Muku Sakisaka/The Luminous Circus

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Lion Guest

Backstage Stories
MukuThe first new issue of “Clear Skies After First Love” after a year…
I can’t wait to read it.
Yoru-kun and Asako-chan’s feelings clashed in volume 5, but I’m sure this time…
ItaruHm? It’s Muku.
ItaruHey there. Are you on your way back from school?
MukuYes! I just stopped at a bookstore to purchase a new book.
Are you on your way home from work too, Itaru-san?
ItaruYep. I just dropped by an arcade for a change of pace.
MukuOh, I see.
And that large bag is…
ItaruAhh, these are prize plushies I got from the crane game.
I was on a roll today.
I got a way too many of them, right?
MukuAll of those are…!?
That’s amazing!
ItaruI got a variant of Penpen.
And for some reason, a lion plushie fell along with it.
See? This one.
MukuThat lion is adorable…!
ItaruYou like it?
I’ll give it to you then.
But you went through so much effort to acquire this plushie…
ItaruWell, I’m not sure what I’ll do with it. And senpai will probably make a sarcastic comment if I leave it in our room. If it’s alright with you, then why don’t you take it?
MukuIf you put it that way…
Thank you very much, Itaru-san.
ItaruYou’re welcome. Don’t mention it.
KumonHuh? What’s up with that plushie, Muku?
MukuI got it from Itaru-san.
It’s so adorable, isn’t it? Petting it feels really nice.
KumonOoh, I see!
Ahaha, the mane is fluffy too~.
TsumugiThat reminds me, you play a beastmaster in the upcoming play, don’t you?
MukuThat’s right. The lion in the show is called Leo, so I thought I’d give this little guy the same name.
TsumugiI see. Then this might help you prepare for your role.
CitronOhh, this cheese snack tastes so good~!
KumonI like this series too~!
*door opens*
MukuI’m home.
IzumiAh, Muku-kun. Welcome back.
TsuzuruWelcome home.
CitronEat some snacks with us, Muku!
Ah, but I need to visit Leo first…
I’m going to head to my room for a second.
*door closes*
CitronMuku and Leo have been attached at the hip lately.
They’re bosom buddies.[1]
KumonBosom buddies?
TsuzuruI haven’t heard that phrase in a long time.
*door opens*
MukuK-Kyu-chan, what do I do…!
KumonMuku? What’s wrong?
MukuLeo’s… Leo’s nowhere to be found…!
MukuHe was in my room before I left for school this morning though…
TsuzuruYou didn’t… bring him out with you, right?
MukuYeah. I swear I left him in my room before I went to school.
CitronI smell an incident.
KumonAn incident!?
TsuzuruAnyways, it would be better to look around inside the dorm, right?
IzumiRight. I’ll search with you too.
KumonMe too!
CitronI’ll go too!
MukuI really appreciate it…!
TsuzuruMmm, we took a look around, but we can’t find him.
CitronHe’s been ghosted away![2]
TsuzuruBy that you mean spirited away.
KumonSeriously, where did he go!?
IzumiBut if Muku-kun didn’t bring him out, then he has to be inside the dorm, doesn’t he?
Let’s search some more.
MukuNo… that’s enough already.
MukuI can’t ask all of you to help me any more than this…
So I’ll look for him by myself from here.
IzumiEh? But…
MukuPlease don’t worry about it!
Thank you so much for lending me a hand.
*door closes*
CitronHe left.
TsuzuruWell, for now, I guess we should keep a careful eye out in the dorm.
*knock, knock*
SakyoYeah, it’s open.
*door opens*
KumonExcuse me!
SakyoWhat the? If you’re lookin’ for Bon, he’s not here right now.
KumonThat’s not it!
I have a favour to ask you, Sakyo-san…!
SakyoA favour to ask me?
KumonSo you see—.
SakyoAhh? What the hell?
You really—.
SakyoGod, guess I have no choice…
You’re always takin’ care of Bon, after all.
TsuzuruYou really can’t find the plushie?
CitronRear up, Muku![3]
TsuzuruIt’s cheer.
*door opens*
KumonMuku! Look!
MukuKyu-chan? What’s the matter—.
CitronThat surprised me! A lion guest!?
TsuzuruUh, no, that lion is…
MukuC-could you be Leo, grown-up…?
Citron…I’ve heard this voice before.
TsuzuruCitron-san, shhh!
*door opens*
OmiAh, Muku, are you there?
Erm, this lion is…
TsuzuruUhh, did you need something?
This plushie is Muku’s, isn’t it?
Where in the world…!
OmiIt was buried with the laundry in the changing room.
MukuCome to think of it, I might have left him in the changing room when I went to brush my teeth this morning.
CitronThat’s great, Muku~!
MukuThank goodness…!
Thank you so much, Omi-san!
MukuHuh? But in that case, this lion is…
KumonS-so, like~…!
TsuzuruT-this lion must have told Fushimi-san where Leo was!? Right, Fushimi-san!
Y-yeah! That’s totally what happened.
MukuOh, really!
Thank you very much, Mr. Lion.
TsuzuruIt seems like it’s about time for the lion to head home too!
KumonLooks like it! I’ll see him out! Let’s go!
MukuMr. Lion…!
I really do appreciate it!
OmiSo, is the person in the suit actually…
KumonI seriously owe you one, Sakyo-san!
It looks like Muku cheered right up thanks to you!



  1. Citron says “ニコイチ” (nikoichi) which is a slang way to say “BFFs” or people who are really close. But it’s a bit outdated now, hence Tsuzuru’s comment and Kumon not knowing it.
  2. Citron originally says “ガム隠し” (gamukakushi), which Tsuzuru corrects as “神隠し” (kamigakushi: spirited away).
  3. Citron says “電気出す” (denki dasu: denki means electricity). which Tsuzuru corrects as “元気” (genki - part of 元気出す: cheer up).