Homare Arisugawa/The Witness

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Test of Courage Contest on the Location Grounds

Backstage Stories
HomareMhm. The night sea is truly wonderful with its unique beauty.
IzumiAh. You’re out here, Homare-san.
HomareOh my.
Are you out on an evening stroll, Director-kun?
IzumiNo, I was just calling everyone to gather outside.
You weren’t around, so I was about to send you a LIME…
TsuzuruOh, Arisugawa-san.
You came out first, huh?
AzamiSo he was over here?
TaichiWhen we realized you were gone, we wondered where you went!
HomareMy apologies.
The ocean’s voice was calling to me.
ChikageAnyways, what are we doing at this hour?
TasukuAre we going to do some kind of special training?
IzumiWell, actually—.
KamoGreat work, all of you.
Ah, everyone’s here already!
Alright, shall we get started then?
IzumiSure, let’s start.
Tonight, we’re going to have all of you participate in a Test of Courage contest!
HomareHm. I have never attempted a Test of Courage on a deserted island before.
TenmaH-hold on a second.
You never told us about that!
KamoWe just decided it today, so of course you haven’t heard about it.
AzamiWas this on a whim…
TaichiWhy are we doing a Test of Courage all of a sudden!?
KamoWon’t we get lots of usable shots!
ChikageIn other words, this is for more bonus footage?
TsuzuruWas the ingredients scramble game[1] not enough?
KamoWe plan to make several types of sales cards…
So we require footage for that.
IzumiI think the viewers will love seeing all of your different expressions. Would you be willing to help us out?
TasukuI don’t mind…
But I’m not sure you’ll be able to capture any interesting footage from a Test of Courage.
AzamiYeah, with these guys.
Izumi(Good point… it seems all of them will be unfazed apart from Tenma-kun and Taichi-kun.)
HomareI, for one, would love to participate!
I might be able to experience a thrill like never before.
ChikageI hope so.
AzamiIn any case, I’m sure the staff will scare us.
KamoHowever… when night falls on this island… they apparently really do come out.
TaichiC-c-c-come out? What will!?
KamoThose who… no longer exist in this world.
KamoIt is said this island is home to the ghosts of soldiers who have perished long ago…
HomareOhh! I can’t wait!
Why don’t we begin right away!
IzumiGreat, I’ll explain the rules.
We want everyone to make their way to a spot with a huge stone inside the forest.
TsuzuruAre the directions written anywhere?
KamoThe staff have put up signs, so you’ll get to the stone if you follow those.
IzumiOnce you get there, please make your way back with one of the marbles placed on the stone.
TasukuThat’s it, huh?
Sounds easy enough.
KamoAs for the teams, let’s keep the same groupings as the ingredients scramble game…
And have Team C head out first this time.
TaichiThat means I’ll be with Ten-chan and Chikage-san!
Thank God I’m not going by myself~…
TenmaI-I would’ve been fine on my own…
IzumiThere’s no streetlights so it’ll be dark. Please watch your step.
HomareOh, are you not coming, Director-kun?
IzumiNo. I can’t be shown on camera, so…
HomareI was thinking of escorting you and all. ‘Tis a pity.
KamoAlright, we’ll begin.
Good luck out there, everyone!
IzumiAlright, the two in Team C will start us off then.
Good luck out there!
TsuzuruWe’re off.
TasukuWe can just go like normal, right?
IzumiYep, we want to see everyone’s genuine reactions!
TasukuGot it.
We’re heading out.
HomareIf you happen to meet a soldier, please let them know I’ll be on my way shortly.
TaichiCan you actually have a regular conversation with them!?
TasukuI’m not sure if we’ll really contribute to the usable footage, but let’s hurry there and back.
Was there a sound just now?
But I bet it was the wind.
TsuzuruAh, you think so?
Should we keep going?
Kamo…They weren’t startled at all.
This is a waste of film…
StaffI hope we can get a good shot at the next point.
TsuzuruTeam C’s back.
TasukuThis is the marble, right?
IzumiThat’s it, alright. That was rather quick.
HomareHm, it doesn’t appear you met any soldiers.
AzamiIf they were that fast, then there aren’t many gimmicks set up to scare us, huh?
TasukuI don’t think there was anything like that.
Izumi(You guys just didn’t notice them…!)
Okay then, next up are the three from Team B.
Good luck!
ChikageWe’ll be off.
ChikageAre you two not coming?
TenmaO-of course I am!
TaichiI-I’m going right now!
HomareYour mouths are moving but your feet are not.
ChikageAre you afraid?
