Homare Arisugawa/HOTEL COMPASS

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Arisugawa Homare Reshaping Plan

Backstage Stories
IzumiGood work everyone.
If there’s nothing else, let’s end practice here for today–
HomareCan I have a bit of your time? I need to ask something about my role study.
IzumiHomare-san, what is it?
HomareAh, actually, I’m a bit worried about my role study as a hotelman.
I would like to ask if I can get a good idea from everyone here.
AzumaWhen you’re talking about hotelman… There’s the part about carrying luggage too right
TsumugiThat’s true. When you arrive at the hotel, they will carry your luggage to your room.
TasukuAh… That might be a good idea.
Arisugawa often leaves his luggage to someone else.
Maybe you can carry them yourselves once in a while.
HomareTasuku-kun! Even I can carry my luggage myself!
GuyWhy don’t you try it first, if it’s not right then you can consider another thing for your role study afterwards.
IzumiYou’re right. I think it’s good to try various things.
TsumugiFrom there, you might be able to get hints for other role study too.
HomareHmm… That’s true.
Then, I guess I’ll attempt it for the time being.
<Shifts to Lounge>
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Reading while enjoying the scent of black tea’s the best, like this, I can feel the poetic inspiration welled up–
Homare…What’s that disturbing noise.
Even though it’s a place where a new poem was born.
???Hieeee…! So, someone please help me~!
Homare(The voice seems to be coming from the corridor, if I’m not wrong this voice belongs to…)
<Shifts to Front Door>
HomareAh, as I thought.
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ManagerAh, Arisugawa-san, what a good timing.
Please help me to carry this luggage~…
HomareThat’s a lot of luggage you have over there, what’s happening?
ManagerThe props that we lend to other theatre troupes previously and our online purchases happen to arrive at the same timing…
Props aside, I ordered this box over here without permission from Furuichi-san, it’s going to be bad if I got found out~…!
HomareYou’re just reaping what you sow isn’t it… Well, it’s fine I guess.
Leave it to me!
I can safely carry this much luggage to the storage room.
ManagerReally! You’re a lifesaver~!
<Short Time Skip>
TasukuI’m home… Wait, what’s with the luggage?
ManagerAh, Tasuku-san! What a great timing!
Please help me carry these luggage~
TasukuIf you want help on the luggage, you can ask Arisugawa.
He said he’s going to carry people’s luggage for his role study.
ManagerAbout that…
TasukuArisugawa? What are you sitting over there for?
ManagerI was asking Arisugawa-san for help, but he’s been like that just after carrying a few boxes.
HomareHmm… Tasuku-kun, you’re back.
It seems that I was too tired and ended up losing consciousness.
TasukuI see…
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HomareTasuku-kun…? Wh, why are you smiling!?
Tasuku…Well, it seems that Arisugawa needs some muscle training, starting from the basic.
TasukuOi, Arisugawa. It’s time for jogging.
You, do you happen to still be in your debt collector role!?
TasukuJust stop with that and come out already.
Hisoka…It’s noisy. Arisu, just go out already.
<Shifts to Courtyard>
HomareGeez, what did you say…!
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TasukuDon’t complain. You should at least have the minimum degree of physical and muscle strength.
<Short Time Skip>
Tasuku…19, …20.
TasukuOi, you’re only halfway done.
HomareI’ve been doing nothing but moving my body since morning…!
TasukuIf you’re like that, how can you be entrusted with the customer’s important luggage?
Let’s continue. 21, 22…
HomareH, hiee…!
Tsumugi…Homare-san, I wonder if he’s alright.
AzumaWell, I’m sure Tasuku knows how much this can go on.
I think it’s fine to leave it to him.
GuyIt’s rare to see Arisugawa moving his body so much.
TsumugiAhaha… He will definitely feel muscle pain all over his body tomorrow.
<Short Time Skip>
HomareOmi-kun, this chicken tenderloin is pretty delicious!
OmiThank you.
The chicken tenderloin is rich in protein and its good for muscle training, I thought it would be a good idea to add it in the menu.
IzumiHomare-san, how’s your training for your role study?
HomareHmm, it was quite a steep training menu at the beginning, but the pain mysteriously disappears as I went along with it.
Somewhat, I feel that I have gained the necessary physical and muscle strength.
Izumi(I was worried at the beginning, but it seems that he’s enjoying himself)
TsumugiThen, tomorrow’s practice will surely go well too.
HomareYeah! Leave it to me.
<Short Time Skip>
HomareThanks for the food. Then, I’ll be going back to my room for now.
TasukuIn that case, you can do your role study and carry that back as well.
IzumiAh… Hisoka-san, he fell asleep again.
HomareHmm. Let me try it.
Uhh, he’s heavier than he looks…!
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HomareHisoka-kun! Are you making yourself heavier on purpose!?
TasukuDon’t drop him on the way, Arisugawa.
HomareUghh… I, I know…
Izumi(Yeah, it has become a role study… I guess?)
<Short Time Skip>
IzumiEh? Where’s Homare-san?
HisokaI think, he’s coming soon.
TsumugiAh, speak of the devil–
HomareI’m sorry I was late…
GuyArisugawa, what’s with that way of walking.
IzumiHo, Homare-san!?
TsumugiAre you alright?
HomareAh… This is, it’s just muscle pain from the short-term intense training.
TsumugiEh, but you were able to move normally yesterday right?
AzumaHmm, they said that muscle pain comes later as you get older…
GuyArisugawa’s surely in that state.
HomareIf it’s like this, I can’t even hold a pen, much less a luggage…
Tsumugi…Tasuku, you went too far.