Chikage Utsuki/MANKAI Glitter

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To ARIES: Chikage

Backstage Stories
CitronThis scent.... guess it must be curry for dinner tonight!
ItaruWhat’s there to guess if director-san’s on cooking duty.
SakuyaIs Chikage-san still at work, by the way?
ItaruI saw him making his way to the conference room when I was heading home, I don’t think he’ll be back for a while.
IzumiAh, speak of the devil, I got a LIME DM from Chikage-san.
“Looks like I’ll be late today, so I’ll just eat dinner on my own.” … is what he said.
CitronChikage’s in detention!
TsuzuruIt's overtime, not detention.
IzumiI was really proud of the masterpiece of a curry I made today, and I was looking forward to hearing what’d he’d say.
MasumiI can give you my own review. I could write up to a 100,000 word count.
ItaruHe’s gonna morph into a curry critic.
TsuzuruY’know, Chikage-san seems to be really busy lately.
SakuyaI saw him talking to someone about work in the courtyard the other day. I couldn’t understand what language they were speaking.
TsuzuruHe’s always working away at his PC at different times of the day...
ItaruI can vouch for that, he’s glued to his PC even when he’s in our room these days. Don’t think he’s been surfing the net, though.
IzumiUntil when will Chikage-san be busy?
ItaruWe work in different departments so I wouldn’t really know, but he’s always been the type to make himself busy to begin with.
SakuyaHe’s been hard at work as a salaryman but he’s also been attending rehearsals at the theater company.
Izumi(Other than that, I’m sure he’s got his own dirty work to worry about too...)
TsuzuruAll that work could drive someone crazy.
CitronChikage is a barkaholic!
ItaruYou mean workaholic.
SakuyaI hope his body’s doing okay.
IzumiI’ll try not to put too much pressure on him when he’s busy with company work.
ItaruSpeaking of, it’s almost that day already.
TsuzuruThat’s right, but Chikage-san, does he even have the time for it...?
SakuyaChikage-san, good morning, um, can I talk to you for a minute?
ChikageSure thing.
SakuyaYou see.... Chikage-san it’ll be your birthday soon, right.
ChikageAah.... now that you mention, you’re right. I’ve been so busy I totally forgot.
MasumiKnew it.
SakuyaIf you want to, why don’t we all go on a day trip to a hot spring resort today?
ChikageHot spring resort?
SakuyaYou always seem to have such a hard time at work, so we figured it’d be nice to soothe your senses.
TsuzuruIt’s nice to relax in a hot spring resort every now and then, right?
CitronWe can eat onsen manju, too! Let us go, Chikage!
ItaruIt’s like Labor Thanksgiving Day and Respect for the Aged Day’s happening all at once.[1]
ChikageCould’ve left out the ‘Respect for the Aged Day’ part.
SakuyaBut you’ve been so busy lately that, we were worried you wouldn’t have the time...
ChikageThanks for worrying about me. I’ll make sure to make some time.
ChikageAh, but you don’t have to bring whatever that celestial globe sphere thing is.
TsuzuruWhy not?
ChikageIt’s that thing that grants wishes for a day, right? Well, I’m not exactly someone who’s good at making wishes.
ItaruThat’s such a Chikage thing to say.
CitronWhat a waste of a special occasion.
ChikageI appreciate the sentiment.
CitronWe have finally arrived at the hot spring resort of my dreams! I can smell the surfer!
SakuyaWoah, it’s so atmospheric!
IzumiSorry for tagging along.
MasumiYou look really good in your yukata you know.
SakuyaThe more, the merrier!
ChikageRather, I wanna thank you for coming along, director-san.
TsuzuruWith our hot spring tickets, we can spend the whole day at any of the springs if we want to.
IzumiIt’s such a bargain to be able to visit the hot springs like this.
SakuyaThe hot springs here have so much variety. It looks fun!
CitronIt is so spacey here!
TsuzuruGo on and pick the first hot spring we’ll go to, Chikage-san, you’re the star of the day after all.
ChikageHmm.... here then.
ItaruThis one’s good for headaches, stiff shoulders and eyestrains. It’s perfect for our senior citizen.
CitronI will dive right in!
IzumiAh, the women’s bath is this way. Well, I’ll see you guys later after I get out.
TsuzuruSure. Over here, Masumi, the men’s bath is this way.
Masumi…..... I know that.
TsuzuruNo you don’t, it’s written all over your face times two.
Izumi(I can’t wait to see all the different hot springs they have here.)
CitronHaa~. My body feels all warm and fuzzy. I feel like I have become a human body warmer.
IzumiAll of the hot springs were really nice.
TsuzuruI loved the hot tub. Felt like I had my shoulders massaged.
SakuyaI liked the carbonated spring. The tingling feeling it gave was pretty nice!
MasumiMine’s the footbath. Director was there too.
IzumiChikage-san, which of the hot springs is your favorite?
ChikageI guess mine’s the....
*Phone Rings*
Sorry, it’s my phone. I’ll be back in a minute.
MasumiDefinitely work.
SakuyaHe said it was his day off today......
ItaruWell, it is what it is. It’s no good, but when work gets busy, things like this can happen.
TsuzuruBut what’s the point of coming here if he’s not gonna be able to relax?
CitronI knew it, the only way to get Chikage to rest is to use our secret weapon!
ChikageSorry to have kept you waiting. Ready to go?
….. Wait, this is....
Masumi“Hello Celestial Globe.”
