Homare Arisugawa/Wächter of the Holy Night

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Troupe Competition! A Serious Snowball Fight!

Backstage Stories
Homare's GrandmotherHomare, you came.
HomareI just arrived.
So, Grandmother, what do you want to talk about…?
Homare's GrandmotherIt’s about Christmas Party.
I was thinking of opening up the vacation home for it this year.
HomareOh, that sounds like a good idea. It’s a wonderful place, I’m sure Grandmother’s guest will be delighted.
Homare's GrandmotherNo, that’s not the case. I’m not talking about my acquaintances; I’m thinking about inviting everyone from your theatre troupe.
HomareMy comrades from the theatre troupe?
Homare's GrandmotherYou have a certain habit, I figured you would have troubled them throughout the year.
HomareGrandmother… Are you sure it’s alright?
Homare's GrandmotherIf it’s not alright, I won’t even bring it up from the first place.
Homare… Thank you so much!
Then, I’ll go and tell them immediately.
<Shifts to Dorm>
HomareEveryone, listen to me!
We’re going to hold a Christmas Party in my vacation home.
By all means, I’m inviting everyone to come, how is it!
KumonEh, we’re going to Homare-san’s vacation home again!?
HomareYeah, you’re right.
CitronOh, I heard about it from Summer Troupe and Winter Troupe’s training camp, I wanted to come too you know!
JuzaKumon said that Homare-san’s vacation home is really big right.
KumonYeah! It’s so big, it feels like you’re doing an exploration inside. I had so much fun back then~!
KazunariAh, but that time, we ended up crashing Aririn’s grandmother’s party!
IzumiHomare-san, are we holding this without your Grandmother’s permission again…
HomareYou’re wrong. Rather, it’s actually an invitation from my Grandmother herself this time.
Hisoka… Is it an apology because Arisu has troubled the troupe throughout the year, maybe?
HomareHisoka-kun, why do you only know such things.
IzumiAhaha… But, I’m relieved if that’s the case. By the way, when will it be?
HomareOh, I’ve forgotten to tell you.
The party will be held next weekend.
SakuyaWill your Grandmother come to the party as well?
HomareOf course.
SakuyaIf so, can I come too?
It’s been a while since I met her!
MukuMe too, let me greet her too!
KazunariHmm, I wanted to come too, but that day seems though for me.
Really sorry!
KumonI’m free!
Can I come too!?
HomareEveryone is welcome. Grandmother said that she doesn’t mind for everyone in the troupe to come.
That’s why, I’m going to talk to the others who aren’t here right now too.
If you have some time, please come!
TakaoWelcome everyone.
IzumiLong time no see.
Pleased to be with you today!
HomareEveryone, thank you for coming.
Please enjoy your time here.
SakuyaWoah, the place’s so big!
CitronThe displays are full of wonderful vases and pictures!
BanriAs expected of Homare-san’s vacation home.
MukuIt reminds me of the training camp!
TsumugiYou’re right.
Fufu, that time, a lot of things happened.
HisokaArisu tried to use this place without permission, it became a big problem.
HomareI was told that I can use it as I want!
It just happened to overlap with my Grandmother’s party.
TenmaRegardless, making the script and costumes last minute was a good experience.
MasumiTsuzuru too, he was hurrying the script while talking to Tsumugi and the others on the phone.
TsumugiAhaha, right. We called Tsuzuru-kun and got some help to make the script.
BanriJust from the story, I can tell you guys were in a big trouble.
JuzaBut, I want to be able to act flexibly and adapt like that too.
KumonIf it’s Big Brother, I’m sure you can do it!
Also, even if Robert the armor moves, I won’t be scared anymore.
TenmaE, even I won’t be scared anymore!
Masumi… No one said anything about Tenma.
Homare's GrandmotherEveryone, thank you for coming.
Thank you for always taking care of Homare.
IzumiThank you so much for the invitation.
We’re bothering you with a lot of people today.
SakuyaGood afternoon!
I’m glad I can meet you again.
