Homare Arisugawa/Fluffy Bear Poemer

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Fluffy Temptation

Backstage Stories
IzumiHmm... I wonder which one...
YukiThe pastel-colored ones are cute.
MukuWow... There's also pink and light blue ones!
AzumaI think the odd ones are cute too.
IzumiIndeed. Everyone is so cute...
HomareHm? What are you doing?
IzumiAh, Homare-san.
My friend gave birth to a baby recently so I thought I'd choose a teddy bear as a present but there are so many to choose from.
HomareMy, what a wonderful thing to celebrate!
Shall I recite my very own poem of celebration--
YukiNo, thanks. We don't need it.
AzumaLooks like you can choose a teddy bear to match the height and weight of the newborn child too.
YukiIsn't it made to order? It's one digit more expensive than the others.
IzumiIt's way beyond my budget.
AzumaShould I buy it for you?
YukiThat defeats the purpose.
MukuWhat do you think, Arisu-san?
HomareHrm... A teddy bear, huh. I have the same one in my house.
IzumiIs that so?
HomareApparently, It was a commemorative gift when I was born. My mother showed it to me when I went back to my parents' house the other day.
I even took a picture. The teddy bear is customized to exactly have the same height and weight as me when I was born.
YukiYou reek of rich kid.
AzumaHeh, so this is the teddy bear.
MukuIt's so fluffy. Its round eyes are extremely cute too!
YukiSure looks expensive.
AzumaThe fur is still beautiful. I'm sure they're taking good care of it.
IzumiIt's such a wonderful teddy bear.
Though, it's still It's too expensive for me...
Thank you for sharing it. I'd like to give it some thought.
HomareLet me know if there is anything I can help you with.
IzumiSure. Thank you very much!
IzumiI wonder if my prospects are good enough...
(Even so, I felt like I've seen a whole life's worth of teddy bears today...)
(I'll just have to ask my friends which one looks good.)
IzumiFuah....I have to get ready.
(I promised to meet my friends today.)
OmiDirector, good morning.
The breakfast is ready.
IzumiGood morning, Omi-kun.
It smells deliciously sweet!
OmiAh, eggs and bread are on sale so I bought a bunch and made French toast for breakfast.
IzumiIt looks delicious!
Thanks for the food~!
OmiI prepared some sauce too.
Choose whichever you like.
IzumiWow. Indeed, there's maple syrup and chocolate sauce.
Everything looks delicious.
YukiAzu-nee, can you pass that chocolate sauce?
MukuWow, Yuki-kun's bear drawing is so cute.
IzumiIndeed. Should I try drawing a picture too?
OmiHisoka-san, here's your marshmallow toast.
HisokaThank you...It has a drawing on it.
OmiHaha, I felt like drawing on it.
MukuOmi-san's bear is cute too!
IzumiYup! This French toast is delicious!
OmiGlad to hear that.
HomareGood morning everyone!
IzumiHomare-san, why are you wearing that outfit?
HomareHm? What of it?
Homare Fluffy Bear Poemer 2-1.png
IzumiI mean... You look like a teddy bear.
HomareThis is my usual self.
I have no idea what you're talking about, director-kun.
MukuArisu-san has always been like this.
IzumiNo, something’s definitely strange about him!
HisokaEven though you're always patting Alice's fluff...
IzumiEh !?
OmiYeah, you often pat him every at the end of our meetings.
Izumi.... I, I do...?
AzumaHomare, you're so fluffy even today.
HomareI certainly am!
I clean and brush my fluff with a custom-made brush every single day.
Come, director-kun.
Touch my fluff to your heart's content like you always do!
IzumiN-no, thank you. I'm good.
HomareYou don't have to be shy with me.
Feel free to touch my fluff.
Hisoka.....Un. Director, try it too. It's fluffy.
MukuIt's so soft. It feels really good to touch.
OmiYeah. It has a healing effect.
Izumi(Everyone seems to be enjoying it. Now I'm kind of tempted to touch his fluff too....)
HomareCome here, feel my fluff!
Izumi( Whatever happens, there's no turning back now....!)
Eh.....A dream?
(For Homare-san to become a teddy bear...What a strange dream...)
HomareDirector-kun, good morning.
IzumiThank goodness... It's the usual Homare-san.
G-good morning.
HomareWhat's the matter?
IzumiActually, I dreamed about Homare-san becoming a teddy bear last night.
Maybe it's the influence of looking at a good deal of teddy bears yesterday.
MukuYour dream is almost like a fairytale!
AzamiHeh, Homare becoming a teddy bear. I want to see it too.
YukiSeriously? A bear poemer? Give me a break.
TasukuNo wonder you woke up exhausted.
IzumiThat dream was so realistic. I thought Homare-san turned into a teddy bear for real.
HomareHrm... Dream...Teddy bear.
---Ah! I just had a flash of inspiration!
"O bear of forest in deep slumber,
In utopia thou is made to encounter,
La la la double fluff attack!"
MukuWah...Arisu-san's poem is like a fairytale too!
Tasuku....Already in the zone this early in the morning.
YukiYeah, it doesn't make sense as usual.