TenmaI-I’m not scared!
TaichiI-I’m totally good to go…!
ChikageThen let’s head out already.
Come on.
Azami…Are those two gonna be alright?
TsuzuruWell, Chikage-san’s with them, so I’m sure they’ll manage somehow.
HomareI am praying that you encounter one of the soldiers!
TaichiS-something’s there!
ChikageIt’s just the filming crew.
Don’t mind them. Let’s keep going.
TenmaOi, wait up!
KamoNow this is exactly what we’re looking for!
StaffIt’s worth filming when they scream this much.
I have high expectations for the next scare point too!
HomareMy goodness?
Those voices are…
AzamiThat’s Taichi-san and Tenma-san.
HomareThey sound like they’re having so much fun!
TasukuThat sounds like fun…?
IzumiWelcome back, you three!
ChikageWe’re back.
Here’s the marble.
TasukuThey look worse for wear.
TsuzuruAre you okay…?
HomareNow then, our turn is finally upon us!
Let us head on our way this instant!
AzamiSure… err, you really look like you’re havin’ fun, Homare-san.
IzumiAlright, good luck Team A!
HomareUmu, ta ta for now!
AzamiIt’s real quiet around here.
HomareI wonder where the soldiers could be.
AzamiDude, there ain’t any.
HomareIs someone over there!?
…Hm, there’s no one.
It appears I was mistaken.
AzamiLet’s get a move on.
Kamo…That was close. We were almost caught.
Anyways, this team is the least worth filming.
StaffSince their reactions are so weak, I’ll instruct the staff at the last point to jump out in front of those two and scare them.
KamoOh yeah, that sounds good!
Let’s get ‘em.
AzamiAre those the marbles they mentioned?
HomareI assume so.
AzamiWe made it here no problem.
HomareIndeed, we did.
Alright, let’s take a marble and return on our way.
Staff playing soldier
AzamiWoah… hold up. If I take a closer look, ain’t that a staff member?
HomareOhh! What a splendid costume you have there!
It looks marvelous on you since you have a great physique.
Hm? Is that sword genuine?
HomareI see. A fake sword then?
What’s more, it’s very well made!
AzamiYou’re really into this.
Please act a little more scared, will you?
HomareMm-mm. This level is not enough to scare the likes of me!
IzumiWelcome back!
Did you retrieve the marble?
AzamiYeah. Homare-san has it.
HomarePlease wait a moment.
I will wipe it with my handkerchief.
I believe this is it.
Here you go, Director-kun.
IzumiOh, wow. You didn’t have to go that far…
HomareWhatever do you mean? There’s no way I could just hand you something that was left outside, Director-kun.
IzumiI appreciate it.
CHOICE 1: You’re gentlemanly [+]
CHOICE 2: It’s shining [+]
Anyways, did you experience your thrill from the Test of Courage?
HomareWell… it’s a pity to say, but this time was no good either.
AzamiHomare-san wasn’t startled at all.
IzumiI thought so…
AzamiIf anything, the staff were troubled since he was more interested in the soldier’s props and costume.
HomareAh, the staff playing the soldier was truly a sight to behold!
Their sword and costume were both very well done!
KamoWe even went as far as throwing a scary story together before it started. It’s too bad we barely scared you.
TaichiEHH!? You made that up!?
KamoYeah, sorry…
TasukuWell, I never thought it was real in the first place.
ChikageI don’t see any traces that this island was a battlefield either.
TsuzuruIt looks like Tenma and Taichi bought it though…
HomareDid you know that was a story they spun, Director-kun?
IzumiYeah. I hoped all of you would show us some nice reactions… sorry about that.
HomareNot at all. I don’t mind. I couldn’t experience the thrill I sought, but I enjoyed myself quite a bit.
Staff playing soldier
Izumi(Hm? The one behind Homare-san is the staff member playing the soldier…?
What are they doing wearing a zombie mask?)
Staff playing soldierArisugawa-san… you dropped your handkerchief…
HomareOh my, when did I—.
Staff playing soldier…Here you go.
TenmaWhat the!?
TaichiI-it’s a zombie soldier!
AzamiA flashlight under their face? Classic…
KamoEHH!? Now you’re scared!?
The cameras aren’t rolling anymore. Talk about bad timing!
You there, too. You have to tell me if you’re going to do that…
Staff playing soldierRight, I’m sorry.
HomareGood grief… I yearn for a heart-racing, nerve-wracking thrill. Not a momentary shock!
Staff playing soldierAhaha. I’m glad I was able to startle you though.
Izumi(The staff member looks satisfied with themself.
They must’ve been frustrated they couldn’t scare Homare-san during the Test of Courage.)



  1. References Tsuzuru’s SSR At the End of the World card.