MukuIt’s been a while!
Thank you for the invitation.
Homare's GrandmotherYou guys came as well.
Please take it easy and enjoy your time here.
There are a lot of food prepared, please don’t refrain yourself.
IzumiThank you so much.
KumonAmazing, the table top looks so luxurious!
It’s shining!
BanriOh, this looks like something that Kazunari and Yuki will be happy to see.
CitronOver here, the meat looks delicious!
JuzaThe sweets look delicious too.
HisokaThere are a lot of marshmallows… I’m happy.
HomareThen, we’ll start with a cheer!
It’s daytime though, so I’m not taking out the alcohol.
TsumugiThere are a lot of minors too.
Thank you for your concern.
HomareThen, for the welcome toast, I’ll deliver a poem.
Christmas is comparable to crystal–
HisokaArisu, your speech’s too long.
HomareHisoka-kun! I’m still in the middle of it!
BanriNah, that’s enough.
Troupe MembersCheers!
Wächter of the Holy Night 2-1.jpg
IzumiAhaha… I apologize for them.
Homare's GrandmotherDon’t mind.
It’s true that Homare’s speech is too long anyway.
HomareEven Grandmother!
Izumi(Fufu, even if he said that, Homare-san looks like he’s enjoying himself)
JuzaHisoka-san, that cake is delicious.
HisokaThank you.
This marshmallow taste great too.
TenmaThe two of you, why do you eat sweets first for lunch…
Banri… Just looking at them gives me the heartburn.
SakuyaCitron-san, this meat is so tender!
CitronOh, this sauce’s the best!
MasumiDirector, what do you want to eat?
I’ll take it for you.
IzumiReally? Thank you.
Everything looks delicious, I don’t know what to start with.
Right, what will Homare-san recommend?
HomareLet’s see, I want you to try everything here, but how about starting with buratta caprese.
IzumiWoah, it looks so delicious!
Then I’ll get this. Masumi-kun, are you going to eat this too?
Masumi… I’m reluctant to take Homare’s recommendation, but it’s fine if I can see your smiling face.
HomareGeez, Masumi-kun, you’re the same as usual.
Tsumugi… Ah.
Speaking of which, this vacation home has a wide and wonderful garden right.
MukuThere are a lot of snow piling up today too, it feels so romantic somehow!
KumonAmazing, if there’s this much snow, we can even do snowball fight!
CitronOh, Japanese snowball fight, I want to try it too!
SakuyaThat sounds fun!
IzumiBut, if a lot of people step on the garden at once, won’t it be a trou…?
Homare's GrandmotherI don’t mind, there are no flower beds underneath.
You can do anything you want there.
TsumugiThank you so much.
HomareThen, let’s go out and have a snowball fight after everyone’s done eating!
TsumugiNo matter how many times I see it, it’s such a wonderful garden.
Somehow, I’m still pretty excited.
Oh, it looks like the sky will clear out in a bit.
TenmaThen, what are we going to do about the team.
HomareHow about making it a competition between troupe?
The number of people seems to be just right too.
TenmaYou’re right.
Then, let’s do that.
KumonAlright, I’ll do my best for Summer Troupe!
I want to be with my Big Brother on the second round though!
Hisoka… Are we having a second round.
JuzaOnly Autumn Troupe is left with two people though.
TsumugiBut if it’s Banri-kun and Juza-kun, it’s like you have the strength of 3 people.
BanriNo, I don’t think I can do it properly with this guy.
HomareThen, would it be fine if Director join the Autumn troupe?
IzumiEh, me!?
SakuyaI see, then everyone will have 3 people on their team!
IzumiI was thinking of cheering everyone instead of participating…
BanriIt’s fine, isn’t it.
Director-chan, let’s do it too.
MukuI’m sure it will be more fun than just watching!
IzumiYou’re right, then…
MasumiIf that’s the case, I’ll join Autumn troupe too.
CitronWhat are you saying, Masumi is in Spring Troupe!
