Misumi Ikaruga/Triangle Biscuit

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Handmade Triangle

Backstage Stories
YukiI guess that’s everything?
We didn’t forget to buy anything, right?
TaichiWe’re good!
I’ve checked everything off the list.
Anyways, it’s so lively everywhere~!
YukiA Valentine’s day fair… Cute.
Can we stop by for a bit later?
TaichiOf course! There’s sweet smells coming from all around and I’m feeling restless~!
That guy clinging to the glass is…
YukiAh, the Triangle Alien.
TaichiMisumi-san, what’re you doing?
MisumiIt’s Yuki and Taichi!
Look, look!
There’s triangles over there~.
Yuki…Triangle cookies?
TaichiThey’re for Valentine’s day, right!
They’re displayed prettily~.
MisumiI want those triangles too!
TaichiIf you’re talkin’ cookies, then wouldn’t Omi-kun teach you how to make them?
If you bake them yourself, you can make all sorts different of triangles!
They might be great to give as a present to Director-sensei too!
YukiWell, it is perfect for Valentine’s day.
MisumiValentine’s day… that might work!
KazunariYay! Making cookies~!
I’m joining y’all too!
MisumiYa~y! Let’s make them together, Kazu~!
TaichiIf Yuki-chan and Kazu-kun are joinin’ too, I think we’ll be able to make some artistic cookies!
YukiWell, since I’m putting in the effort to make them, I’m definitely going to make them cute.
KazunariI’ll post them to the 'blam afterwards too!
MisumiYeah, I’ll make a whole bunch of cool triangles and give them as a present to Director-san~!
KazunariAww, man! Imma make lots of triangles too ✩
TaichiI’ll become a guy who can make sweets just like Omi-kun, and I’ll definitely be popular~!
OmiHaha, let’s do our best together.
YukiImpure motive much?
OmiAlright, how about we get started right away?
KazunariThe dough’s done~!
TaichiIt’s quick when we make it together!
OmiNext is the cookie cutting.
Cut them out with this triangle cookie cutter.
MisumiYou got it~!
*Huff, huff*
Wahh, there’s so many triangles!
YukiThey came out pretty neat, huh?
KazunariIt feels like we’re gonna get gestaltzerfall[1] with all these triangles!
OmiOh right, hold on a minute.
Look, make a face like this—.
MisumiAhh! It’s Triangle-kun!
KazunariLegit! The quality’s so pro!
OmiHaha, did you recognize him?
TaichiThat’s Omi-kun for ya!
YukiAs expected of Ma.
MisumiI’ll make Triangle-kun too~!
OmiThe cookies are done.
TaichiThey smell great!
MisumiAmazing, amaz~ing!
OmiWe have deco pens[2] and icing too, so how about we try decorating them?
KazunariI’m down! Let’s decorate them right away!
KazunariAlriiight, I’ll show my true skills in my area of expertise!
Make him colourful with the deco pens, then make his eyes shine with silver dragées~…
Peep this! Doesn’t he look instablammable?
YukiWoah, isn’t that great?
MisumiHe really is!
OmiAnyhow, I’m glad we got them done nicely.
MisumiYeah! I wonder if Director-san will be happy~!
IzumiIt’s almost Valentine’s day, huh?
What kind of presents should I give this year?
*knock, knock*
Come in~.
IzumiWah! Misumi-kun.
You surprised me… what’s up?
MisumiHere! A Valentine’s present for Director-san!
IzumiFor me? Are you sure?
MisumiYep. Open it~.
IzumiAh, these are Triangle-kun… cookies? How cute.
MisumiRight~, I got Omi and them to help me out.
Take a bite, take a bite~!
Where will you start eating from, Director-san?
IzumiFrom where?
(Where would be the right place to start from?)
Then… I’ll go for his feet first.
MisumiNope, juuust joking!
IzumiI thought that maybe I wasn’t allowed to eat it…
Then, once again.
—Yeah, it’s crispy and tastes great!
MisumiRight~! His face tastes even better!
IzumiReally? Then…
MisumiOw, ow, ow!
MisumiJust kidding~.
IzumiGeez, Misumi-kun
It doesn’t hurt, so go ahead and eat lots~.
IzumiYeah! Thank you for the wonderful present, Misumi-kun.
MisumiLet's make them together next time, 'kay, Director-san!



  1. Gestaltzerfall is a psychological phenomenon where a complex shape begins to break down into its composite parts when stared at for a prolonged period of time. This is more commonly used in the Japanese context regarding kanji, where a character will start breaking down into its parts/radicals and become unrecognizable when stared at for a long time.
  2. A deco pen is a "pen" filled with chocolate/icing that can be used to decorate baked goods.