「気を付けた方がいい。君は戦場で最初に敵に見つかるタイプだ。」 "You should watch out. You're the type to be found first by the enemy on the battlefield."
Chikage is usually cheerful and sociable, but he lies with a smile and toys with those around him. He's Itaru's senior at work and had apparently been going around overseas on a business trip, but...
A mysterious man with many secrets of his own. Chikage has green hair and usually wears a pair of round glasses. After a whirlwind of events, Chikage is caring and kind towards the Mankai members. With a backstory of his own, he changed his personality for the better and is now able to express his emotions freely with his new-found family.
Chikage enjoys spicy food a lot and can usually be seen adding more of his own spices to Omi's cooking. He is described by Itaru, his colleague to be respectful and charming at work.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「おはよう。今日も一日頑張っておいで。いってらしゃい、監督さん」Good morning. Do your best today, too. Take care, Director.
「今日の昼飯は.... インド、メキシコ、タイ料理... んー、どれにするかなぁ」Today's lunch is.... Indian, Mexican, Thai cuisine... Hmm, which should I have.
「安心して眠るといい。…おやすみ、また明日」You should relax and sleep. ...Goodnight; see you tomorrow.
「へぇ…夜更かしか。俺でよければ相手してやろうか?何をしたいか言ってごらん」Heh...Staying up late, are you? If you're alright with me, shall I keep you company? Let me know what you want to do.
「……監督さんも、いい度胸してる」......You've got guts, Director.
「この眼鏡は伊達かって?…それは秘密」Are these glasses for show? ...That's a secret.
「そろそろ止めてくれないかな」Could you stop that already.
「ちかウサ?カレーブログ?なんのことかな」Chikausa? Curry blog? What could you be talking about.
「監督さんを見てると、おせっかいで馬鹿みたいにお人よしだったアイツを思い出すよ」When I look at you, I remember that meddlesome, stupidly soft-hearted guy.
「真実は弱さだ。周りの人間が全員味方とは限らない」Truth is weakness. Not everyone around you is on your side.
「今日のスパイスは自信作だ。味見、してみる?ほら、遠慮しないで」I've got confidence in today's spices. Want to taste? Come on, don't hold back.
「俺はどこにでもいる平凡な商社マンだよ」I'm just the sort of normal salaryman you could find anywhere.
「俺を知りたい…?君も命知らずだな。じゃあ、俺の目をよーく見て。ほら、もっと近くで」You want to know me...? You have no sense of self-preservation either. Then look closely into my eyes. Come on, closer.