SakuyaThe number of people will be wrong, let’s do our best with the three of us this time!
TenmaHow about the rule?
KumonYou drop out when you got hit by the enemy team, the team who remained through the end will be the winner, how about that!?
HomareLet’s go with that.Let’s go with that.
Then everyone, are you ready?
MukuYep, let’s do it!
CitronOkay dayo~
KumonThen, Inter Troupe Snowball Fight, commence!
Troupe MembersLet’s go!
Wächter of the Holy Night 3-1.jpg
<Short Time Skip>
CitronFufun, I will defo defo beat everyone!
MasumiSigh… To be in different team from Director…
SakuyaLook, it’s starting, Masumi-kun!
Ah, I found Tenma-kun!
… There.
TenmaOh, oops.
Hmm, don’t think that I’ll be that easy to hit!
SakuyaWoah, a counterattack…!
CitronSakuya, that’s dangerous!
I’ll assist you! There!
KumonOver here too! I’m going to protect Tenma-san, take that!
<Short Time Skip>
TsumugiAlright, I have to try my best too…
Firstly, let’s make the snowball properly…
MasumiTsumugi, if you’re stoning in that kind of place, I think you’ll get targeted immediately.
TsumugiEh, Masumi-kun!?
Since when were you this close–
MasumiI’m going to show Director my cool side…!
TsumugiWa, wait a minute!
Masumi… He avoided it successfully.
Then next–
HomareTsumugi-kun, I’ve come to help you!
Take that!
Masumi… What kind of throwing method is that.
TsumugiHomare-san, I think you won’t hit anyone if you keep throwing that way…!
HomareHmm, really?
I thought it was a good stance.
JuzaIf it’s from here, I should be able to take Masumi down.
Banri…What the! You hit the back of your own teammate, where the hell did you even aim at, no-con[1]”!
JuzaIt’s your position that’s bad.
BanriWhat the hell was that!
IzumiThe two of you are in the same team right, don’t fight!
BanriAh, whatever, the one I want to hit with the snowball the most right now is him.
IzumiWell well… Ah, Muku-kun.
MukuBa, Banri-san, Ju-chan, Director-san, prepare yourself!
BanriOh, oops… Safe.
IzumiMe too, I managed to avoid it somehow…
JuzaBut, I think it will be better for people from the same team not to gather in the same place.
IzumiThen, I’ll be going to that direction!
<Short Time Skip>
Izumi… Phew, I think I’ve lost Muku-kun for now.
HomareOh, I don’t think I’ll see Director-kun in this kind of place.
CHOICE 1: The garden is a really nice place [+]
IzumiUmm… The garden is a really nice place!.
HomareYou’re right!
It’s the prided garden of Arisugawa family.
But, it’s too wide, it becomes hard to make a hit in a snowball fight, it might be the only drawback it has.
IzumiAhaha, it’s true, meeting Homare-san here was too much of a chance to pass…!
CHOICE 2: The snowball fight is fun [+]
IzumiI’ve never really played snowball fight with this many people before, it was fun right!
HomareYeah. What’s more, I got the chance to confront Director-kun like this. It’s really an exciting situation.
Flying snowball, cool heel on the useless rule, the rose…
IzumiHomare-san, is it alright for you to show me so much opening?
I’m in the Autumn Troupe team you know?
HomareHmm, I thought I can distract you when you’re entranced with my poem.
If it doesn’t work then I’ll have no other choice.
I’m going to hit you with the snowball with all I have!
Izumi… I’m going in with all I have!
Take this!
HomareAs you wish!
…Take that!
Izumi(Ho, Homare-san’s form, what is that!?)
HomareAh, Director-kun, you got me!
I guess I’ll have to drop out now… What a pity.
IzumiI, I did it! I can hit someone too, with this, one person’s down…
???… There’s an opening.
HomareDirector-kun, now you need to drop out too!
HisokaDirector, you were wide open.
HomareHahaha, you were off guard, Director-kun!
IzumiAnd I thought I actually did well…!


  1. No-con is short for no control