Chikage Utsuki/Raven in the Dead of Night

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The Fruit of Lies

Backstage Stories
TsumugiOh, Chikage-san.
ChikageTsumugi, good work today. Were you taking care of the courtyard again today?
TsumugiYup. I just got done, so I thought I’d take a breather for a bit.
I was thinking of making some coffee, do you want some, too?
ChikageI see, maybe I’ll have some.
TsumugiGot it, please wait a bit.
Here you go.
TsumugiYou don’t have work today, right?
ChikageWell, not many people work on a day off. The company isn’t that exploitative.
TsumugiAhaha, I see.
ChikageI say that, but what I was doing on my phone just now is pretty much work, too. ... No, maybe I should say it’s more important than work.
TsumugiAnd... what’s that?
ChikageI was gathering information on new curry restaurants. I’ve been looking at online reviews to pick what restaurant to go to next.
TsumugiI see, that’s very like you.
ChikageIt’s not exclusively curry places either, the number of restaurants is increasing every day. I have to check on things every day-
*phone dings*
It’s from the director. ... Looks like she bought so much stuff she’ll need a car to bring it all home.
TsumugiIn that case, you should probably hurry over.
ChikageYeah, I’ll head out in a moment. Thank you for the coffee.
TsumugiDon’t mention it. Take care and have a safe trip.
ChikageDid you secure the pot of physalises properly? Okay, let’s go.
IzumiYes, please!
Sorry for calling on you all of a sudden like that...
ChikageDon’t worry about it. You only messaged me because you knew I’m the only person with a car at the dorms today, didn’t you?
ChikageIf you expected me to come, I had no choice but to respond, right?
Izumi... Thank you.
ChikageBy the way, is it still physalis season? It feels a bit too late for that.
IzumiEssentially, it is. These are a little out of season.
An acquaintance gave them to me, asking if I’d want them despite that-
ChikageAnd your load got heavier than you thought, so you couldn’t bring it all home.
IzumiYeah... I thought they were just giving me some physalises, but I had no idea they meant a whole potted plant.
I had already said I’d take it, so I’d feel bad if I refused to, and since there’s still space in the dorm’s garden... I ended up taking it.
ChikageI can almost picture that scene.
IzumiHey, don’t laugh at me. I was panicking, trying to think of what to do.
ChikageSorry, sorry. Tsumugi’s at the dorms today, so I’m sure he’ll be glad to see this potted plant.
IzumiEven if he isn’t, we have no choice but to keep it! Even if he says no, I’ll do something about it!
ChikageThere’s that mysterious insistence of yours. ... It’s really strange how stubborn you are.
IzumiWe’re home~.
TsumugiWelcome home. That was fast.
... Ah, physalises!
IzumiThe fruit is out-of-season, but I ended up getting it for a bunch of reasons.
TsumugiIt is a little later than when they’re usually on the market... I wonder if they’re from a colder place.
IzumiTsumugi-san, would it be okay to keep this in the courtyard?
TsumugiOf course. This spot looks like it'll get enough sunlight, so you can put it here.
ChikageI’ll bring it over.
IzumiThank you.
The physalises look kinda cute, don’t they?
TsumugiThey do. After taking out the insides, you can even play around with the sound they make.
ChikageThere’s also something called a watermark physalis, right? The outside is left with nothing but veins so you can see the fruit inside.
IzumiI’ve seen those! I wonder how they make them...
TsumugiThey’re not that hard to make, actually. Wanna try making some?
IzumiOh! I wanna try! How do you do it?
TsumugiAll you have to do is soak them in water for a week. That’s what makes the skin dissolve.
IzumiWater? Should I fill a bucket up, then?
TsumugiYup. We’ll also need something like a drop-lid to stop them from floating up-
IzumiGot it, I’ll get something ready!
ChikageShe ran off in a flash, but... is she going to make them now?
TsumugiAhaha. She really is the type to get things done.
Tsumugi... The flower language for physalises is a little scary.
ChikageFlower language?
TsumugiThey’re tied to a lot of words with negative impressions, like cheating, lies, and deception.
TsumugiEven though the fruit looks big, there’s almost nothing inside, which is how they got this meaning... is one theory behind that.
People in the past must have split the fruit and thought, “I’ve been tricked!”
ChikageHaha, I guess so.
(It’s completely-)
TsumugiIt’s a completely unfitting meaning for you, isn’t it?
TsumugiWhat’s wrong?
ChikageSigh. Tsumugi, you’re so...
IzumiThanks for waiting~!
Everything’s ready! Okay, let’s pick the fruit off the plant.
TsumugiFufu, right. Which one do you want to start with?
IzumiHmm, how about this one, then...?
TsumugiChikage-san, are you leaving?
IzumiNo way, Chikage-san, you’re joining us! You’re going to help us make watermark physalises!
ChikageOkay, okay.
CHOICE 1: If we pull it off... [+]
IzumiBy the way, if we pull off making these watermark physalises, what should we do with them?
ChikageOh yeah, they’re pretty even when used as decorations, but-
Looking it up online, it looks like you can pull out the inner fruit and make lamps out of them to use as Halloween decorations.
IzumiThat’s a great idea!
Their orange color is good for Halloween, and I think it’d be fun to make them with everyone.
Right, Chikage-san?!
ChikageWhat do you mean, “right?” Have you already decided I’m participating in the decoration-making?
IzumiOf course! You’re the one who first said we could use these as Halloween decorations.
CHOICE 2: I want to play with the sound, too. [+]
IzumiThe watermark physalises are good for now, so... I kind of want to play with the sound like Tsumugi-san said earlier.
ChikageIn that case, why don’t we get Tsumugi to teach us? There are still some we haven’t soaked.
IzumiI really wanna do it!
ChikageI bet some of the others will want to try too if they hear the sound.
TsumugiI wonder if we can gather all the people who want to try it out.
IzumiDefinitely! Let’s do it! Of course, Chikage-san participating is a must!
ChikageI thought you’d say that.
IzumiLook, you can take whichever one you want!
ChikageAlright, alright.
... Unfitting, huh.
