Hisoka Mikage/Brilliance of Blooming

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MANKAI Livestream! ~LIVE: Hisoka~

Backstage Stories
IzumiKazunari-kun is also joining in on today’s leader’s meeting.
KazunariLet’s do this piko~!
BanriHave you come up with somethin’ again?
KazunariThat’s right, Setzer!
There’s a lil something I wanted to try.
So you see… we held a project survey for the fans to find out what they’d like us to do!
SakuyaA project survey?
IzumiYep. We did it for our fans as per Kazunari-kun’s suggestion.
KazunariThankfully, MANKAI Company’s popularity is soaring through the roof right now!
TenmaThat’s true. We got a lot of new fans too.
Kazunari‘Cept some of the folks who have been supporting us for a while also voiced that they’re a bit lonely since it feels like there’s been more distance between us.
But, like, we wanna be a Theatre troupe that’s close to our fans no matter how much our popularity rises, right?
BanriI see.
So that explains the project survey, eh?
TsumugiHow were the results?
KazunariThe most common answer was, “I wanna see more InsteLives and selfies from all the troupe members!”
TenmaWell, the frequency of InsteLive streams varies from person to person.
TsumugiIt’s the same for our selfies.
We basically leave it to the members who are good at SNS.
KazunariYep, and so! As a special project this time, I propose we hold a solo InsteLive and selfie festival for 24 consecutive days!
BanriA selfie festival?
KazunariIt’d be even more hype if we took selfies during the live and upped the pics to Inste later, wouldn’t it!
IzumiWe’ve also discussed it with Sakyo-san, and he said we can do it as long as I keep watch to make sure no trouble occurs during the streams.
KazunariAnd so, the rest depends on you guys…
How about it?
SakuyaI’d love to do it! Of course I want to make everyone happy…
But I’m happy for the chance to talk with all the fans through the screen too!
TsumugiI’d like to give it a try too. I feel like I’m getting more used to InsteLives, little by little.
TenmaHey, but, we can’t just idly chat, right?
KazunariOn that topic, I thought it might be great to send out another survey to hear what they’d like each troupe member to do.
BanriSeems like it’ll be a lot easier to handle in that case.
IzumiEvery InsteLive will turn out differently. That sounds interesting.
Kazunari‘Kay then, it’s settled!
Leave the form creation and tallying up to me!
SakuyaThank you very much, Kazunari-san!
IzumiAlright then, leaders. Please share the InsteLive and selfie plan with all your members.
LeadersGot it!
*door opens*
HomareOh my. I thought for sure you would be sleeping.
HomareMoreover, it’s not everyday I see you staring at your phone so fervently.
HomareWhat is the matter? Are you searching for something?
Let me see—.
Hisoka…What? Your face is in my way.
HomareIt’s just, I wanted to see what in the world it could be that you were so absorbed in that you forgot to sleep.
HisokaIt’s nothing… I was just looking at everyone’s SNS for reference on how to share things about myself.
HomareOh my! So you mean you wish to use everyone’s methods to convey yourself to the world?
HisokaI guess?
…But I’m tired now that you’re here, so I’m going to sleep.
Zzz, zzz
HomareGoodness, he’s asleep already.
I suppose that’s how it goes. I shall place a blanket over him.
Good grief. How many times have I told him he will catch a cold sleeping like this?
His turn for the InsteLive is coming up soon as well—.
InsteLive… sharing…?
Come to think of it, it appears the survey Kazunari-kun put together for Hisoka-kun is sprawled out on his desk—.
“I’d like Hisoka-kun to tell us more about himself!”, “I want to know what Hisoka-kun likes” …
Hisoka-kun, could you have been…?
…And so.
If you don’t mind, I would like you to lend a hand.
YukiThat’s fine by me. Rather, have you told the guy himself who’s sleeping over there?
HomareI plan to speak to him as well after this.
YukiHmm. Well, just don’t cancel on me last minute.
See you.
HomareYes. I’ll be counting on you.
*walks away*
Hisoka…Arisu, what were you talking about with Yuki?
HomareDon’t be surprised to hear.
Why… I have invited a special guest for your InsteLive, Hisoka-kun!
Hisoka…What the heck?
HomareIt appeared you were fretting about introducing yourself.
And so, I meddled a bit.
Hisoka…You really are meddlesome.
IzumiCan we start the stream, Hisoka-kun?
…I’m a little sleepy though.
IzumiD-do your best to stay awake!
But a guest is going to drop in halfway, right?
IzumiAlright, let’s start the stream then.
Comment“Hey there~”
Hisoka…Ah, it’s started already.
Can you see…?
Comment“We can see!”
Comment“His gestures are cute haha”
Comment“Did you just wake up?”
HisokaNo, I’m wide awake.
Comment“Do your best!”
Comment“I can’t wait to see what you’re gonna do!”
HisokaAs for what I’m going to do today, I tried choosing from all of your requests.
Comment“I wrote a request!”
Comment“What are you gonna do?”
