Homare Arisugawa/The Witness
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Test of Courage Contest on the Location Grounds
Backstage StoriesHomare | Mhm. The night sea is truly wonderful with its unique beauty. |
![]() |
Izumi | Ah. You’re out here, Homare-san. |
Homare | Oh my. |
Are you out on an evening stroll, Director-kun? | |
Izumi | No, I was just calling everyone to gather outside. |
You weren’t around, so I was about to send you a LIME… | |
Tsuzuru | Oh, Arisugawa-san. |
You came out first, huh? | |
Azami | So he was over here? |
Taichi | When we realized you were gone, we wondered where you went! |
Homare | My apologies. |
The ocean’s voice was calling to me. | |
Chikage | Anyways, what are we doing at this hour? |
Tasuku | Are we going to do some kind of special training? |
Izumi | Well, actually—. |
Kamo | Great work, all of you. |
Ah, everyone’s here already! | |
Alright, shall we get started then? | |
Izumi | Sure, let’s start. |
Tonight, we’re going to have all of you participate in a Test of Courage contest! | |
Tenma | HA!? |
Taichi | EHH!? |
Homare | Hm. I have never attempted a Test of Courage on a deserted island before. |
Tenma | H-hold on a second. |
You never told us about that! | |
Kamo | We just decided it today, so of course you haven’t heard about it. |
Azami | Was this on a whim… |
Taichi | Why are we doing a Test of Courage all of a sudden!? |
Kamo | Won’t we get lots of usable shots! |
Chikage | In other words, this is for more bonus footage? |
Tsuzuru | Was the ingredients scramble game[1] not enough? |
Kamo | We plan to make several types of sales cards… |
So we require footage for that. | |
Izumi | I think the viewers will love seeing all of your different expressions. Would you be willing to help us out? |
Tasuku | I don’t mind… |
But I’m not sure you’ll be able to capture any interesting footage from a Test of Courage. | |
Azami | Yeah, with these guys. |
Izumi | (Good point… it seems all of them will be unfazed apart from Tenma-kun and Taichi-kun.) |
Homare | I, for one, would love to participate! |
I might be able to experience a thrill like never before. | |
Chikage | I hope so. |
Azami | In any case, I’m sure the staff will scare us. |
Kamo | However… when night falls on this island… they apparently really do come out. |
Taichi | C-c-c-come out? What will!? |
Kamo | Those who… no longer exist in this world. |
Tenma | …! |
Kamo | It is said this island is home to the ghosts of soldiers who have perished long ago… |
Homare | Ohh! I can’t wait! |
Why don’t we begin right away! | |
Izumi | Great, I’ll explain the rules. |
We want everyone to make their way to a spot with a huge stone inside the forest. | |
Tsuzuru | Are the directions written anywhere? |
Kamo | The staff have put up signs, so you’ll get to the stone if you follow those. |
Izumi | Once you get there, please make your way back with one of the marbles placed on the stone. |
Tasuku | That’s it, huh? |
Sounds easy enough. | |
Kamo | As for the teams, let’s keep the same groupings as the ingredients scramble game… |
And have Team C head out first this time. | |
Taichi | That means I’ll be with Ten-chan and Chikage-san! |
Thank God I’m not going by myself~… | |
Tenma | I-I would’ve been fine on my own… |
Izumi | There’s no streetlights so it’ll be dark. Please watch your step. |
Homare | Oh, are you not coming, Director-kun? |
Izumi | No. I can’t be shown on camera, so… |
Homare | I was thinking of escorting you and all. ‘Tis a pity. |
Kamo | Alright, we’ll begin. |
Good luck out there, everyone! |
Azami | Are those the marbles they mentioned? |
Homare | I assume so. |
Azami | We made it here no problem. |
Homare | Indeed, we did. |
Alright, let’s take a marble and return on our way. | |
*rustles* | |
Staff playing soldier | … |
Azami | Woah… hold up. If I take a closer look, ain’t that a staff member? |
Homare | Ohh! What a splendid costume you have there! |
It looks marvelous on you since you have a great physique. | |
Hm? Is that sword genuine? | |
Staff | No… |
Homare | I see. A fake sword then? |
What’s more, it’s very well made! | |
Azami | You’re really into this. |
Staff | …*Sigh*. |
Please act a little more scared, will you? | |
Homare | Mm-mm. This level is not enough to scare the likes of me! |
Izumi | Welcome back! |
Did you retrieve the marble? | |
Azami | Yeah. Homare-san has it. |
Homare | Please wait a moment. |
I will wipe it with my handkerchief. | |
I believe this is it. | |
Here you go, Director-kun. | |
Izumi | Oh, wow. You didn’t have to go that far… |
Homare | Whatever do you mean? There’s no way I could just hand you something that was left outside, Director-kun. |
Izumi | I appreciate it. |
CHOICE 1: You’re gentlemanly [+]
CHOICE 2: It’s shining [+]
Anyways, did you experience your thrill from the Test of Courage? | |
Homare | Well… it’s a pity to say, but this time was no good either. |
Azami | Homare-san wasn’t startled at all. |
Izumi | I thought so… |
Azami | If anything, the staff were troubled since he was more interested in the soldier’s props and costume. |
Homare | Ah, the staff playing the soldier was truly a sight to behold! |
Their sword and costume were both very well done! | |
Kamo | We even went as far as throwing a scary story together before it started. It’s too bad we barely scared you. |
Tenma | HAA!? |
Taichi | EHH!? You made that up!? |
Kamo | Yeah, sorry… |
Tasuku | Well, I never thought it was real in the first place. |
Chikage | I don’t see any traces that this island was a battlefield either. |
Tsuzuru | It looks like Tenma and Taichi bought it though… |
Homare | Did you know that was a story they spun, Director-kun? |
Izumi | Yeah. I hoped all of you would show us some nice reactions… sorry about that. |
Homare | Not at all. I don’t mind. I couldn’t experience the thrill I sought, but I enjoyed myself quite a bit. |
Staff playing soldier | … |
Izumi | (Hm? The one behind Homare-san is the staff member playing the soldier…? |
What are they doing wearing a zombie mask?) | |
Staff playing soldier | Arisugawa-san… you dropped your handkerchief… |
Homare | Oh my, when did I—. |
Staff playing soldier | …Here you go. |
Homare | GYAH———!! |
Tenma | What the!? |
Taichi | I-it’s a zombie soldier! |
Azami | A flashlight under their face? Classic… |
Kamo | EHH!? Now you’re scared!? |
The cameras aren’t rolling anymore. Talk about bad timing! | |
You there, too. You have to tell me if you’re going to do that… | |
Staff playing soldier | Right, I’m sorry. |
Homare | Good grief… I yearn for a heart-racing, nerve-wracking thrill. Not a momentary shock! |
Staff playing soldier | Ahaha. I’m glad I was able to startle you though. |
Izumi | (The staff member looks satisfied with themself. |
They must’ve been frustrated they couldn’t scare Homare-san during the Test of Courage.) |
- ↑ References Tsuzuru’s SSR At the End of the World card.