Chikage Utsuki/Banquet of Blooming

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Starring Chikage

Backstage Stories
IzumiHere is the furniture we ordered. As for the other stuff we still need to get..
KamekichiHoW ‘BOut thE INTerNET?
IzumiI was thinking that. You can get a discount with stuff like furniture if you buy it all at once.
KamekichiANd ALsO YOu SHOUld bUY sOMe SUNFlower seeDS! OH, anD some walNUTS!
Izumiuhh, but we are already buying a bunch of things, won’t Sakyo get mad if we buy too much?
KamekichiDOn’T SAy SUcH THiNGs! Let’S EAT THe SUNfloWER SeeDS toGETHer—
ChikageCriminal apprehended.
ItaruOh, you were here.
CitronI came here to collect the soap!
TsuzuruWhat kind of crazy collector are you? Give me the rope.
IzumiWhat brings all of Spring Troupe here?
SakuyaWell, we had started to play a coin toss game with Chikage after our meeting earlier today, but for some reason the coin disappeared.
MasumiSo we came to the conclusion he is the culprit, which is why we are here.
ChikageCough it up. I have all the evidence.
KamekichiI...... I JUST haD A sUDDen URGe!
i’M SOrRY. i’LL reTURN th CoiN.
CitronThank goodness! And that makes hair a dead rat!
TsuzuruAnd that takes care of that.
ChikageWhat a pain, such a brat. As a punishment, no snacks for a week.
Izumi(These two get along surprisingly well..)
— Oh, that’s right.
Have we decided who the speakers will be at the screening event?
SakuyaYes! We were thinking something like this.
IzumiI see. .. It seems like each time we have these events I hear something interesting.
ChikageWell now.. The coin has safely been returned. How about we continue this coin toss game?
SakuyaYes! Let’s do it!
TsuzuruAlright, Sakuya, let’s go!
ChikageLet’s see, which hand is the coin in this time?
ChikageHello. I am Chikage Utsuki and I play Oswald in the play, The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz.
SakuyaAnd I’m Sakuya Sakuma who plays Rick!
ItaruI am Itaru Chigasaki, I play the wizard of the west. Thank you everyone for coming today.
ChikageToday we will be doing a talk show where we answer some questions from the audience.
Who would like to ask a question?
Audience AMe!
Audience BMe, me!
ItaruWow, we got tons of volunteers.
ChikageWell, how about we let Spring Troupe’s leader choose the first person. Go ahead, Sakuya.
SakuyaYes! Let’s see.. hmm.. Here, the one in green, go ahead!
Audience AHello, I loved the Oz performance! And also congratulations on hosting this screening and talk show.
This is the first play for Chikage, so I was wondering if there is anything in particular that has changed for Spring Troupe?
ItaruOh hmm.. Well the one thing that has definitely changed has got to be.. The average age?
ChikageHaha, of course. My apologies for the sudden increase.
ItaruIt’s not your fault, not at all. What about you, Sakuya?
SakuyaWell umm.. Things have gotten a bit more lively, but other than that not much I think.
ItaruWell, answering seriously.. I think it is less about how Spring Troupe has changed and more about how Chikage has changed, am I right?
Well you see, before he joined the troupe he was quite rebellious.
ChikageWho are you calling rebellious?
.. However, well, maybe I was a little rebellious. Perhaps you could say it was all thanks to Sakuya’s support not just as my second lead, but also as the leader of Spring Troupe that I was able to turn over a new leaf.
SakuyaEven if it was only a little, I am happy to hear that I was able to give you strength!
Oh, and on that note, starting from this play we have added a ‘coin toss game’ into our daily routine!
ItaruChikage tosses a coin and then we need to guess whether it is in right or left hand.
SakuyaYes! However, I never seem to guess right and I’ve set a new record for consecutive defeats..
ChikageNow that you mention it, we haven’t played yet today. Shall we do it right here?
ItaruYou have a coin in your pocket? Someone came prepared, not surprised.
SakuyaWow, I wanna play!
ChikageAlright, let’s go.
Chikage— Let’s see, which hand is the coin in this time?
IzumiFufu, too bad we didn’t win the coin game.
SakuyaI really thought it was right hand this time..
ChikageActually you always guess right.
ItaruWhenever I want to say right, the answer is usually left.
SakuyaI see! I’ll try that next time!
IzumiAlright then, well before you go change, could you stay to take a quick polaroid photo?
ChikageOh so this is the fan gift project that Sakyo had mentioned.
IzumiSo, please stand in the middle of the stage.. ready on, 3, 2, 1!
ItaruThis is quite out of character for my senior.
ChikageI do not need your commentary.
IzumiOkay, got it.
ItaruLemme see.
SakuyaCan I see it too?
IzumiNice expression!
ChikageYou think?
