Yuki Rurikawa/Spotlight

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Spotlight WEB Version: Yuki Rurikawa

Backstage Stories
IzumiShall we go up to here for today?
MukuYuki-kun was really in tip top shape, huh?
KazunariSo true! His etude lines were super cool.
YukiGuess so.
KumonI gotta work harder too~!
TenmaHe’ll let it get to his head if you praise him too much.
YukiHa? Don’t lump me together with the hack actor, will you?
TenmaWho’s a hack!
MisumiTenma’s eyes became triangles~.
IzumiAlright, take a good rest, everyone.
KazunariGotcha piko~!
MukuGood work today!
Yuki…I wonder if I can still get a little work done at this hour.
TenmaAre you gonna do something right now?
YukiI figured I’d think about our next costumes for a bit.
TenmaI’m not planning to tell you to stop anything…
But don’t overdo it, alright?
YukiUwah, if you’re worried about that, then hell’s gonna freeze over tomorrow.
TenmaHey, I’m going out of my way to…!
YukiI got it, I got it.
…I know when to quit, so I’ll be alright.
Tenma…Then that’s fine.
Izumi(Umm, Yuki-kun is…
Ah, there he is.)
(What’s he drawing in his sketchbook…?)
Yuki-kun, do you have a minute right now?
YukiYeah, no problem. What’s up?
IzumiIt’s your turn for the “Spotlight” WEB version next, so the questionnaire was delivered.
Find some time to check it over, ok?
YukiGot it.
IzumiWere you drawing our next costumes just now, Yuki-kun?
YukiYeah, I was.
IzumiCan I see?
YukiI’m still working on it… but sure, I guess.
IzumiWoah, the costumes are really stylish this time as well!
YukiHmm… but I’m still undecided over the colours.
I’m trying a bunch of different things, but nothing fits.
Should I try consulting Kazunari about it…
YukiWhat are you smiling for…
IzumiI was thinking that it seems you’ve come to rely on the people around you honestly.
Yuki…Well, I learned a long time ago that there’s no use being stubborn.
IzumiYuki-kun, you’ve grown steadily as both an actor and costumer, learning to rely on the others around you like that, huh?
YukiI feel that personally, too.
…But I don’t like how you’re smirking.
CHOICE 1: Ahaha, sorry, sorry. [+]
CHOICE 2: That kind of makes me happy. [+]
KazunariHuh, isn’t it Yukki and Director-chan!
Whatcha two up to?
YukiAh, perfect timing.
KazunariEh, what, what? Do you need me for something?
YukiJust sit there for now.
YukiI can’t decide on the colours for these costumes.
KazunariHm, which ones?
Izumi(Those two look like they’re having fun.)
Alright, I’ll get going then.
Yuki-kun, please take care of the interview questionnaire.
YukiGot it.
Yuki(…It was also like this last time, but there are quite a lot of questions this time.)
“Isn’t it tough to balance being an actor and the costumer at the same time”, huh…
*flashback starts*
Tenma“I’m not planning to tell you to stop anything…
But don’t overdo it, alright?”
Izumi“I was thinking that it seems you’ve come to rely on the people around you honestly.”
*flashback ends*
Yuki(I can’t deny it’s a lot of work… but I’m not alone now, right?)
KasumiThank you for coming today, Yuki-kun! It’s nice to have you.
YukiYeah, nice to be here.
KasumiAlright, shall we get the interview started right away?
Yuki-san is the first actor we've interviewed for this web series who also holds other roles at the same time.
YukiOh, right, now that you mention it.
KasumiI was surprised when I heard you’re working as both an actor and the costume designer. Is it hard to balance doing both at the same time?
YukiI’d be lying if I said it wasn’t tough, but I don't want people to think that because I do the costumes, my acting is half-hearted, or vice versa.
I think it's naïve to believe that I can be careless in one of them just because I’m doing both at the time.
KasumiAs expected, you have strong professionalism, huh?
Yuki… Of course, I'm only able to do them concurrently since I have the help of my friends.
KasumiSo your groupmates from the Theatre troupe, such as everyone in Summer troupe, are supporting you… is that what you mean?
Yuki…That’s right.
KasumiAll of you really do share a wonderful relationship, huh?
Yuki-kun, you’re working as both an actor and costumer…
When it comes to stage, there are many people who serve as actors and directors or screenwriters at the same time. But it’s rare for someone to also work as the costume designer.
What do you have to say about that?
YukiMaybe it's because I've been doing both since I first joined MANKAI Company, but I've never really thought of myself as unusual.
Actually, more than that, I think it’s a privilege only I have to be able to enjoy both the fun of being an actor and the fun of being a costume designer.
KasumiI see. With Yuki-san as a pioneer, there may be more generations to come who will be active in a wide range of roles.
YukiI’d also be happy if that happens, so I'll be looking forward to the future.
KasumiI said this before as well, but Yuki-kun’s professionalism truly is spectacular!
YukiI appreciate you saying that, but it's a bit stifling.
KasumiI’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for both Yuki-kun’s future power-up as an actor, as well as what you’ll create as a costume designer!
YukiOf course. I’m not going to give you a chance to take your eyes off me.
