Outside Work Conversations/Sakuya and Chikage
From A3! Wiki
Veludo Station Front
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Chikage | Let's have one game round to boost our morale. Okay, choose a hand. |
Sakuya | ...R... right! |
After | |
Chikage | You always have the tendency to choose the right hand. The reason why you fail 90% of the time may be because of that, you know. |
Sakuya | Eh!? I'll watch out for that from now on! |
Veludo Park
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Sakuya | It's my turn to do it today! Uhm, so first you hold the coin like this... wait, aah! |
Chikage | ...The coin just went rolling off somewhere, huh. |
After | |
Sakuya | If only I could do cool coin tossing like Chikage-san... |
Chikage | It's all about practice. I'll give you this coin, try playing around with it when you're free, alright? |
Veludo Town Library
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Sakuya | The coin Chikage-san gave me... Is it from some other country? |
Chikage | It's from a small country that has already gone under. It's called a phantom coin. |
After | |
Chikage | What I said about the coin was actually a joke. I would be happy if you just kept it in your care from now on. |
Sakuya | So that was it! I'll keep taking good care of it! |