Hisoka Mikage/Spotlight

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Backstage Stories
IzumiPhew… since I’m done with work, maybe I can take a coffee break.
AzumaDirector, glad to see you. Thanks for your hard work.
IzumiAh, thanks. Same to you.
IzumiHisoka-san… is soundly asleep in your lap, Azuma-san
AzumaWe were talking and he fell asleep without notice. He never changes. That’s so adorable.
IzumiShould I get a blanket?
AzumaYes, please.
HomareOh, Hisoka-kun. So here you were!
Good heavens… and he even told me he was working part-time today at Guy-san’s bar.
IzumiReally? In that case, he needs to leave soon…
AzumaGuy went ahead a while ago to prepare everything.
HomareSigh, what a troublesome one.
Hisoka-kun. Wake up please!
HomareDon’t pretend to be asleep.
Hisoka…you’re noisy, Arisu.
HomareIf you don’t wake up soon, you’ll be late for work.
Hisoka…ah, right.
HomareWill you be alright being like that?
Hisoka…maybe not.
AzumaHehe, do your best.
Guy…kage, Mikage?
…Sorry, I was half asleep.
Regular Customer AAhaha, Mikage-kun never changes.
Regular Customer BWell, that side of him is cute, though.
GuyIf by any chance you’re feeling unwell…
HisokaThat’s not it. I’m just a bit sleepy…
GuyIt’s better if you work as you usually do. Please don’t force yourself.
Regular Customer AGuy-san is too kind. I can’t help but worry.
Hisoka…I feel the same.
Regular Customer BAhaha. But that kindness made us regulars here.
Regular Customer A—Ah, right. Here. Souvenirs from a business trip I went on a while back. If you would like to eat them, please do.
GuyWe appreciate your kindness.
Hisoka…Can I eat them?
GuyGo ahead.
HisokaNom nom… delicious
GuyThat’s good.
Regular Customer AI’m glad they made you happy.
Regular Customer BWell, now that Mikage-kun strength is back… I would like an extra screwdriver.
Regular Customer AOh, me too.
GuyCan you take care of those orders, Mikage?
IzumiHmm… I can’t find Hisoka-san.
(And here I thought I could give him the set of questions they sent…)
Izumi(Oh, there he is. Who would have guessed he was sleeping in this corner of the courtyard.)
Izumi(…he looks so peaceful right now. Maybe I can give it to him later.)
Hisoka…do you need something from me?
Were you awake, Hisoka-san?
HisokaI just woke up. It felt like Director was watching me.
IzumiI’m sorry for waking you up.
HisokaSo, what is it, Director-san?
IzumiWell, it’s time for Hisoka’s Spotlight interview…
And I wanted to show you the set of questions they sent us.Here. Before you go there, take a look at them.
Kasumi-san will be the one who interviews you that day.
IzumiOh right, did work go well yesterday?
HisokaYes… I fell asleep just a little.
HisokaBut, I was diligent with my work.
IzumiThat’s good, I guess…
Regardless, it seems like you’re having fun working at Guy-san’s bar. I’m glad.
Hisoka…yes. The customers are also nice people.
IzumiMaybe because of Guy’s personality~
IzumiHm? Is there a question that caught your eye?
Hisoka…this one.
IzumiLet me see… hmm, “once you started acting, did anything drastically change?”
CHOICE 1: Can you answer it? [+]
CHOICE 2: Is there something…? [+]
I’m sure Kasumi-san will lead it well, so it’ll be alright for you to answer however you want.
IzumiI’m excited to see what kind of interview it will be.
Hisoka…I’ll do my best.
IzumiAnd you can’t sleep during the interview.
HisokaI won’t… maybe.
Izumi“Maybe” isn’t that reassuring!
KasumiGlad to work with you today, Hisoka-kun.
HisokaI’ll try to not fall asleep.
KasumiAhaha, I hope so.
…Thank you so much. It’s exciting to hear from you again.
Kasumi…are you feeling sleepy?
Hisoka…I’m fine.
KasumiOkay. Let’s continue then.
Last time you told us Mankai Company is the place that let you be the actor Hisoka Mikage even when you were a nobody, which was impressive.
Once you started acting, did anything drastically change?
HisokaNew places where I belong… There are more places where I can relax and be myself.
KasumiBy that, you mean…?
Hisoka…Mankai Company is a precious place where I can be myself.
And it’s still the same. I have friends, I can act and I have a fulfilling time there, but—
Lately, I’ve been working part-time at Guy’s bar, and I feel like it’s become a place where I can be calm.
I wasn’t good at dealing with others…
Now, I think it’s fun to talk with the customers who come to the bar.
KasumiSpeaking of which, you mentioned in the last interview, you worked temporary jobs in your spare time.
And you were searching for a part-time job with flexible shifts. One where you could eat marshmallows while working, and won’t be scolded if you doze off…
HisokaGuy won’t scold me for dozing off or eating marshmallows. He told me it’s alright if I work as I usually do…
KasumiSo there was a dream-like employer just like that…?
HisokaYes. I’m diligent at work, though.
I always want to be helpful to a nice Guy like him.
KasumiThanks for today, Hisoka-kun.
HisokaUhm… I’m sleepy now.
KasumiAhaha. Well you did your best to not fall asleep during the interview.
By the way, is Guy-kun’s bar really such a nice place to work?
You won’t be scolded even if you doze off or eat marshmallows in the open… It’s almost like Guy-kun is reaching enlightenment.
HisokaGuy is particularly nice.
KasumiI want to work in his bar after I retire… He would hire me, right…!?
KasumiHm, Hisoka-kun? Hisoka-ku~n!?
