「おにぎりって神秘!さんかくさんかく〜!」 "Onigiri sure are mysterious! They're triangles, triangles~!"
A young man who settled down in the dorms without permission one day. He is a pure oddball who is always enthusiastic and constantly thinks about triangles. When he realizes this, he tends to run around the dorm walls and ceilings because his physical abilities are so oddly high.
Misumi, an oddball who has light blue-ish purple hair and ear piercings. He usually wears a black hoodie with three yellow triangles on the front. He also has yellow-orange eyes. Misumi's interests consists of the Director, the Mankai Company and most of all, triangles. Found in room 203 by himself with triangular objects, he joined Summer Troupe as their 5th member.
Misumi is able to communicate with cats, like Hisoka, and has many friends around the neighbourhood. His grandfather, the one who gave him the triangular ruler, also taught Misumi the basics of acting.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「新しいさんかくのお家探さないとだね~。ここよりいいさんかく、見つかるかなぁ。」I'll have to look for a new triangle home~ I wonder whether I'll find a better triangle than here.
「お芝居楽しいっ!」Practice is fun!
「あ、台本忘れた!」Ah, I forgot the script!
「この漢字なんて読むんだろう?さんかく?」How do you read this word? 'Triangle'?
「あー間違えちゃった!けどまあいっか~」Ahh, I messed up! But it's fine~
「さんかく役はオレのもの!」The triangle roles are mine!
「稽古が終わったらさんかく探しに行ってきます!」When practice is over I'm going triangle hunting!
「お芝居はじーちゃんが教えてくれたんだ~」My granddad taught me acting~
「お腹空いた~。あ!おみにおにぎり作ってもらお~!」I'm hungry~ Ah! I'll have Omi make me onigiri~!
「てんまはさんかく探しが上手!羨ましい~」Tenma's good at looking triangle hunting! I'm jealous~
「ゆきの洋服、いつも可愛い!オレもさんかくの服作ってほしいな~」Yuki's clothes are always cute! I want to make triangle clothes too~
「むく、さんかくの漫画は持ってないのかな~?」I wonder whether Muku has any triangle manga~?
「かずはさんかく描くのがとーっても上手!弟子入りする!」Kazu's su~per good at drawing triangles! I'm going to be his apprentice!
「稽古おわり~!あれ?さんかくどこ置いたっけ?」Practice is over~! Huh? Where did I put my triangle?
「朝ごはんはおにぎりが一番!はい、どーぞ」For breakfast, onigiri is the best! Here you go!
「今日は良いさんかくが見つかる予感…!」I feel like I'll find a good triangle today...!
「1日お疲れ様でした! えらい、えらい」Good work for the day! How admirable, how admirable!
「昨日のさんかくの夢の続きが見られますように…」So that I can see the continuation of yesterday's triangle dream...
「このおにぎり…さんかくじゃない…!」This onigiri... isn't a triangle...!
「さんかくあげるから、カントクさんぎゅってしても良い?」I'll give you a triangle, so can I hug you?
「さんかくって書いて三角(みすみ)って読むんだよ」It's written with the characters for 'triangle' but it's read 'Misumi'.
「じーちゃんもオレのお芝居見てくれてるかなぁ」I wonder if grandpa watches my play.
「はっ、そのさんかくは…!」Aah, that triangle is...!
「カントクさんも、さんかく探しする?」Director-san, will you also look for triangles?
「美味しいおにぎりの作り方、今度教えてあげる!」I'll show you how to make delicious onigiri~♪
「聞いてください、さんかくの歌。さんかく~さんかく~♪」Please listen, to this song of triangle! Tri-an-gle! Triangle!
「早くみんなとお芝居したいな~…」I want to act with everyone soon~...