Muku Sakisaka/Spotlight

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Spotlight WEB Version: Muku Sakisaka

Backstage Stories
Tasuku*Pant, pant*.
Muku*Pant, pant*.
TasukuI sped up a bit. Could you keep up?
MukuYes, I’m fine!
TasukuAlright, let’s head all the way to the park at this pace.
If it gets tough, just say so.
MukuYou got it!
*Pant, pant*.
TasukuShould we take a quick break?
MukuHah, hah… sure.
I'm really out of breath, huh?
But it feels great going on a run in the morning!
TasukuYeah, it does.
*drink falls from vending machine*
Here, water.
MukuThank you very much.
It’s wonderful that my leg has actually healed completely.
I’m really glad I’m able to run together with you like this, Tasuku-san!
TasukuI see. I like running with you too, Sakisaka. We can run at the best speed and distance.
There aren’t many guys who can keep up with my pace after all.
MukuBut you’re pretty fast, Tasuku-san. I gotta keep going on long training runs so I don’t get left behind!
TasukuI think you’re doing well enough already.
Or rather, I think the other guys should learn from your attitude.
…Alright, now that we've rehydrated, let's get going.
Let’s pick up the pace even more on our way back.
MukuGot it!
I’ll do my best to stay behind you!
IzumiAlright, let’s get down to practice.
It’s morning, so let’s begin with vocalization work.
We’ll start off with basic vocalizations.
Summer troupeA-e-i-u-e-o-a-o, ka-ke-ki-ku-ke-ko-ka-ko…
KumonSa-se-su-se-shi-se-so… ugh, my mouth doesn’t work well after I just woke up~.
TenmaTry wider movements with your mouth.
KumonLike this…? Ta-te-chi-tsu-te-to-ta-to… I can say them!
Thanks, Tenma-san!
IzumiNext, we’ll hum. Which song should we do?
KazunariLemme see… AH!
How ‘bout BloodPink’s LovesickBoy?
IzumiHuh, that song was…
YukiThe troupe members have been into it these days.
KazunariYep! Everyone knows it, so it’s totally perf, right!
MukuI agree!
It’s a bit difficult, but I’d like to try it.
IzumiAlright, let’s go with that song then.
MisumiGooot it!
Summer troupeHm—mm—mmm—m—.
Troupe members!
KazunariThat long note just now was legit!
IzumiYeah. That last bit was amazing, Muku-kun!
TenmaYour abdominal breathing’s in great shape.
YukiYou've got more lung capacity than before, huh?
MukuEhehe, do I?
KumonI feel like you've gained more stamina since your leg healed, Muku!
MisumiIt’s ‘cause he runs a lot, right~?
TenmaIt’s like your weakness when you first joined the troupe was a lie.
MukuI’ve still got a long way to go, but I’m glad if everyone says so.
(The reason my lung capacity has increased so much…
Is it really because I've been running more than before?)
IzumiAh, Muku-kun. There you are.
Are you perhaps heading out for a run right now?
MukuNo, I was stretching since I just came back from one.
IzumiThat’s great then.
You see, it’s your turn next for the WEB version’s “Spotlight” interview. So the questionnaire arrived.
Your interview will round off Summer troupe.
MukuIs it alright for someone like me to be last for the whole troupe…?
IzumiOf course. Kasumi-san said he’s looking forward to your interview too.
MukuI-I’m starting to feel nervous now…
CHOICE 1: Just be your usual self and you’ll be fine! [+]
CHOICE 2: You have time, so think it over slowly. [+]
Alright then. Check over the questionnaire later, ok?
MukuGot it!
MukuI wonder what kind of questions mine has.
I’m feeling pretty nervous…
Let’s see, the question is…
“What do you do on a daily basis that you can leverage as an actor?”
I guess that would be shoujo manga…?
But that might be similar to my answer in the last interview when I was asked if I’m the type of actor who gets absorbed in their role.
I think I answered then that I'm good at having fun with my fantasies and imagination.
Umm, I wonder if I have anything else…
(Oh right, during this morning’s rehearsal…)
…Okay, I’ll tell that story!
KasumiThanks for coming today, Muku-kun.
MukuY-yes. Thank you for having me!
KasumiThere’s no need to be so nervous.
You can just act like we’re chatting as usual.
KasumiAlright, I’ll get the interviewed started now.
In our previous interview, I asked you about what you usually keep in mind for yourself as an actor.
This time, I'd like to ask you the opposite. Do you have anything you do on a daily basis that you can leverage as an actor?
MukuI suppose that would be running.
When I run, I increase my strength, and I’m able to train my lung capacity. So I think I can make good use of those.
KasumiThat’s true. Both of those are necessary for actors, aren’t they?
MukuYes, especially for Summer troupe. We’re in charge of comedy, and we have many fast-paced plays, so I feel it’s absolutely essential.
KasumiPlays with a great tempo are Summer troupe’s strength, right?
Muku-san, you said that you typically run. Do you enjoy running?
MukuI really love it!
These days, I’ve been going on morning runs with Winter troupe’s Tasuku-san.
And on that topic, since I've been running with Tasuku-san a lot, it seems my lung capacity has increased more than before!
I sang together with Summer troupe during rehearsal, and I was surprised that I could sing steadier long notes than before…
KasumiIt's amazing that there was such a clear change.
MukuEven I wasn’t aware of it, so it really was a surprise.
But I'm really happy that I’ve had positive changes as an actor, so I'm going to keep running a lot from now on!
KasumiAfter hearing your story, I'm starting to wonder what kind of running Tasuku-kun is doing.
MukuAhaha. Please ask Tasuku-san next time.
KasumiFufu, I will then.
Maybe I’ll ask him when we meet next time.
I'm sure you’ll become an even better actor in the future, Muku-kun.
I'm looking forward to watching your growth in more ways than one!
MukuOh wow, thank you very much!
I’ll do my very best from now on so I’m able to become a wonderful actor!
