「ボク、少女漫画の王子様みたいになりたいんです・・・!」 "I want to become a prince just like the ones in shoujo manga...!"
A kind-hearted boy who makes it his life motto to do one good deed each day. While treating shoujo manga as his bible, he strives to become a princely man. He's reserved but often gets flustered, has an extreme persecution complex, and can act recklessly when he's on his own. It seems that he was part of a track and field club as their ace before he joined the MANKAI Company...
At first, Muku is a rather soft-spoken boy with wavering self-confidence, getting embarrassed when praised.
He tends to get deeply absorbed when reading shoujo manga, and will imagine scenarios far beyond the original scope of the story. His hyperactive imagination has been applied to play epilogues and the smallest of everyday situations, such as seeing a snail on the sidewalk. These extended stories have ranged from dramatic romances to human trafficking incidents.
Due to his persecution complex, Muku sometimes perceives ordinary comments as criticism and will talk at length about his inadequacy. Furthermore, he sees himself in a more negative light, fearing that his presence will drag others down, or simply feeling like he may fail. However, he is determined to better his acting through studying reference material or his fellow troupemates.
Unlike his view on himself, he is easily impressed by others and always sees the good in them first. He is very supportive of his cousins Juza and Kumon.
Over time, through the encouragement of his family and friends, he gains confidence in himself and his ability to act, taking center stage in The Floral Prince.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「お願いします。ぼ、ぼくを、王子様にして下さい!」Please. M-Make me a prince!
「道端の石ころじゃ王子様になんてなれっこなかったんです。本当、バカですよね。」The rock by the wayside couldn't become a prince. I... really am an idiot...
「えーっと、次のセリフは…」Umm, the next line is...
「あっまた噛んじゃった…!」Ah, I stumbled over it again...!
「うう…上手くいかない…」Ahh... It's not going well...
「今のは上手くいった気がします!」I feel like that went well just then!
「あ、このセリフ漫画で読んだことあります!」Ah, I've read this line in a manga!
「密さんのおかげで、ボクも猫さんと仲良くなれました!」Thanks to Hisoka-san, I've been able to make friends with cats too!
「カントクさん!今日の夕飯はカレーみたいですよ!」Director! Apparently we're having curry for dinner tonight!
「ああ…!新刊買ってくるの忘れちゃった…」Ahh...! I forgot to buy the new volume...
「天馬くんの堂々としたお芝居はすごくカッコいいんです!」Tenma-kun's confident acting is really cool!
「ボクも幸くんみたいに強い男の子になりたいな…」I want to be a strong boy like Yuki-kun...
「三角さんはなんであんなに三角形が好きなんだろう…」I wonder why Misumi-san likes triangles so much...
「カズくんは漫画を貸すと、とっても細かく感想をくれるんです!」When I lend Kazu-kun manga, he gives me really thoughtful opinions!
「稽古、もう少しやっていたかったな…」I wanted to practice for a bit longer...
「おはようございます!今日も良い日になりますように!」Good morning! I hope today will be a good day too!
「ボクにお手伝いできることがあったら言ってくださいね」Please tell me if there's anything I can help with
「今日は宿題いっぱい出されちゃいました…」I got so much homework today...
「う~ん…姫様、ボクがお助けいたします…」Uun... Princess, I will save you...
「あと10センチくらい身長伸びないかなぁ…」Can't I get about 10cm taller...
「いつかボクも、カントクさんに相応しい男の子になってみせます…!」I too someday, will become a man fitting for the Director...!
「はっ! 今日は新刊の発売日…!」Ha! Today is the release day of a new volume...!
「わっ!な何でしょう!?」Wah! W-What is it?
「カントクさんもチョコレートどうぞ」Director, have some chocolate too.
「カントクさんも漫画読みますか?おススメはこれとこれと……」Director, do you read manga too? I recommend this and this and...
「グスっ…やっぱり当て馬はしょせん当て馬なんですね…」Sobs... As I thought, a stalking horse is a stalking horse...'"`UNIQ--ref-00000014-QINU`"'
「フローラ姫、ボクと愛を誓…うわああ! 見られちゃった…恥ずかしい…」Princess Flora, take an oath of love with m... Uwaah! I was seen... So embarrassing...
「ボクも王子様みたいになれるかな…」I wonder if I can become prince-like too...