「ワタシの心は揺れて揺られて転がり落ちるマンドリン・・・・・・」 "My heart is a mandolin that shakes, sways, and suddenly falls..."
Homare is a very eccentric artist and he is always searching for fine art. His sense for the aesthetically pleasing is extraordinary and he considers the aesthetically pleasing in an extreme way. He is a natural poet who often finds poetic inspiration and recites his poems with a passion that's so strong that it's almost embarrassing. He acts quite strangely, but surprisingly, he is good at taking care of others and looks after Hisoka whenever he suddenly falls asleep.
Homare is a poet who joined the company because it seemed like "a good life experience". He is interested in anything related to arts. His sense for the aesthetically pleasing is extraordinary and he considers it in an extreme way. He is a natural poet who can find poetic inspiration anytime and anywhere and recites his poems with a passion that's so strong that it's almost embarrassing. Despite his works being seemingly weird and nonsensical, he seems to be quite popular and has a handful of fans calling him "Arisugawa-sensei". He can come off as eccentric because of his antics and tastes but he is a kind man who is always willing to help others with their troubles, despite his methods being unconventional most of the time.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「やはり、 私のような欠陥品は 必要ないんだな。うん、いい人生経験をした。」As expected, you don't need a defective product like me. Yes, it was a good life experience.
「あ~あ~あ~…どうだねこの美声は?」Ah~hh~hh...How was my beautiful voice?
「ここの動き、ワタシには地味すぎるんじゃないか?」Aren't these movements too plain for me?
「監督くん、このセリフについて相談があるんだが…」Director, I'd like to talk with you regarding this line...
「はっ!詩興がわいたぞ♪よし、休憩にしよう!」Ah! Poetic inspiration is welling up ♪ Alright, let's practice!
「これ以上はもはや神の領域だ…」Beyond this is the domain of the gods...
「ゴホ、ゴホッ…ここ、少し埃っぽくないかい?」Cough, cough...Isn't it a little dusty here?
「素晴らしい詩を思いついたんだ、次のシナリオに入れてみないか?」I thought of a wonderful poem. Couldn't we try putting it in the next scenario?
「ときめくムードでキミとヌードルつるつるりん~」A heart-pounding mood...Eating sleek noodles with you~
「紬くんはなぜあんなに自信がないのか…不思議だよ」I wonder why Tsumugi-kun is so lacking in confidence...It's a mystery.
「丞くんはもっと芸術について学んだ方が良いと思うよ」I think Tasuku-kun should learn more about art.
「密くんがここ数日部屋に帰ってこないんだ。遅い反抗期かな?」Hisoka-kun hasn't come back to our room for several days now. Is it a late rebellious phase?
「東さんはいつも微笑んでいるが、どこか影がある」Azuma-san is always smiling, but there's a shadow somewhere there.
「ふむ、今日はこんなところで勘弁してあげよう」Hmph, I shall have you release me here for today.
「おはよう。はははっ、いつにもましておバカさんな顔だね」Good morning. Hahaha, what’s with that silly face you’re always making.
「君は幸運だね、今さっきこの世に生まれたばかりの名作を一番に聞けるのだから」You are quite lucky, just now you heard the best masterpiece that was created in this world.
「……はっ!月の美しさに魅入られてしまった…」…Oh! I was fascinated by the moon’s beauty…
「眠れないのかい?仕方ないね、ワタシが本を読んであげよう」You can’t sleep? It can’t be helped, I’ll read you a book.
「あ゛~~芸術が…降りてこない…」Ah~ My art… it’s not coming down to me…
「さ~て、密くんで遊ぼうかな♪」No~w, time to play with Hisoka-kun! ♪
「やれやれ…みんなおバカさんで困るよ。だがそれも愛しさだね」Whew. Everyone's stupidity, it's troubling. But, that's what I love about them.
「ん?なんだいワタシに構って欲しいのかい?」Hm? What is it you want me to do?
「キミ、もしやワタシの事が…!ゴホン。いや、今はまだ言わないでおこう」You, about me...! *clears throat* No, it's too early to say it.
「ワタシに触れたキミのその指…10年後には1億円の価値が出るよ」That finger you touched me with... In 10 years, it will be worth 100 million yen.
「ワタシの芸術に感動したって?」Have you been moved by my art?
「監督くん、キミはシェイクスピアをどう思う?」Director-kun, what do you think about Shakespeare?
「神は我々を人間にするために欠点を与えるらしい。ふむ…今月の課題にしよう」God seems to have given flaws to being human... Let's make that this month's theme.