SakuyaSorry, we brought it with us even though you told us not to.
Everyone’s done it and I thought it’d be a good way to make memories.
ChikageYou don’t have to apologize. But like I said, I’ve always been bad at making wishes― I mean, I can’t think of anything in particular. I don’t know what to wish for.
TsuzuruNot a single one?
SakuyaAnything is fine, really! Even if it’s something small.
Chikage….. Ah, then I wish for everyone to fall in love with spicy food. Then we can have a spicy curry party and eat 30 spicy meals a day.
ItaruThat’s gotta be a lethal dose.
MasumiI don’t want to put my life on the line.
ChikageI’m kidding.
CHOICE 1: Anything else? [+]
IzumiIs there anything else?
ChikageHmm...... I still can’t think of anything else.
IzumiAnything else you want, or want to do?
ChikageThere’s nothing in particular that I want, and what I want to do is come to the hot spring resort with everyone like this.
CitronChikage you are too selfless! You should learn something from Itaru!
ItaruYou’re making it sound like I’m just a mass of wordly desires.
ChikageSorry I really got nothing.
CHOICE 2: I’m all in for curry parties! [+]
IzumiI’m all in for curry parties!
ChikageI knew director-san would be up for it.
IzumiIt’s already such a dream to have curry three meals a day! Let’s make that wish come true!
ItaruMANKAI Company will be destroyed but k I guess?
TsuzuruMy survival rate is close to none.
ChikageBut I can’t really think of anything else to wish for....
Sakuya….... Well, I have a suggestion.
SakuyaHow about? (whispering)…....
Hmm... I don’t know about this.
CitronWhy not, it’s nerve or nothing!
MasumiAll or nothing.
ChikageAlright. Then...... Hello, star of the Aries constellation, please give me a world where I don’t work.
(Other than that one job... that’s more or less it.)
ItaruAh, senpai. Good morning.
Chikage…... How much did you lose?
ChikageNever mind, Chigasaki I thought you went crazy after having the biggest gacha whale in your life or something since you’re getting ready for the day this early.
ItaruIt’s work. I gotta get up early for a call due to timezones......
“Good morning. How is the weather over there?”
Chikage(English? He’s got an overseas business client? That’s rare......)
(I’ll get ready too, then.)
IzumiGood morning. Wait, why are you wearing a suit?
ChikageBecause I got work.
IzumiEh? You’re supposed to be on your day off today. Chikage-san, are you sleepwalking?
(Day off......?)
(…... It’s true. It says I’m on paid leave on my phone’s scheduler.)
(Maybe it’s because of the wish I made on the celestial globe...?)
(… It’s hard to believe, but I guess the power of that celestial globe’s real.)
(Haa...... I don’t know what’s going on, but I guess I’ll take the day off then......)
MatsukawaEh!? Whooray, hoorey, yes yes! Parrdoun? Exusie mi? Hoowa?
Chikage…... Who’s the manager calling?
IzumiThere’s an overseas client who wanted to film MANKAI Company’s performance.
MatsukawaOh, naicesu! Paurdon? Wan more aspekku purin![2]
ChikageWant me to take over?
IzumiNo can do. It’s your day-off today, Chikage-san.
TsuzuruUmm.... wha, what language is this? It’s definitely not Arabic or something... right?
ChikageWhat are you looking at, Tsuzuru?
TsuzuruIt’s a proposal sent to us from overseas. But I’ve never seen this script before.... do you know what language this is?
CitronThis must be Cretan Hieroglyph dayo! They’re mysterious characters once carved onto stone!
TsuzuruWho uses that for a business proposal!?
ChikageThis is...
(This proposal looks like the one I’ve been working with. Why does Tsuzuru have it?)
TsuzuruAh, Chikage-san, you don’t have to take a look at it. It’s your day-off, so please take it easy.
Chikage(…... No way, are these guys doing all this work because I’m on a break?)
MasumiNǐ yuànyì jià gěi wǒ ma? Wǒ ài nǐ, wǒ ài nǐ.[3]
[t/n: he’s saying “Will you marry me? I love you, I love you.”]
SakuyaWoah, Masumi-kun, you’re really pumped up this morning!
MasumiA business partner taught me.
Chikage(What kind of chaotic situation is this...)
(Feels like that dream made more tired than anything......)
ItaruYawn.... it’s morning already, ugh...
Chikage… Didn’t think I’d be relieved to see you be such a lazy mess.
ItaruCould you not diss me first thing in the morning?
SakuyaChikage-san, good morning!
TsuzuruGood morning.
Chikage…... Good. You’re all back to normal.
Tsuzuru? What are you talking about?
ChikageOh, nothing.
IzumiChikage-san, please try out the new curry I’ll make today.
MasumiI’ll eat it if Chikage won’t.
ChikageI have a meeting to attend, I’ll be a little late, but I’ll make sure to eat it.
SakuyaI know there’s not much we can do, but if there's anything we can help with, please let us know!
CitronDo not overwork yourself, Chikage!
IzumiThat’s right. Please take breaks when you can.
Chikage…... Thank you. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.



  1. They’re actual holidays in Japan where you pay homage to labor workers and the elderly :)
  2. Whatever the hell Matsukawa got going on. Yeah I don’t know either, this is the equivalent of weebs writing english words in hiragana </3 But if you got a clue on what it can be feel free to tell me!
  3. This one’s also written in hiragana but I’m guessing Masumi’s trying to say “你愿意嫁给我吗?我爱你,我爱你。” in Mandarin