Cards/Homare Arisugawa
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< Cards
№ | Icon | Card Name | Card Name (JP) | Character | Attribute | Rarity | Troupe | Cardset |
№ | Icon | Card Name | Card Name (JP) | Character | Attribute | Rarity | Troupe | Cardset |
109 | Poetry Afternoon | ポエトリーアフタヌーン | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SSR | Winter | Initial | |
110 | Premonition of Blooming | 開花の予感 | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SR | Winter | Initial | |
111 | Rehearsal | 立ち稽古 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | R | Winter | Initial | |
112 | Sympathy for the Angel | 天使を憐れむ歌。 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | R | Winter | Initial | |
113 | The Footsteps of Winter | 冬の足音 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | N | Winter | Initial | |
114 | Dressing Formally | フォーマルにキメて | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | N | Winter | Initial | |
245 | yes, sir! | yes, sir! | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SSR | Winter | The Master Likes a Mystery | |
247 | The Master Likes a Mystery | 主人はミステリにご執心 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | N | Winter | The Master Likes a Mystery | |
256 | Words Fully Chilled | 言の葉は涼味満点 | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | R | Winter | A night in summer | |
263 | Yugen Fox Spirit | 幽玄の妖狐 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SR | Winter | Ayakashi Midnight | |
309 | Savour the Changing Seasons | 巡る季節を噛み締めて | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SSR | Winter | Saison Orange Rouge | |
338 | The ABC of a Man who Can | デキる男のABC | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SR | Winter | Night Walker | |
344 | Nocturnality | 真夜中の住人 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | N | Winter | Nocturnality | |
352 | Bloom WINTER | Bloom WINTER | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SR++ | Winter | Blooming WINTER EP | |
368 | Artistic★Stage | 芸術★Stage | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SSR | Winter | I-Chu x A3! Special Collaboration Scout | |
394 | A Brief Respectful Greeting | 謹んで一筆啓上 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | R | Winter | Our Way of Ringing in the New Year | |
413 | Trajectory of Blooming | 開花の軌跡 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | 1st Anniversary Autumn & Winter | |
416 | MANKAI Birthday | 満開Birthday | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SSR | Winter | FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY SP | |
424 | Crispy Heart Cookie | さくさくハートクッキー | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | Valentine's Magic | |
506 | Le Fantôme de l'Opéra | 怪人Fと嘆きのオペラ | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | R | Winter | Le Fantôme de l'Opéra (First Half) | |
524 | It's a Good Day to Get Married | 本日はお日柄もよく | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SSR | Winter | All of Their 'Marry me!'s | |
601 | You're a Stylish Young Master | 粋だね若旦那 | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SR | Winter | Die by the Sword | |
604 | Die by the Sword | 剣に死す。 | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | N | Winter | Die by the Sword | |
614 | Poetic Monster | ポエティックモンスター | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | R | Winter | Tag Match: Halloween '18 | |
633 | Wonderful Singer | ワンダフルシンガー | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SR | Winter | girls manga holic. | |
680 | Big Haul Golden Voyage | 大漁ゴールデン航海 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SSR | Winter | Treasure Ship Sky Cruise | |
707 | Journey of Blooming | 開花の旅路 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SR | Winter | 2nd Anniversary Winter | |
711 | MANKAI Playback | 満開Playback | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2019 | |
736 | Peerless LIVE! | 独擅場LIVE! | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SR | Winter | Our 1st LIVE | |
763 | Noble Adult | ノーブルアデュルト | Homare Arisugawa | Action | R | Winter | Dazzling Rose Mansion | |
793 | The Eyes of a Gambler | 勝負師のまなざし | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | Risky Game | |
797 | Risky Game | Risky Game | Homare Arisugawa | Action | N | Winter | Risky Game | |
839 | The Luminous Circus | ザ・ルミナス・サーカス | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | R | Winter | Fantastic Clown | |
840 | A Tent of Dreams and Light | テントには夢と光 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SSR | Winter | The Luminous Circus | |
848 | BRIGHT WINTER | BRIGHT WINTER | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SR++ | Winter | BRIGHT WINTER EP | |
854 | Fascination Mystery Churros | 魅惑のミステリチュロス | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | R | Winter | let's enjoy together. | |
