at both costume design and sewing. He takes care of making costumes for the whole company, sometimes doing hair and makeup as well. Due to his appearance, he is often cast in female roles in Summer Troupe's plays.
Personality-wise, Yuki is blunt and doesn't hold back when it comes to his opinions. This leads him and Tenma, his roommate and Summer Troupe's leader, to argue. He has a close friendship with Muku, who occasionally acts as a mediator in these arguments. Though Yuki puts up a strong front, he's somewhat sensitive about people's opinions, and just wants to be able to freely like what he likes.
He has an habit of giving nicknames to almost everyone, ranging from sweet—Azuma is "Azu-nee"— to somewhat rude. Tenma frequently gets called a "good-for-nothing actor".
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「けっきょくみんな、俺の気持ちなんてわからない。ただ、それが好きなだけなのに。」In the end, nobody understands how I feel. I just like it...
「この動きだと衣装のデザインはもっと軽い素材の方が」With these movements, having lighter material in the costume design would be...
「今のセリフ、どうだった?」How was my line just then?
「役に入り込むのって難しい…」It's hard to get into character...
「今色々考えてるんだから、あんまり見ないでよ」I'm thinking about a lot of things right now, so don't look.
「はぁ…はぁ…。ちょっと休憩」*pant*...*pant*...I'm taking a short break.
「今日の服…悪くないんじゃない」Today's clothes... aren't too bad.
「そろそろ衣装の材料そろえないとね」Soon I've got to assemble the materials for the costumes.
「ワンワンコンビは今日もうるさい」The Wan Wan Combi is loud as ever today.
「天馬の俺様は死んでも直らないんじゃない」Not even death could cure Tenma's pompousness.
「椋は正直頼りないところがあるけど…あのままで良いと思う」Muku honestly has some unreliable parts to him, but... I think he's fine like that.
「三角って芝居まで変人なんだよね」Misumi's weird even when it comes to acting.
「一成はウザったいけどデザインセンスは良いんだよね」Kazunari's irritating, but he has good design sense.
「はい、終わり衣装も改善の余地ありだね」Okay, that's all. There's room to improve the costumes, too.
「おはよ。着る服迷ってんの?仕方ないから選んであげる」Morning. Can't decide what to wear? It can't be helped, I'll choose for you.
「可愛いショップ見つけたんだけど、監督も来る?」I found a cute shop. Director, do you want to come too?
「オレはもう寝るよ。寝る子は育つって言うでしょ」I'l going to sleep. They say sleep raises good children.
「天馬の寝言がうるさくて起こされた…最悪」Tenma's sleeptalking was so loud it woke me up...This is the worst.
「この服が可愛いって?ふん、オレが着てるんだから当たり前じゃん」You're saying this outfit is cute? Heh, I'm wearing it so of course it is.
「ちょっと…うざいんだけど」Oi... You're annoying you know.
「はぁ…何?」Huh... What is it?
「カレー星人はカレーでもたべてなよ」A person from Planet Curry should eat curry or something.
「ベタベタ触るな変態」Don't touch me all over, pervert.
「天馬はすぐ部屋を散らかすんだよね…本当ポンコツ」Tenma is fast to make a mess of the room. He is really good for nothing.
「次の衣装はどんなにしようかな…あれとあれを組み合わせてビジューをつけて…」What should I do for the next costume... I'll combine that and that, put on this jewel...
「今度の衣装、自信作だから楽しみにしてて」I have confidence in my costume this time, so look forward to it.
「何つまらそうな顔してんのさ。はぁ…仕方ないから構ってあげる」What are you making such a boring looking face for. Huh... it can't be helped so I'll pay attention to you.