「・・・・・・ぐっ。・・・・・・すぴー」 "...Snore ...Zzz..."
A mysterious young man who didn't have a place to go after losing his memory. He was found when he suddenly collapsed in front of the theatre. He's a man of very few words and can sleep anywhere, any time. There's no knowing what happened to him before his amnesia, but he is skilled in acting and light on his feet.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「月が、俺を呼んでるみたい、行かなきゃ。空っぽの俺を受け入れてくれて、どうもありがとう。」It's like the moon is calling to me. I must go...Thank you for accepting an empty person like me...
「稽古、もっとしないとダメ?」Do we have to practice more?
「体は柔らかい方…だと思う、たぶん」It's a way to loosen your muscles...I think. Maybe.
「もっと大きな声…?出るかな」A louder voice...? I wonder if I can.
「ぐー…すぴー。…あ、寝てた」Zz...zZz. ...Ah, I fell asleep.
「早口言葉…苦手」Tongue twisters...I'm not good at them.
「寝るのが好きっていうか…眠いから寝るっていうか…」Rather than sleeping because I like it...It's more like I sleep because I'm sleepy...
「そんなにじーっと見ても、マシュマロはあげない」Even if you stare like that at me, I won't give you any marshmallows.
「何も覚えてないけど…思い出さなくて良い気がする」I don't remember anything, but...I get the feeling it's better not remembering.
「紬はいつも頑張ってる。偉い」Tsumugi's always working hard. Amazing.
「丞は「板の上では寝るなよ」っていつも言う。そんなの当たり前」Tasuku always says not to sleep on the stage. That's obvious.
「アリスはなんであんなにうるさいの…?」Why is Arisu that noisy...?
「東はいつも良い匂いがする、好きな匂い」Azuma always smells nice. I like it.
「疲れた…おやすみなさい……ぐー…」I'm tired...Goodnight......Zzz...
「おはよう……おやすみ……ぐー…」Good morning... Good night... Zzz
「ふああ~。今日は良い天気だから公園で寝よう」Yawn~ It's nice out today so let's nap in a park.
「夕飯はマシュマロが良いって臣に言っておいて」Tell Omi I want marshmallows for dinner.
「月が、大きい…。なんでオレはこんなに悲しいんだろう…」The moon is big... Why do I suddenly feel sad...
「いい枕発見。今日からカントクの膝はオレ専用ね」I found a good pillow. From now on, Director's lap is exclusively for me.
「ううん…マシュマロとるな…」No... Don't take away my marshmallows...
「んー…よく寝た……けどもうちょっと寝る」Nnn... I slept well... But.. I want a bit more..
「起こされた…最悪。オレに何かよう?」You woke me up...ugh. Did you need something?
「昨日もアリスがうるさくて眠れなかった…」Yesterday Arisu was too noisy for me to sleep.
「昨日夢を見たんだけど……あれ?何の夢だっけ?」I had a dream last night... Hm? What was in it?
「何でそんなに寝るのか?眠いから。それ以外ないでしょ」Why do I sleep so much? Because I'm tired. That's the only reason.
「何驚いてるの?オレだって起きてる時くらいあるよ」Why are you surprised? There are times when even I am awake.