Cards/Homare Arisugawa/Real Leather Low Shoes

From A3! Wiki
Serious.png Winter troupe.png SR
Real Leather Low Shoes
(Real Leather Low Shoes) Homare Serious SR.png
(Real Leather Low Shoes) Homare Serious SR+.png
Leader Skill 金の靴のことわざ
Proverb of the Golden Shoes
Adlib Skill Look at the shoes
Cardset Special Edition: Veludo SHOE STORE



These are so beautiful and unique, but did you know that there's a saying associated with golden shoes like these? (T/N: Given his "Secrets of the World" book in the unbloomed, he might be referencing an Ethiopian saying, "Put on gold shoes you'll be set out on a journey to the ends of the world.")


Card Stats[edit]

Lv. Comedy.png Co Action.png Ac Serious.png Sr
1 1974 1408 2253
60 3390 2411 3846
+ 3630 2581 4116
++ 3870 2751 4386
🔥🔥🔥 4770 3651 5286

Adlib Skill Stats[edit]

Lv. % Activation % Stat Increase
1 30 17.5
2 40 17.5
3 50 25
4 60 29