875 | Elegant Bath Time | エレガントバスタイム | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | Soak to Your Shoulders ♪ Velu~do Baths | |
899 | Fluffy Bear Poemer | もふもふベアポエマー | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | R | Winter | Welcome to the Bear Shop | |
943 | Splendid Princess | 秀外恵中の宮様 | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SSR | Winter | This is the Inner Palace, the Flower Garden | |
974 | Banquet of Blooming | 開花の祝宴 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | 3rd Anniversary! Winter | |
984 | MANKAI Encore | 満開Encore | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SSR | Winter | FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2020 | |
1,017 | Lively Harmony | 賑やかハーモニー | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SR | Winter | mArching pArAde! | |
1,021 | Farewell to the Old Days | 在りし日のフェアウェル | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | R | Winter | Farewell! | |
1,046 | Miraculous Blue Rose | 奇跡のブルーローズ | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SSR | Winter | POETIC ROSE | |
1,112 | Glimmering Mankai Silver | 煌めきマンカイシルバー | Homare Arisugawa | Action | R | Winter | Blooming Squadron Mankai Rangers | |
1,129 | Encounter with the Unknown | 未知との邂逅 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SR | Winter | Jurassic Memoir | |
1,160 | HOTEL COMPASS | ホテルコンパス | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | R | Winter | GENTLE HOSPITALITY | |
1,187 | Wächter of the Holy Night | 聖なる夜のヴェヒター | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SSR | Winter | Auf der Romantischen Strase | |
1,235 | Promise of Blooming | 開花の約束 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SR | Winter | 4th Anniversary Winter | |
1,239 | MANKAI Glitter | 満開Glitter | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SSR | Winter | FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2021 | |
1,265 | Wine Red Temptation | ワインレッドのお誘い | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | Beautiful eyes | |
1,280 | The Essence of Dance | 舞踊の真髄 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SR | Winter | Senribana Monogatari | |
1,284 | Senribana Monogatari | 千里花物語 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | N | Winter | Senribana Monogatari | |
1,315 | The Witness | 見届ける者 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SSR++ | Winter | The Liar Night is Forever | |
1,340 | The Assassin Who Was Sent | 送り込まれた刺客 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | R | Winter | Lawless District | |
1,353 | Meet-and-greet Afternoon | ミーグリ・アフタヌーン | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SSR | Winter | Last Planet ep.01 Winter Troupe Edition | |
1,359 | Last Planet | Last Planet | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | R | Winter | Last Planet ep.01 Winter Troupe Edition | |
1,425 | Sense Ruler | センス・ルーラー | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SSR | Winter | Tarot of Fate | |
1,512 | Butterfly Garden | バタフライガーデン | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SSR | Winter | MY MADONNA | |
1,521 | Dance with Butterfly | Dance with Butterfly | Homare Arisugawa | Action | N | Winter | Dance with Butterfly | |
1,537 | Real Leather Low Shoes | 本革ローシューズ | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SR | Winter | Special Edition: Veludo SHOE STORE | |
1,559 | Brilliance of Blooming | 開花の光彩 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | 5th Anniversary Winter | |
1,565 | MANKAI Memory | 満開Memory | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SSR | Winter | FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2022 | |
1,567 | Spotlight | Spotlight | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SR | Winter | BD Scout Letter (February) | |
1,599 | SUNNY WINTER | SUNNY WINTER | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SR++ | Winter | SUNNY WINTER EP | |
1,609 | Legend and Genius | 伝説と天才 | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | R | Winter | SK∞ the Infinity × A3! | |
1,640 | Illuminate the Darkness | 宵闇を照らす | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SSR | Winter | Light the candles | |
1,704 | Emotional Orange | エモーショナルオレンジ | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SSR | Winter | Elegant Vacation | |
1,740 | Bubbly and Jittery | シュワシュワとソワソワ | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | R | Winter | NOSTALGIA | |
1,760 | Sunny Blanc | 陽だまりのブラン | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | R | Winter | Sunny Blanc | |
1,788 | Illuminating a Glow Within These Hands | 灯す明かりを手に | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SSR | Winter | Special Edition: Snowfall Street | |
