Homare Arisugawa/Lively Harmony

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Good Morning by Cymbals

Backstage Stories
Izumi--That's why we are going to participate in the parade.
ChikageHeh, Looks like playing percussion instruments would be difficult.
SakyoWill they be able to perform well in the parade?
IzumiAll three of them are doing their best.
Homare.. Hrm...
IzumiOh, Homare-san?
HomareAhh, director-san. Sakyo-san and Chikage-san is here too.
ChikageDid something happen? You look troubled.
HomareAs everyone know, I shall be playing cymbals for the upcoming parade on Veludo Way but--
The sound that cymbals make is too clamorous. Given the circumstances, I won't have enough time to practice.
SakyoIndeed, the noise makes it impossible to practice very early in the morning and late at night.
HomareBesides, I can't possibly disturb other member's sleep.
CHOICE 1: "You're so kind." [+]
CHOICE 2: "There are other people here." [+]
HomareWell then, what should I do..
The rhythm is not as difficult but it takes practice to make a perfect, loud sound.
SakyoIf that's the case, why don't you use it to wake up those who are sleeping up until noon during day offs?
It'll be good if you can ring it to their ears without holding back.
ChikageIsn't it a great idea? In this case, Chigasaki on Sundays will be a great practice partner for you.
HomareOhh, such a wonderful idea!
IzumiIs it going to be alright though?
SakyoOf course. It's so much better than just letting those guys sleep forever.
ChikageHomare-san, I can make a way so you can sneak into the room without asking for permission.
HomareYou have my gratitude, Chikage-kun! I shall do it next Sunday then.
ItaruZzz..... Zzz...
*door opening*
HomareJust as Chikage-kun said, he's deep into slumber.
Well then..
ItaruUh ! ?
HomareGood morning, Itaru-kun.
HomareThis is bad ! Itaru-kun stopped working.
ItaruSuddenly ringing such loud noise in my ear, are you plotting to murder me?
HomareMy apologies. I'm looking for ways to practice cymbals.
Chikage-san suggested you will be a perfect practice partner for me.
ItaruDamn it. I'll never forgive him.
HomareI am sorry to bother you. I will be proceeding to the next room.
ItaruNext room? Are you still planning to increase the number of your victims?
HomareI was able to make an excellent sound. I am grateful to you, Itaru-kun.
ItaruRIP to whoever it will be.
TaichiZzz.... Mm.. foo...
*door opening*
HomareOmi-kun is not around. I am quite certain he's busy cooking our meals.
Let's get started...
TaichiUwaaaahh !!
HomareGood morning, Taichi-kun. Looks like you woke up refreshed today.
TaichiHo-Homare-san !? What are you doing this early in the morning ! ?
HomareI am using these cymbals to wake people up as part of my practice.
I am glad the sound I made is great enough to make you jump out of your bed.
TaichiWhy do you have to wake me up that way ?! It's terrible--!
HomareThe next person shall be Azuma-san...
*door opening*
AzumaGood morning, Homare. What are you doing this early in the morning?
HomareI have been practicing cymbals by waking up those people who are still sleeping.
GuyI heard cymbal noises earlier. Was it you, Arisugawa?
HomareI thought Azuma-san is still sleeping but it seems like I missed my opportunity.
AzumaIf you are looking for people who are still sleeping, isn't our number one sleeper sleeping in your room right now?
HomareOhh, he's quite formidable so I am saving the best for the last.
Well then, I'll take my leave now.
Azuma.... Thankfully, I woke up early. For some reason, I'm a little anxious this morning.
GuyI thought it's very unusual for you to get up early. Did your intuition [1] kicked in?
AzumaFufu, I wonder.
*door opening*
HomareHe is sleeping soundly as usual.. Here I go, Hisoka-kun.
HisokaMm... Zzz..
HomareHrm... Just as I expected. He is not waking up at all. Let me try it one more time.
HomareI made a perfectly loud sound. Is it not enough?
Alright, If that's the case, I will have to--
*phone ringing*
Hello, Takao. I need you to bring me something.
HomareI have been waiting for you, Takao.
TakaoI am sorry to have kept you waiting, Homare-sama. However, If you are going to do that, you will be causing trouble for everyone.
HomareNo matter how much I try to ring out cymbals in his ears, Hisoka-kun is not waking up at all.
He is waking up right away even with a single marshmallow so I thought he might be too insensitive.
TakaoExplains why you are using a gong. However, Homare-sama, I am fairly certain he doesn't want to hear the word insensitive coming from you.
HomareWhat do you mean? .. Well, I guess it goes the same way for you?
Anyways, Here I go..
TakaoPlease wait, Homare-sama. If you do that, you will be causing nuisance for everyone--
HomareOhh, you’re finally awake! Good morning, Hisoka-kun.
HisokaNoisy. I've been awake all this time. I'm just ignoring you.
HomareHrm.. I knew it. Are you saying that you prefer this gong over the cymbals for the parade? If that's the case, I am very familiar with using it.
TakaoMy apologies, Mikage-sama. I will be taking this gong with me.
HisokaPlease do.
HomareNo, I have decided. I shall be using this gong for the parade.
TakaoI am sorry for the trouble Homare-sama caused you, Mikage-sama.
HomareHold on a second, Takao!
TakaoPlease excuse me then.
HomareTakao, leave the gong here !
Takao ~!



  1. Guy used the term 危機察知能力'or 'crisis sensing ability'. A person with high crisis sensing ability has strong intuitions and ca predict or feel potential danger before it happens.