Misumi Ikaruga/Elite Sankaku Salesman

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New Merchandise Presentation Contest

Backstage Stories
MisumiKumon, what do you think is the best way to make a lot of Triangle-kun?
KumonEh, why all of a sudden?
MisumiI've received a lot of letters from fans asking for a Triangle-kun~
KumonI see. You sometimes post Triangle-kun on the blog, so it's gotten really popular with the fans, huh!
MisumiYeah. That's why I want to give one to everyone, but I can't make that many...
KumonHmm...it would be best if it became an official company merch, but that seems to be difficult too.
Tenma Sumeragi
LIME Icon Tenma.png
Summer Troupe, meet me in Room 201 ASAP. I have something to discuss.
MisumiI wonder what it's about~?
KumonLet's go and see!
TenmaSorry to call you out on such short notice. Actually, earlier...
New merchandise?
IzumiYeah, it's about time we make something soon. We're only going to be able to make one on a budget though.
TsumugiHave you decided what kind of merch you want to make?
SakyoNo, we haven't decided yet. So I'd like to solicit ideas from the members.
SakuyaEh, you'd like us to think of something?
SakyoYeah. In a week's time, we'll have a contest for the new merch between the troupes.
BanriHah?! Are you forreal? That's so annoyin'...
SakyoYou don't have to be the one presenting, just one of you is fine. Make a document and make sure to submit one proposal for each troupe.
Tenma...With that said, I'd like to decide on a representative for the Summer Troupe.
MisumiHere, here! I wanna do it!
KazunariSumi, you're super motivated!
KumonSumi-san, you want to make a Triangle-kun merch, right? I'll support you!
YukiIt's related to triangles as expected, huh. Well, isn't it fine?
MukuI'm fine with Misumi-san as well!
KazunariI'll support Misumi, too!
TenmaI also agree. Then, the presenter for Summer Troupe will be Misumi.
KumonGood for you, Misumi-san!
MisumiYeah! Thanks, guys~!
YukiMisumi, have you ever made a document or a presentation before?
MisumiNo, never~
YukiI thought as much.
TenmaWhat do we do about the document...?
MisumiHmm...I'll try it for the time being!
MukuI hope we can find something that might help with making the document...
KazunariAh! I know a website that has tips on how to make documents, so I'll send the link to Sumi.
It's easy to understand, so it's def perfect for beginners!
MisumiKazu, thank you~! I'm gonna look at it and do my best!
IzumiHave you guys decided who's going to present the new merchandise?
MisumiYeah, I'll be representing the Summer Troupe!
SakuyaAnd for Spring Troupe, it's Citron-san!
AzamiAutumn Troupe will be done by Juza-san.
GuyIt will be Takato for the Winter Troupe.
IzumiOh, really? That's somehow a surprising choice of people.
MisumiThere's something I wanna make~!
GuyIkaruga as well? Takato was saying the same thing.
AzamiJuza-san was also really eager about it, saying he wants to do it.
SakuyaCitron-san also raised his hand first!
IzumiSo, every troupe has a candidate now. I guess everyone has a lot of merch they want to make.
(I'm looking forward to finding out what everyone wants to make in their presentations.)
Misumi"It is important that the documents are easy to understand and easy to read. Specific numbers are also necessary" huh...
Let's do it~!
(The number of letters that wanted Triangle-kun, the money it would cost for materials, etc...)
Let's see, "Statistics are easier to read with graphs" ...? Graphs...I have a feeling it'll be triangle!
(I guess this is the graph~ Press here...)
...Eh~! It's not a triangle. What a bummer~...sad.
(I wonder if I can make this graph into a triangle~)
(Knock knock)
IzumiMisumi-kun, are you there?
IzumiThe candy container I got was a triangle, so I thought I'd bring it to you in case you wanted it.
MisumiIt really is! Director-san, thank you~!
IzumiYou're welcome. Hm? That PC screen, are you maybe...
MisumiI'm making a presentation document!
IzumiWah, that's amazing. It's all in the presentation document...!
MisumiEhehe, you think~?
CHOICE 1: I was actually a bit worried. [+]
IzumiI was actually a bit worried that you wouldn't be able to make the document.
MisumiYou were?
IzumiIt's not often that you get a chance to make such document, so I did wonder if you could do it right...
But you look like you're doing a great job to me.
MisumiYeah! Thanks for your concern, Director-san. I'll do my best to make the document until the end!
CHOICE 2: Have you ever made a document like this before? [+]
IzumiMisumi-kun, have you ever made a document like this before?
MisumiNo, never~
But Kazu told me a website that I could use as a reference, so I'm making it by looking at it!
IzumiEh, is that so?!
(So is it the site that's amazing or is Misumi-kun just that amazing that he can make it this far...?)