1,811 | Festival of Blooming | 開花の祝祭 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | 6TH ANNIVERSARY WINTER | |
1,815 | MANKAI Party | 満開Party | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SSR | Winter | FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2023 | |
1,864 | Beyond Full Bloom | 満開のその先に | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SR | Winter | Night Street: Shooting Star half | |
1,890 | King Shokou of the 14th day | 14日目の初江王 | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SR | Winter | Hell's Hot Spring Village | |
1,939 | Suspicious Antique Dealer | 怪しい古物商 | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SSR | Winter | Mysterious Antiques | |
1,976 | Cheerful Humming | ご機嫌ハミング | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | R | Winter | memory of toys | |
1,981 | Spending tonight with Rickey | 今宵はリッキーで | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | Prelude: Fizzy Night | |
1,988 | Nomadic Bartender | Nomadic Bartender | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | N | Winter | Nomadic Bartender | |
2,002 | An Angel's Singing Voice | 天使の歌声 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SSR | Winter | Spotlight: St. Flora & Tsukushi High | |
2,015 | Unprecedented Outsider | 破天荒なアウトサイダー | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | R | Winter | KING of GANG | |
2,071 | File:(Reminiscence of Blooming) Homare Arisugawa Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Reminiscence of Blooming) Homare Arisugawa Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png | Reminiscence of Blooming | 開花の追想 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | 7TH ANNIVERSARY WINTER |
2,075 | File:(MANKAI Feature) Homare Arisugawa Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(MANKAI Feature) Homare Arisugawa Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png | MANKAI Feature | 満開Feature | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SSR | Winter | FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY SP 2024 |
2,081 | File:(Lively Sweet Smile) Homare Arisugawa Action R Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Lively Sweet Smile) Homare Arisugawa Action R Icon Bloomed.png | Lively Sweet Smile | うきうきスイートスマイル | Homare Arisugawa | Action | R | Winter | You are my valentine |
2,119 | File:(First-Rated Bunny Service) Homare Arisugawa Action SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(First-Rated Bunny Service) Homare Arisugawa Action SR Icon Bloomed.png | First-Rated Bunny Service | 極上バニーサービス | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SR | Winter | |
2,164 | File:(Bride Simulation) Homare Arisugawa Action SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Bride Simulation) Homare Arisugawa Action SSR Icon Bloomed.png | Bride Simulation | 花嫁シミュレーション | Homare Arisugawa | Action | SSR | Winter | |
2,262 | File:(Charming Genius Performer) Homare Arisugawa Serious R Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Charming Genius Performer) Homare Arisugawa Serious R Icon Bloomed.png | Charming Genius Performer | 優艶な天才パフォーマー | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | R | Winter | |
2,275 | File:(Head Maid's Nightwatch) Homare Arisugawa Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Head Maid's Nightwatch) Homare Arisugawa Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png | Head Maid's Nightwatch | メイド長の夜回り | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | |
2,283 | File:(Timbre of the Encouraging Sage) Homare Arisugawa Comedy SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Timbre of the Encouraging Sage) Homare Arisugawa Comedy SSR Icon Bloomed.png | Timbre of the Encouraging Sage | 賢者を励ます音色 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SSR | Winter | |
2,289 | File:(Premonition of Budding) Homare Arisugawa Comedy SR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Premonition of Budding) Homare Arisugawa Comedy SR Icon Bloomed.png | Premonition of Budding | 芽吹きの予感 | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | SR | Winter | |
2,295 | File:(Yearn for the Angel.) Homare Arisugawa Action N Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Yearn for the Angel.) Homare Arisugawa Action N Icon Bloomed.png | Yearn for the Angel. | 天使に焦がれる歌。 | Homare Arisugawa | Action | N | Winter | |
2,327 | File:(One-Man Act (Winter)) Homare Arisugawa Comedy N Icon Unbloomed.png File:(One-Man Act (Winter)) Homare Arisugawa Comedy N Icon Bloomed.png | One-Man Act (Winter) | 一人芝居(冬) | Homare Arisugawa | Comedy | N | Winter | |
2,336 | File:(Cyborg Memory) Homare Arisugawa Serious SSR Icon Unbloomed.png File:(Cyborg Memory) Homare Arisugawa Serious SSR Icon Bloomed.png | Cyborg Memory | サイボーグ・メモリー | Homare Arisugawa | Serious | SSR | Winter |