Hisoka Mikage/MANKAI Playback

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Baking a Cake with my Treasured Friends

Backstage Stories
This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by Kat here.
IzumiHisoka-san’s birthday is drawing near.
TsumugiAnything you want us to do for you?
HomareYou may ask for more than you usually do.
AzumaIf you can’t think of anything…can we know what you usually do on your birthday before you came here?
HisokaWe used to bake a cake and eat it together.
IzumiHow about we try doing that, too?
GuyThat sounds like a great idea.
AzumaWe usually leave things like this to Omi, but doing it ourselves once in a while sounds fun.
TasukuBut is there anyone in our troupe who can bake a cake?
TsumugiI’ve never baked cakes aside from the cooking lessons I had when I was a student.
HomareThe same holds true for me. I have never baked a cake and all I did was eat one.
AzumaI think Guy can bake a cake. Don’t servants do that kind of stuff?
GuyI have never baked one when I was in Zafra. However, there was a time when I made curry with Utsuki and accidentally caused him trouble.
TasukuCan we really do this?
HisokaI wanna eat a cake with marshmallows…
IzumaWe’re doing this for Hisoka-san! I’ll help you out, too, so let’s do our best!
GuyIt’s a good thing we have a recipe made by Fushimi.
AzumaI know, right? It even includes photos so shopping for ingredients was easy.
IzumiAs long as we follow his recipe, I’m sure we can bake a delicious cake…probably.
TsumugiLet’s start then! So first, we…
HomareThe first step when baking is washing one’s hands!
Hisoka(looking intently at the marshmallows)
HomareThose marshmallows will be placed on top of the cake. You are not allowed to eat them.
HisokaI know…but I wanna eat them.
GuyI also prepared marshmallows for you today, Mikage. Would you like to have some?
Hisoka…! Yes. Thanks, Guy.
HomareSince today is your birthday, you seem to be asking for even more pampering than usual. To think you would ask for more despite having people who carry and feed you marshmallows everyday…
HisokaStop talking and focus on baking.
HomareListen to what I am saying!
GuyIs this how you melt the butter?
IzumiGuy-san, why are you immersing butter in hot water?!
GuyAccording to Fushimi’s recipe, we must melt the butter by heating it. Sorry, I should’ve added flour first.
IzumiYou shouldn’t do that, either! …A-anyway, please remove the butter from the hot water.
Azuma(chuckles) Now I understand why Guy said he caused trouble before.
HisokaWhat a surprise…
TsumugiUmm…anyway, Tasuku, mix this bowl of egg white until it starts to form bubbles.
TasukuOkay. (starts mixing)
AzumaDon’t we have an electric mixer?
Tasuku(still mixing)
TsumugiBut mixing seems to be a good workout for Tasuku.
Azuma(chuckles) I think so, too.
TasukuHaa…that was tiring.
GuyIs that really something you should do manually?
TasukuPardon?…What do you mean?
GuyWe have an electric mixer but it seems unused. I thought you particularly wanted to mix it by hand, so I did not tell you.
HomareOh, he is right. If you used the electric mixer, then you could have saved your time and energy.
HisokaMuscle man mixer…
TsumugiAhaha…you were already mixing when I realized we have a mixer…But I thought it was okay because you were the one doing it. Look at how you mixed it so well.
IzumiI wonder if we can finish this…
I’m glad we somehow managed to bake a cake.
TasukuThat was tough…
AzumaBut it was lots of fun.
HisokaIt looks delicious…
TsumugiLet’s eat it, shall we?
IzumiI’ll serve the cake after I finish slicing it.
TsumugiThank you.
TsumugiWhat’s the matter, Hisoka-san?
HisokaPlease save one slice…
Tsumugi…? Okay, I’ll keep one slice in the fridge.
Winter TroupeHappy birthday!
IzumiHappy birthday, Hisoka-san!
HisokaThanks…And thanks for baking a cake with me…
HomareOur cake’s quality is so splendid that I think I can compose a new poem at any moment.
IzumiI’m glad you like it. Let’s eat!
Hisoka(eats the cake) It tastes good.
TsumugiYep. It tastes good for something made by amateurs.
HisokaI think it tasted better because we baked it together.
HomareHearing you say something like that feels strange.
TsumugiBoth the cake and frosting are so fluffy! Good job, Tasuku.
Azuma(chuckles) He ended up mixing everything manually.
TasukuHaa…what a waste of time.
GuyI want to be able to mix as well as you.