IzumiAh! You were in the middle of making it, weren't you?! Sorry for getting in your way!
MisumiNo, it's okay!
IzumiThen, I'll be looking forward to the contest!
MisumiYeaah! Thanks for the triangle, Director-san!
TenmaIt's finally the day of the contest. Do your best, Misumi.
KazunariThe document is already done, so I'm sure it'll be fine!
KumonHe also practiced for the presentation a lot!
YukiWell, from what I saw at practice, I think you'll do fine. But I'm rooting for you.
MukuMisumi-san, please do your best!
MisumiThanks, everyone~ I'll be going now!
SakyoWell then, let us start the new merchandise production contest.
IzumiThe order of presentation will be Spring Troupe, Autumn Troupe, Winter Troupe, and then Summer Troupe, as decided by the ladder lottery in advance.
Misumi(I'm last. I'll do my best!)
IzumiThen Citron-kun, if you would please.
MisumiGood luck, Citron!
CitronMany thanks, Misumi!
First, I want you guys to see this document!
Izumi(Wow, it looks like a corporate presentation document...!)
SakyoThat looks pretty convincing.
CitronI am here to propose a Citron Jr. plushie!
...And so, I have no doubts that Citron Jr. will be the number one ceiling product of all crime!
IzumiI'm guessing he meant to say of all time.
TasukuI think he also meant selling and not "ceiling".
IzumiI think so. The Spring Troupe has two office workers, so the document is complete, but...
SakyoThere were so many misspellings that I couldn't get into the content at all.
Citron...Thank you for your attention!
IzumiThank you, Citron-san. Then Juza-kun next, please.
CitronGood luck, Juza!
JuzaI noticed when I saw Citron-san's earlier, but I forgot to put a cover on the document.
SakyoI'll let it slide today. But watch out next time.
What I want to make is Kamekichi manjuu with red bean paste. Red bean paste contains a lot of nutrients that are good for your health...
...The classic sweet red bean paste will sell like hotcakes. There's no way it won't sell. Thanks for your attention.
SakyoThe document is too simple, but it conveyed your feelings.
IzumiThank you, Juza-kun. It's Tasuku-san next.
CitronOoh! What a big sketchbook you have, Tasuku!
TasukuThis is my presentation.
Izumi(Handwritten in a sketchbook...?!)
Tasuku...I'm proposing a protein. I'd like you to take a look at this first.
I've been thinking about the ideal protein when I learned that the protein I usually drink is going to be discontinued.
Izumi(What is that drawing supposed to be...?)
Tasuku...With the recent trend of muscle training, I believe that protein with an original design will be in demand among fans of the company.
That is the end of my presentation. Thank you.
Izumi(Maybe the first drawing he showed us was a package design...?)
MisumiTasuku's presentation was fun with all the drawings, it's like a picture-story show!
JuzaIt said somethin' about how to make protein too, that's cool...
SakyoThat presentation was indeed very Takato like. Ikaruga, you're next.
CitronGood luck, Misumi!
MisumiYeah, thanks~!
Izumi(He did a good job with the document, so I think I can watch his presentation without worry.)
MisumiI propose that the Triangle-kun mascot be made into merchandise. The reason is that there are many requests from all the fans.
I have been getting more and more letters from people who have read our blog that want to buy Triangle-kun. Please take a look at this triangle graph.
Izumi(Eh, a triangle graph...?! When I saw it the other day, it looked like a bar graph...)
MisumiIf the purchase rate is more than 60%, we can calculate that we can gain profit after subtracting the material cost. Also, the satisfaction level of the customers is...
Izumi(It's a triangle radar chart this time?!)
(Every page is full of triangles, but they're included in a natural way that they don't feel out of place...)
MisumiThat's all, thank you very much~!
Izumi(...That was amazing in many ways.)
That's all for everyone. Sakyo-san, what do you think?
SakyoRight...Ikaruga's document was full of triangles, but they were quite analytical and convincing, and the most realistic.
MisumiThen are we gonna make Triangle-kun?!
SakyoNo, the prospective numbers are still unsatisfactory. We're also on a tight budget, so...none are accepted.
Citron & MisumiEh~?!
JuzaDammit, my red bean paste was no good, huh...
TasukuI thought my protein was a good idea.
IzumiSakyo-san, everyone really did their best, couldn't we make all the merch in some way...?
SakyoRight...then how about we make them into stickers? I think we can make that.
IzumiI think stickers are a good idea! Then the new merch will be...
Citron Jr., Kamekichi red bean paste flavored manjuu, the protein package, and Triangle-kun stickers!
JuzaI'm fine with it being stickers.
TasukuWell, I guess it's better than nothing.
Misumi(The mascot was a no go, but now I can give Triangle-kun to all the fans!)
(I'm glad that my wish was granted~ Everyone, please be patient!)