HisokaWhen I read your requests, there were a lot of people who said they wanted to know more about me—.
So I thought I’d introduce some different things I like.
Comment“I’m dying to know!”
Comment“You like marshmallows, don’t you?”
HisokaYeah, I love marshmallows.
Thanks for remembering.
Today, I’m going to introduce things apart from that.
IzumiYour guest is here!
It sounds like my guest is here.
…Come on, join me.
???And… there. That was heavier than I thought.
Comment“Who is it?”
Comment“That’s a huge box lolol”
Comment“No way, Yuki-kun!?”
HisokaToday’s guest for the project.
YukiIt’s Summer troupe’s Rurikawa Yuki.
Hey there.
Comment“Hello, Yuki-kun!”
Comment“All we could see at first was the box lol”
HisokaYuki… what’s with that giant box?
YukiWhat, you ask. I brought this over for you.
Didn’t you hear from Arisu?
HisokaI only heard that you were coming.
YukiGeez. Even though I told him to make sure to tell you the details too.
HisokaBut that’s for me, huh…
What’s inside?
YukiSomething you like.
Hurry up and open it.
Oh, it is. I feel bad that it’s stuffed in a box though.
Comment“What could it be?”
Comment“It’s a plushie!”
HisokaThis is… something that I like.
It’s a penguin plushie named Penpen.
We’ve always been together ever since I got him from Itaru way back.
HisokaBut how?
Penpen was supposed to be in my room.
YukiArisu gave him to me.
He told me to bring him over as a special guest.
HisokaWithout my permission…
Well, it’s fine I guess.
Comment“What do you like about him?”
HisokaWhat I like about Penpen…
There’s a lot, but my favourite things are—.
The fact he feels good to cuddle and that I can have a nice dream… Zzz…
YukiHey. Don’t fall asleep while hugging him.
Comment“It’s cute, so let him sleep!”
HisokaI’m not asleep yet… Hey, Yuki. What else is in that box?
YukiAhh. There’s a bunch of clothes that I made for Penpen in my spare time.
Comment“Say what? That’s adorable”
HisokaYeah… Yuki makes clothes for Penpen from time to time.
And he also fixes up the ones that get frayed.
Comment“That’s Yuki-kun for you!”
Comment“He’s so nice~”
YukiWell, I have fun when I do it.
HisokaBut I’ve never seen these outfits before.
Did you make them and store them?
YukiAhh… there were parts that I didn’t really like about those, so I shelved them.
But, I mean, I just brought them over since I had the opportunity today.
Comment“I wanna see them!”
Comment“Show us!”
HisokaI wanna see too.
YukiAlright, alright. Err, this is a dress, and a Christmas-designed sweater and shoes…
Comment“Woah, cute!”
Comment“There’s so many”
Comment“It’s all-you-can-dress up”
HisokaThey look so fluffy and warm…
There’s no need at all to stash them away.
YukiYou think so? Well, when you make something yourself, you’re critical about the details, right?
HisokaOh, really?
YukiI think I've also made a lot of cute stuff solely according to my own taste though.
HisokaI don’t mind. I like the clothes and accessories that Yuki made for Penpen.
Comment“I think they’re great too!”
Comment“I bet all of them would look good on Penpen”
HisokaI’d like to dress Penpen up in all kinds of different clothes.
YukiReally? I’ll give them all to you then.
You can coordinate the outfits you like.
HisokaAre you sure? Thanks.
I’ll dress him up a lot later.
CHOICE 1: Great for you! [+]
CHOICE 2: Which one will you make him wear him first? [+]
YukiAlright, you were gonna introduce different things that you like, weren’t you? Anything apart from Penpen?
HisokaApart from Penpen...
YukiEveryone knows you like marshmallows.
Wait, you mentioned that earlier, didn’t you?
What else?
YukiEveryone knows that too.
Comment“Yuki’s cutting him down quick lol”
Comment“That’s Hisoka-kun for you”
HisokaOther things I like…
…Once I think of something, I’ll report it on InsteLive again.
Is that alright?
Comment“Of course!”
Comment“I’d be happy if you did another stream”
Comment“I’m looking forward to it!”
HisokaAlright then, this is the end—.
IzumiTake your selfie!
YukiYeah, the one you’ll upload to Inste after.
Everyone’s doing it, so you have to too.
What pose should I make?
Comment“A cute pose!”
Comment“Do a pose you like~”
HisokaI like…
I remembered one more thing that I like.
…How’s this?
YukiYeah, it came out great.
HisokaAlright, this ends the stream.
…See you.
IzumiGood job, you two!
I’m relieved it wrapped up.
Hisoka…I did a lot, so I’m sleepy.
YukiUpload the photo to Inste before you sleep, will you?
You’re gonna forget to post it if you go back to your room like this.
HisokaAlright, I’ll do it now.
…Does this photo work, Director?
IzumiYep, it’s perfect!
Well then, goodnight.
Director, Yuki.
YukiHe’s just like a cat, huh?
IzumiFufu. Yep.