TasukuI suggest we use the electric mixer next time.
HomareHave you eaten your slice, Hisoka-kun?
HisokaYes. It was delicious. If you won’t eat yours, can I have it?
HomareDo not poke my cake while you are still asking permission to eat it!
IzumiAhaha. Hisoka-san looks so happy. I’m glad we decided to bake a cake.
IzumiLooks like he’s fast asleep.
AzumaIt seems bad to wake him up, so I think it’d be better to carry him to his room.
TsumugiWe’re leaving it to you, Tasuku.
GuyLet me help you.
IzumiMaybe I should go to sleep.
IzumiOh, Hisoka-san. I didn’t know you’re awake.
HisokaIs the cake inside the fridge?
Hisoka…Thank you for today. I’m glad I was able to celebrate it with the Winter Troupe again.
CHOICE 1: Did you have fun while baking? [+]
IzumiDid you have fun while baking?
HisokaYes. It was fun, the cake tasted good, and I got to bake it together with you and the Winter Troupe.
CHOICE 2: Did you receive gifts? [+]
IzumiDid you receive gifts?
HisokaYes. When I woke up, I saw gifts beside my pillow.
IzumiAhaha, it’s as if you got gifts from Santa! Have you opened them?
HisokaNot yet but I think it includes marshmallows. I can’t wait to open them later.
IzumiI’m glad you enjoyed your birthday!
HisokaBack then, my birthday was nothing special and I didn’t celebrate it with anyone. But when I met August, he would celebrate my birthday and Chikage’s birthday every year.
IzumiSo when you said you used to bake a cake and eat it with someone, you were talking about Chikage-san and August?
“I like your birthday, December, because unlike April’s, I can make a normal birthday cake.”
“It’s starting to burn…”
I used to celebrate my birthday by baking a cake with April and August. August wasn’t that good at baking, but he had fun every time we baked a cake.
“This year, I decided to make your cake special,” said August as he placed the finishing touch – a star-shaped marshmallow. Its shape was distorted, but for me, it was the most precious gift I’ve ever had.
I was so excited to eat it. But at that very moment, August’s earpiece suddenly rang.
“Sorry, but we have a mission.”
There was an agent who made a mistake while on a mission and we were asked to provide assistance.
“But I wanna eat the cake…”
“We have no choice but to follow their orders. Just put up with it.”
“Let’s just celebrate your birthday again after this, okay?” said August as he smiled like he always does.
I became impatient. I wanted to finish the mission as fast as possible so that we can all sit together and eat my birthday cake…After all, I’ve always waited for this day.
“What is that idiot doing?!”
April came to save me when things went wrong due to my recklessness. I accidentally dropped the necklace I was wearing, but he managed to pick it up.
“You know what’s gonna happen if you lose this, right?” said April on our way back. I couldn’t bring myself to reply.
Upon arriving at our hideout, August was already there.
“December broke his necklace.”
“Looks like he acted rashly because he was in a hurry to come back.”
“Why did you act recklessly, December?! Making a small mistake can cost your life!”
“I doubt I can withstand losing a precious family member on his birthday…So please…be more careful from now on,” said August, looking both angry and sad.
Afterwards, we had to report about the mission and were given individual tasks to do. The three of us weren’t able to eat the cake and my birthday came to an end.
That was the last birthday I celebrated with August and April.
(end of flashback)
That was the only kind of birthday celebration I knew, so I asked the troupe to do the same thing. And I’m glad I did.
IzumiThat’s good to hear. Anyway, now that you’re part of the Winter troupe, they’ll teach you lots of other ways to celebrate your birthday!
HisokaYup. They taught me about surprise parties last year, and I can’t wait for my next birthday to come.
IzumiNext year, let’s celebrate your birthday again with the Winter troupe! By the way, I thought you were looking for the cake.
HisokaOh, I almost forgot. I’ll go get it now.
ChikageDid the Winter troupe throw a party for you?
HisokaYes…Here you go…
ChikageOh, a cake with marshmallows on top.
HisokaI made it with the Winter troupe. I want you to try it. Just one bite will do.
ChikageHaa…you leave me no choice then…
HisokaHow was it?
ChikageIt tastes sweet…
HisokaIt should taste good because we followed Omi’s instructions.
ChikageWell, ignoring the sweet taste, I guess it tastes good.
HisokaIt’s not a cake if it’s not sweet.
Chikage…Happy birthday.
HisokaThanks. Chikage…let’s talk about August.
