Outside Work Conversations/Sakuya and Chikage

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Veludo Station Front

ChikageLet's have one game round to boost our morale. Okay, choose a hand.
Sakuya...R... right!
ChikageYou always have the tendency to choose the right hand. The reason why you fail 90% of the time may be because of that, you know.
SakuyaEh!? I'll watch out for that from now on!

Veludo Park

SakuyaIt's my turn to do it today! Uhm, so first you hold the coin like this... wait, aah!
Chikage...The coin just went rolling off somewhere, huh.
SakuyaIf only I could do cool coin tossing like Chikage-san...
ChikageIt's all about practice. I'll give you this coin, try playing around with it when you're free, alright?

Veludo Town Library

SakuyaThe coin Chikage-san gave me... Is it from some other country?
ChikageIt's from a small country that has already gone under. It's called a phantom coin.
ChikageWhat I said about the coin was actually a joke. I would be happy if you just kept it in your care from now on.
SakuyaSo that was it! I'll keep taking good care of it!