SakuyaWow, so cool!
ItaruActually, not bad on the surface I guess.
ChikageProtecting his pride just as ever.
IzumiNow that that's done. A little later please sign it and give it back to me.
ChikageRoger that.
We should head back soon.
IzumiAh, well, umm, I actually ordered some stuff online and accidentally wrote the theatre’s address for the delivery.
It should come a little later so I’ll head back once it arrives. You three can go back first.
SakuyaOh really? Then how about I stay with you?
IzumiIt’s fine, thank you. I did not order that much so it should be coming soon.
Aren’t you tired after the talk show? You should go back first and rest.
SakuyaYou’re right, I understand. Thank you so much, director.
ItaruSo then, we’ll go on ahead. You should come back soon too, director.
ChikageI hope you do not have to stay too much longer.
IzumiThank you.
So with that done. I think I will do a little bit of cleaning until the delivery comes.
..Hm? This is Chikage’s coin.
(He’s already left. I’ll just give it to him later.)
Alrighty then, let’s get cleaning!
IzumiMmm.. Huh, what’s this..?
(What a pretty field of flowers.. I can see a castle in the distance and..)
Uh, could that be the.. Emerald City!?
Is that the sound of birds I hear? There is something flying over in the distance..
Winged MonkeyKEE! KEE!
IzumiA WINGED MONKEY!? Oh no what should I do, I better run..
???Damn, now where the hell did the Rick and the balloon go..!
Izumi(Oh, that’s.. not Chikage, it’s Oswald!
His normal calm demeanor has completely changed when he is rushing about and.. how would you say it, it’s kind of valuable to see him like this..)
OswaldHey, you better run too! They have no mercy for anyone!
Izumi— Huh!? ME TOO!?
Winged monkeyKEEKEEE!!!!!!
Izumi(what to do, I gotta get over there— !)
Oswald— tch.
OswaldHm, are you alright?
IzumiT-Thank you very much..
OswaldAnyway, I gotta run.
IzumiH-Hey wait—
OswaldYou wanna excite the flying monkeys again, watch out, quick!
IzumiUh-uh, no but..!
Ahh, ahh.. It’s still chasing us!
OswaldI see a forest up ahead.
IzumiFor real? There are two entrances!
OswaldIt seems like each entrances leads to a different place; one that continues into the town, and one that leads to the lair of the Wizard of the West.
Which will it be, right or left?
Izumi(huh? Where have I heard that phrase before..
That’s right, it was during the coin game with Chikage! Today the answer was—)
Oswald.. Oh, what a coincidence. I was thinking the same.
Alright, let’s go.
Was it all just a dream..?
Hm? There’s something in my pocket..
Oh, It’s Chikage’s coin that I found earlier.
(Did I have that dream because I had it in my pocket?)
ChikageWhat are you doing?
IzumiOh, Chikage! What are you carrying, oh is it..?
ChikageWhen I came to retrieve something I left, I noticed that the delivery man left a missed delivery slip at the entrance. So I just went to pick up the stuff myself.
IzumiOh, I’m sorry to trouble you. Thank you very much, that was a big help.
Oh, and this coin is yours, right?
ChikageYou’re right, I did bring that today. Thank you.
CHOICE 1: I dozed off. [+]
IzumiActually I kinda dozed off..
ChikageThat’s too bad, so that’s why you didn’t notice when the delivery man came.
By the way, you must be pretty exhausted if you dozed off in a place like this?
IzumiYea, I think so.
ChikageYou have really helped us a lot through your hard work. However, you need to rest too, don’t push yourself too much. Alright?
ChikageGood girl. .. For our hardworking director, I feel like you deserve a reward.
Leave your next break open. I will take you to a good restaurant then.
IzumiWow, really? I look forward to it!
CHOICE 2: Isn’t this the thing you forgot? [+]
IzumiIsn’t this the thing you forgot?
ChikageWell yes.. But maybe what I forgot was actually a certain someone who had not come back yet.
Chikage.. Well, perhaps you could say that I had left it here on purpose as an excuse to come and see you again.
ChikageI jest. You can decide whether to believe me or not, I leave it up to you.
ChikageSo anyway, it is already dark outside.
The dorm is close so it isn’t exactly dangerous, but this stuff is a little bigger than expected.. It would have been nice to know before hand.
Izumi(Fufu, it seems Chikage has an overprotective side too.)
I’m sorry to burden you. Well, I do feel safer with you here.
ChikageOh my, I didn’t think my job was to be a body guard.
IzumiI understand. You work as a salary man at a trading company.. And for some reason you are a very skilled actor in stage fighting.
ChikageOh.. Ahh, I guess.
IzumiIt’s true.
ChikageAlright, shall we head back now? I will keep you safe until we get home.
IzumiFufu, I am in your care.
