Tenma | It looks like both my tops and bottoms are actually wearable for you, huh? |
Yuki | Which accessories do you always wear? Let me have those too. |
Tenma | Wait, why! You don’t have to go that far! |
Yuki | I’m going to do this, so I have to do it properly. |
| I’m just borrowing them, alright? |
Tenma | …*Sigh*, fine. |
| Here, take these. |
Yuki | Thanks. …Yep, bougie stuff really is different. |
Tenma | You better give those back. |
Yuki | We’ll see about that. |
Tenma | OI! |
| |
Yuki | I got both the tops and bottoms on, but… |
Tenma | They’re big for you, huh? You look like a kid in adult’s clothes. |
Yuki | Ha? I wouldn’t go that far. |
| …Anyways, your clothes aren’t cute at all. |
Tenma | It’d be weirder if I did wear cute clothes! |
Yuki | …Well, you’re not wrong. |
| Alright, I’ll start my skit. |
| I want to get this over with. |
| “…The filming will begin from here tomorrow. |
| I guess I’ll work on my act a bit more.” |
Tenma | (This is me when I’m checking over my scripts, huh?) |
| (He’s using the notebook in his hand as a script…) |
Yuki | “Oh right. I changed how I acted in scene 38 today, so I gotta switch it up in scene 21 tomorrow too.” |
| “Right, I don’t realize my partner’s feelings yet here.” |
| “In that case, I’ll act like I don’t understand what they’re really saying…” |
Tenma | (He's even in the same position I’m in when I jot down notes in my script. |
| He really keeps a close eye on me.) |
Yuki | “…I’m gonna take a short break.” |
Tenma | (He’s heading to my bonsai…?) |
Yuki | “They’re in great shape today.” |
Tenma | (He’s pretending to caress them with a gentle touch…) |
| (Urk, is that how I’m always touching my bonsai?) |
Yuki | “Alright, now that I took a breather, let’s dive back into reviewing my lines.” |
| …There, I’m done. |
Tenma | The skit was surprisingly nice. I got to see how I am from a different person’s perspective. |
| I thought you really paid attention to the details—like my posture and how I hold my pen. |
Yuki | Both of us are watching each other, aren’t we? |
| We’re roommates, so we’re always in each other’s view. |
Tenma | But you could’ve just did the script scene. Why’d you also include the bonsai scene? |
Yuki | Who knows? |
Tenma | You can tell me that at least! |
Yuki | Geez, let it go… |
| …I just thought that, for you, both acting and bonsai are important things that are indispensable in your life. |
Tenma | Huh? Sorry, I didn’t catch that. |
Yuki | Anyways, we have to take the polaroid picture. |
| I want to change already. |
Tenma | Hold on. Before that, repeat what you just said…! |
Yuki | Here, take it. |
Tenma | *Sigh*. I guess I’ll let it slide… |
| Alright, here goes. |
| *click* |
| Have a look. |
Yuki | Ooh. You got a good shot for a hack. |
| But, yeah, these clothes really aren’t cute. |
Tenma | Ha!? |
Yuki | Can I jazz them up? I’ll add some lace or ribbon… |
| Ah, maybe I can cut this part out and sew a cute patch on. |
Tenma | Of course you can’t! You better not cut that! |
Yuki | Is that actually a yes? |
Tenma | NO! |