Hisoka Mikage/Nostalgic Gingerbread

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Christmas Marshmallow

Backstage Stories
IzumiHuh? Over there, isn't that...
HisokaMunch, munch...
Izumi(Even though it's this cold, he's eating outside... Ah, right.)
HisokaMunch, munch...
IzumiHisoka-san, aren't you cold?
Hisoka... I'm a little cold.
IzumiI spotted you in the courtyard, so I brought you some marshmallow cocoa.
HisokaThank you. ... It's warm.
Do you want to sit, too, Director?
IzumiI'll take you up on that offer.
You ate the gingerbread that Chikage-san and I made, huh.
HisokaThey were in the kitchen, so I took one. It's not sweet, but... It has a nostalgic taste.
IzumiHuh? There were some gingerbreads that were made sweet, but you didn't take one of those?
HisokaYeah. For gingerbread, this one is good.
IzumiI see. Chikage-san let me use his ginger powder to make these.
HisokaChikage always puts in so much ginger. Even though doing that doesn't make it taste as good...
IzumiI personally prefer having a lot of spices in it, but——.
IzumiHisoka-san? Hisoka-sa~n.
IzumiIf you sleep here, you'll catch cold.
Izumi(Guess I can't do anything about him... I'll let him sleep for a while. If someone passes by, I'll ask them for help...)
AugustHey, you two, let's do a present exchange on Christmas.
AprilA present exchange? Why do we...
AugustIt's Christmas, after all. I kinda wanted to try to do something Christmas-y with you two.
December, what do you think?
December... I'll do it. The present exchange.
AugustApril, what are you going to do? You don't seem like you want to.
AprilAlright. I'll do it.
It's not like I said I didn't want to or anything, anyway.
AugustTa-da! Don't I look like Santa-san?
DecemberA big bag.
AprilWhat are you using that for?
AugustI thought I'd use it for the present exchange. Put your presents in here, you two.
Whoever wins at rock-paper-scissors can pick whatever present they want out of this bag.
AprilIt looks like you'll be able to tell whose present is whose just by touching the boxes.
DecemberI think so, too.
AugustDon't sweat the details. Alright then, rock-paper——.
AugustAh, it's just December who won. Take whatever you want out of this bag. No looking inside, though.
DecemberI'll take this one.
AugustAh, it's the present I put in.
AprilYou knew that and that's why you picked it, right.
DecemberIf I picked April's present, who knows what would be in there.
AprilYou're such a rude prick.
AugustDecember, try opening it up.
Izumi(... Nobody's coming. Maybe I should wake him up soon.)
IzumiAh, are you awake?
Hisoka... Sorry, I fell asleep.
IzumiNot that much time has passed, so it's okay.
If you kept sleeping, you would have caught a cold, so I was planning on waking you up soon.
Hisoka... I had a dream.
IzumiA dream?
HisokaA dream from when I spent Christmas with August and Chikage. We exchanged presents among the three of us.
When I was opening the present I'd gotten from August, I woke up.
IzumiJust a little more... It happens a lot when you just wake up. Do you remember what present you actually got?
HisokaIf I remember correctly... It was a marshmallow in the shape of a snowman.
IzumiWhat a cute present.
HisokaWhen I opened it, I feel like Chikage said, "And what were you planning on doing if I was the one who picked that."
IzumiAhaha, that's just like Chikage-san.
Hisoka... Ah.
Izumi?! H-Hisoka-san?
HisokaDirector, your face is getting red. It's cold, so let's go inside.
IzumiAh, r-right.
(He suddenly touched my face, so he surprised me...)
(A snowman-shaped marshmallow... I can't seem to find one.)
HomareOh my, if it's isn't Director-kun. Are you on your way home from shopping?
IzumiHomare-san, what a coincidence. I was just looking for something.
Homare-san, are you heading home?
HomareNo, I was just heading out. Director-kun, what are you searching for?
IzumiAh, umm... Is it alright if I ask for advice even though you're heading somewhere?
HomareIt's no problem. Important figures always arrive late. I might be able to assist you in some way, so go ahead and tell me about your troubles.
IzumiThe truth is, I'm looking for a marshmallow shaped like a snowman.
It seems like it's an important memory to Hisoka-san, but I can't really find one...
HomareHmm, it's something from Hisoka-kun's memories. If it's such a thing, then if I remember correctly, I believe I've seen one at my favorite tea shop.
IzumiHuh?! Really?!
HomareOh, yes. That shop has quite the selection of tea leaves and tea snacks from all different countries. The snacks match well with the tea, and it's quite delicious.
IzumiTo think that it would be at Homare-san's favorite shop... Thank you so much for telling me!
I'm home~.
IzumiHisoka-san is sleeping on the couch...
(Perfect timing.)
Hisoka... I sense marshmallows.
IzumiAs you'd expect. Here you go, this is for you.
HisokaIt's a marshmallow shaped like a snowman...
IzumiAfter hearing your story, I tried looking for it.
HisokaThank you, Director.
IzumiYou're welcome. Homare-san was the one who told me where they were selling it, though.
HisokaAlice... Rather than the value size, it would be better if he got these for me every time.
IzumiAhaha. Hey, Hisoka-san——.
CHOICE 1: "Is this the marshmallow you remembered?" [+]
CHOICE 2: "I wonder what kind of flavor it is?" [+]
IzumiMaybe I'll make something to drink.
Ah, I know. Would you like to put it on top of some cocoa?
HisokaMhm, I want to. Director, drink some cocoa with me.
IzumiI think I'll do just that. I'll go make the preparations.
HisokaI'll help out, too.
IzumiHehe, thank you.
